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  1. L

    BHP mag loader !!!

    I have discovered that my arthritis is not making shoving rounds into my Browning a whole lot of fun. In fact...IT HURTS !!! Soooo.....time for a mag loader for the old geezer. :o Anyone have a pet one they like?
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    BHP doubling. Just had an idea THIS MORNING!!!

    30 years ago I had Bill Davis do a trigger job on my Browning Hi Power. AMAZINGLY good! He removed the mag "safety" :eek: as I told him to. Loved that trigger! But... in the RECENT past, I've had occasional doubling while shooting. I had reinstalled the ..."safety"....:( for possible legal...
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    Spring kit for J-frame?

    Woolf seems to have K-frame springs. I didn't see J-frame on their website. The mainspring looks pretty compressed and I'd hate to mess with ignition. What's a good way to lighten/speed the double action on a M63? :)
  4. L

    YAY for light loads!

    My ...usual... 45 loads are reduced loads that I use in my Colt Gold Cup. I also have a Government model but hadn't tried any of my pipsqueak wadcutters in it. So today... I switched recoil springs and took out the Govt with the light WC loads.... ..................and..................... It...
  5. L

    Reduced hardball loads for 45 ACP ?

    I have a Colt Govt and a Colt Gold Cup. I load target stuff in the Gold Cup. And factory hardball in the Govt. I'd like to make up some hardball reduced loads that would be as close as possible to the WC I use for target. Reason? Just to get some mild loads that would function in the Govt. The...
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    Fire setback bullets. Yay or nay?

    Took the 45 auto out yesterday. I noticed a couple of rounds shorter in the box than the others. Looked at them. The bullets in those rounds had set back. Undoubtedly from my cycling the same ones repeatedly while "fondling" the pistol. I looked up "Setback Bullet." The concensus at...
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    1911 ejection port question

    I have both the Govt and the Gold Cup. The GC has the extended grind ejection port and of course the govt does not. If for some silly reason I wanted to fire my puny target loads and used the lighter recoil spring, do you think I'd have any issues with the ejection port on the govt model? Thx. :)
  8. L

    Best way to get 1911 grip stud off of grip screw

    Got a 1911 that I was gonna remove grips and one screw comes out with stud attached. It still works like a grip screw but I'm screwing in the stud too. Tried pliering the stud but the screw is stuck in it and I don't want to bugger up the fine stud threads. Both are staying in the grip so I...
  9. L

    Does the Glock 21 toss the cases in your face?

    Some varying accounts that it tosses empties straight back. Fact or fiction? :confused:
  10. L

    Moving sight on 1911 Government with fixed sights.

    Is it as hard as it seems? I whacked the hell out of it with a hammer and brass rod and nothing moved. I whacked it HARD. :confused:
  11. L

    Would you shoot hardball in a Series 70 Gold Cup?

    I haven't yet shot any factory hardball in the Gold Cup. Curious as to am I just nuts? The Gold Cup is very accurate with my pipsqueak 3.5 gr. Bullseye, 185 gr WC loads. I have some hardball in the safe that I don't have a gun specifically for it. Thinking of using a heavier spring in the...
  12. L

    Strange EAR problem.

    I have VERY bad hearing. Gunshot induced from long long ago. (Tinnitus, of course and more damage, too.) Had to get hearing aids 4 years ago. I shoot my handguns VERY seldom now. And only 22. But.... I took out the 10/22 carbine last week and got more damage. I can tell by the way it...
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    Ruger New Model rear sight pin.

    It's not a roll pin. It's solid. I saw it coming out of the frame while shooting today. Pushed it in. What's the best way to KEEP it in? Rather not use Loctite but can if no better way. Also don't really want to peen the hole over. Thanks, :) DUH! Got the bright idea to Google it. BEND...
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    Going through old gun books.

    I have all the old Pistolero and Handgun Tests magazines. Ain't I special? :D
  15. L

    Any good gun magazines (books) still around?

    I like reading gun stuff on the pot. I used to subscribe to Guns & Ammo but it doesn't look like they're still around. American Rifleman is pretty ....meh Any suggestions for GENERAL gun mags? I picked up a copy of American Handgunner but would like to find some more that aren't seemingly for...
  16. L

    Ever have a 1911 Series 70 collet break?

    I haven't. Just checking. This was a supposed "issue" some years back. Supposedly the gripper fingers would break off. ???????????????? :confused::confused:
  17. L

    Dammit I've missed my single action.

    Never thought I'd say it, but it's true. Last one was a SAA Colt that I sold several years ago. Just got a Ruger New Blackhawk 45 convertible. Hot DANG! My hands have missed the old hogleg! :D I have zipteen other guns both revolvers and autos. But NOW...... I got the COWBOY gun...
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    Georg Luger

    I have GOT to ask. Was "Georg" pronounced with a hard G at the end like "frog" or with a soft g like we're used to with "George" Washington? Vital need to know. :D:D:D:D
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    Talking to cops AFTER a shootout. (hypothetical)

    First, I ...was.. a victim of an armed robbery. Many decades ago. Luckily there was no gunplay and they left with loot and I left with my life. But.... last night...after all these years... I had a nightmare of an armed robbery. ..again. :( There was shooting. I'd guess a "good shoot" as I...
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    Ruger New Model Blackhawk loading gate issue.

    I recently got a Ruger 45 Convertible. After the wait period, I went out to sight it in and the cylinder would not rotate with rounds in it.. Or them.... Being that neither the 45 Colt nor the ACP would work. I took it home and looked closely and the loading gate bottom protrudes just a...