Search results

  1. 5

    Interesting way to level scope reticle...

    Maybe this should technically be in the Smithy, but I thought it may be of interest here to some members that don't frequent that board. We all know that the scope reticle does need to be close to being as level with the bore of the rifle as possible. Granted, it doesn't have to precise for...
  2. 5

    Bolt/Breach gap

    Ok, I did a build on a savage 110 a year or so ago. Rifle shoots amazing. Shoots consistantly under .75 moa groups with cheap federal powershok ammo. BTW, though that is about as cheap as ammo gets it's still very accurate cheap ammo. Question is this. I want to get into reloading because I...
  3. 5

    Is there a best .270 Win powder/primer combo?

    I CAN afford to experiment, but can being able to afford means doing without other things (like tithing and beer). That being said, I will probably shoot between 130 and 150 grains (more in the 130 -140 range than anything) out of a 19" barrel. Use mostly higher BC bullets, sierra match or the...
  4. 5

    Taurus actually worth a D...???

    Let me open by saying I am biased and conditioned by what I've heard/read about taurus products from others. I don't, nor have I ever, own one. I'm not telling anyone out there that they are junk because I frankly don't know. I have heard from others that at times they are less than desirable...
  5. 5

    1894 in .45-70

    I found one NIB for 550 or so today. The gun store owner (whom I do trust somewhat and don't think he would rip me off, he gave me a bunch of stuff when I got back from Iraq) said that it's a limited edition of 1000 made with a 50/50 round/octagon barrel. Serial # is 000000009**, so I don't...
  6. 5

    short-reamed barrels, and hand reamer?

    Anyone ever ordered a short-reamed barrel and finished it for headspace with a hand-reamer? Just asking what's feasible. I've heard of people ordering short reamed barrels and fitting themselves, and they didn't have a lathe(?). I'm still trying to figure this one out myself.
  7. 5

    gun finishes 101...

    This isn't the normal question for gun finishes, I've searched the forum archives and have enough experiance to sort of know what's going on with this one. I am traversing decently enough in the functional level of begginer gunsmithing, well with bolt guns anyway. What I have yet to really get...
  8. 5

    MAYBE a fix for AR spring chatter.

    We all know the sound. Some even like the sound. Or so I've heard. After a couple of minutes of careful inspection I finally figured out where most of the grit feel and sound in the action comes from. Ok, well I already knew about the sound but today I realized that the bolt carrier makes...
  9. 5

    Bipods on a hard surface...

    Probably shouldn't take up the electrons with this but I thought I would do a public service anouncement. I just built a rifle, pretty darn proud of it too, except it was shooting more in the 1.25 MOA range and I was getting kinda disappointed with that. Sure factory ammo, not shooting from a...
  10. 5

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... Rapid firing better than slow???

    Anyone know what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot means? Anywho, moving on... I do not claim to be the greatest pistelero in the universe, nor will I ever. I can hit what I'm shooting at (mostly), I can even do it fairly quickly... but I can't group worth a crap. What is my deal. I carry a compact baby...
  11. 5

    Oh No!!! Another Question About Glass!

    I'm sorry gents. I don't mean to subject you to the daily "which scope should I buy" question. Again I apoligize. At least I'm not trying to buy a 6-24x50 with turrets and sunshades for under 100 dollars, at least I'm staying away from that trend. I'm actually pretty savvy with good quality...
  12. 5

    Security System break down.

    I don't know why I haven't posted this before, but another thread got me thinking about this so I decided to fill every one in on what I know. I don't profess to be the all knowing guru, but I will give you my perspective of the industry... First off, let me say that security systems do serve a...
  13. 5

    Finished my project... finally.

    So since I've gotten out of the Marine Corps I've been roaming around from project to project trying to keep myself entertained. I finally settled on one semi-big project that I'm getting sort of proud of. Since my old stock Savage 111 in 7 rem mag was basically nothing but a 2 shot tops deer...
  14. 5

    Stock build... turning a left into a righty?

    Long story short, I'm building a rifle right now (first build) and I have been looking for a nice stock for it. I'm trying to save as much money as possible, but I don't want something that looks retarded. I had almost settled on finding a piece of wood and carving it out myself as the style I...
  15. 5

    Help with savage barrels

    I actually have 2 questions... 1. I have an older savage 111 (not too old, maybe made in 2000) in 7mm rem mag. Does anyone make custom barrels AT A REASONABLE PRICE for savages? I'm trying to make a 250 dollar rifle into a 800 dollar rifle and am mechanically inclined within reason. Like the...
  16. 5

    Baby Desert Eagle

    New to plastic guns but finally went out and bought one. Because I was in the mood for something new and I'm me I went and bought something original. I looked high and low and finally found a baby desert eagle at the PX on Lejeune for right at 500 out the door. I'm bored and I can't go to sleep...
  17. 5

    Concealed Carry + New Toy

    Alright, call me old-fashioned or quirky. So what if I don't like striker fired pistols, or if I really want a good old-fashioned MANUAL SAFETY?! I understand the simplicity aspect of being able to use common sense (finger straight and off the trigger, ect.) and not require a manual safety. Just...
  18. 5

    Sig or HK

    Real quick... I've never shot either of them. My experiance is limited to an M9 or 1911s. My preriquisites... Must be .45, easy to carry concealed, SA/DA with manual safety (or at least a decocker), must be able to fit a suppresor should the need arise, and of course should be reliable enough to...
  19. 5

    Cz 97?

    I was toying around the other day and all of a sudden I got the urge to buy a new gun. I guess sort of a going away present to myself for deploying to Iraq, not to mention I'll have something to look forward to coming home to. Anyhow, I have been in search far and wide for what I want in a...
  20. 5

    EAA witness P-carry?

    I've found one of these pistols for what I think may be a reasonable price, but I have no experiance with Witness. Are they reliable, that's most important. Are they accurate, that's a close #2. I would like to find a range that has them and rent one but they're not exactly in huge demand, so...