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  1. 5

    Parkerize bolt or not...

    The rifle will probably never have any collector value. It's a yugo 24/47... was basically rearsenaled and dipped in cosmoline from what I understand of it's history. Even though it has no collector value, I want to keep it original (or true to it's time) in appearance. BTW, it is numbers...
  2. 5

    I have a new project, finally, thank you (input welcome)

    So I was going to wait until I got my new toy and could take some pictures before I started this, but the excitement is KILLING me. I have had some great gun project successes in the past... and, well, I've had some nasty failures. I think I'm going to make this a success, as I'm due one. Never...
  3. 5

    Rear dovetail sight too small for notch, plus other key questions...

    Hi gang. I have an Astra falcon circa 1957. I have the .22lr slide/barrel, and the .32acp slide barrel for it. It's pretty darn nice to have a somewhat barely competant defense caliber for easy carry along with a nice .22lr plinker. Here's the thing. My .32 slide/barrel will function fairly...
  4. 5

    What's up with MidwayUSA?

    I use to use Midway for everything and I swear they used to have the best deals on the net. Is it me or are their prices creeping up higher than ALOT of other online retailers? Sorry for the rant, but it's been ticking me off lately because I'm pretty loyal to midway. Not for long if I keep...
  5. 5

    Fired my pistol in SD tonight...

    So yeah, happy 4th of July. I had one of the greatest training excercises that *could've* gotten ugly tonight. Everything turned out well, thank God, but I did get a chance to see how my carry method works in real life stress. Anyway, I'm walking through the subdivision with the GF, her kids...
  6. 5

    Astra Pistol Range Report... :)

    This one is 53 years in the making. I'm not talking about the Newer Astra A-100 or whatever they have. I am in fact talking about the good old Astra Falcon. Most of you may have never even heard of this gun. Many more of you may have heard of it but have never seen one. Well, with no further...
  7. 5

    Treating wounded in SD situation...

    I'm from the mindset that I will do anything to preserve human life that I possibly can. Taking one doesn't feel all that great, but if it comes down to protecting myself or others I've already been forced to make my peace with that issue. Basically, if you are CC'ing and are forced to use your...
  8. 5

    What the heck is up with SKS prices?

    They've more than doubled in a couple of years... or they have on GB at least. Some of these clowns are selling sks's for 350!!!:eek::eek::eek: What gives man... I could understand MAYBE paying 200, or 220. That's top end. After all, it IS an SKS. Good rifles but their greatest value was always...
  9. 5

    Shot my first .357 magnum today!!!

    Believe it or not, I was raised around guns, have used them in what you guys call "social work" in foreign lands which I wish to never re-visit, have always hunted, and always been a bit of a gun nut. I have NEVER shot a .357 mag revolver until today. I do a wee bit of custom and repair work on...
  10. 5


    Wheeler Engineerings' Cerema-coat, that is. I just wanted to post this because I've used it and I like it, so far. It's much cheaper than duracoat if you're going to do 1 or 2 guns as it comes in a spray can... you don't have to have an airbrush. I can't say that I've really run my guns through...
  11. 5

    Accurized Nagant???

    I did a brief search, maybe not good enough. The question is simple... I have a savage right now that will shoot .5moa with factory ammo. No I'm not BSing, I have nothing to prove to anyone here. I'm just letting you know the base point. I could probably sale this savage for near 1k dollars...
  12. 5

    The Super Uber Solution to all the Uber Stupid 1911 Vs. Glock threads

    I've decided to become a fanboy so I can get into the flame wars. I have the ultimate solution to the great debate of the Glock Vs. 1911. Since becoming a fanboy, I've decided they both should be obsolete.... What was not to love? IWI had figured out how to get the ballistics of the .40S&W...
  13. 5

    Every one has finally convinced me...

    Of the ultimate inferiority of the M16 platform, and of the utter uselessness of the .223/5.56. The great land that brought us the advent of nuclear weapons, stealth fighters and bombers, men walking on the moon, and many other achievments too numerous to list... is using a completely inferior...
  14. 5

    Best quality .22lr ammo

    CCI tall brass is too hot. I need something along the lines of good ol' remington thunderbolt for a semi-auto pistol. It's blowback operated and the CCI tall brass was a tad too tall. It didn't seat fully in the chamber, and firing caused the base to swell up. Not only could this cause serious...
  15. 5

    Astra Falcon Parts...

    Does anyone know where I can find parts for this? I could have a complete 3-caliber set if I could a barrel in .380. From what I hear, that could fetch quiet a pretty penny. Anyone have any hope. BTW, I've already tried e-gun parts, midway, brownells, etc. No dice.
  16. 5

    Never show your cards and don't bluff...

    The title of my thread is just that. I'll paint the picture below and I would like some debate on my question... I recently facilitated in the identification and prosecution of a group that commited a crime. They also got a DUI on top of the crime. Needless to say, I'm not their favorite person...
  17. 5

    S&W 65-4 firing pin...

    Where would I find one? It's for a former owned by a correctional department pistol. They took the firing pin when the de-issued it.
  18. 5

    Astra Falcon (4000)

    Anyone ever heard of it/shot it? Is it anything close to reliable, or just a fun plinker? I have the opportunity to buy one with the .25 barrel group and the .32 acp barrel group. I haven't discussed the price, but would anyone here own it?
  19. 5

    As if we needed one more thread on "is this caliber enough?"

    Well, that's not what this thread is for. This thread is for me to personally come out and express my vote of no confidence in the .32 S&W long. Don't get me wrong folks, I've been of the mindset to "own what you will carry, even if it's only a .22" for the past 5 years. I think the caliber...
  20. 5

    My new project... what should I do???

    Well... since I was thinking of another project since I finished my last one much has happened. I got out of the USMC in April of 2007. I got married in August of 2007. My wife left November of 2007. Let me tell you that all of this SUCKS!!! Anyway, just wanted to explain why I haven't been...