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  1. M

    M995 5.56mm

    I was told there was alot of knowlageable people here. So tell me can you get M995 5.56 and if so whare?
  2. M

    !!! It's time for DEADLY FORCE?? !!!

    Dont you think if it was legal for any body to carry any weapon of choice to protect them self and there proprity. (even do an assault/ambush like in my last thread) basicly do what ever you saw fit do get to catch or if nessasary KILL the low life crimnals... there would be ALOT less crime in...
  3. M

    Citizen's Arrest... Should I or not? I sure want to!!

    Cidecin Arrest... Should I or not? I shure want to!! Ok, this is the story. I moved into my house about 2 years ago. In that time my cars have been broke into 4 times. I have reason to belive that it is the same people or person doing this. The last time my car was broken in to was between...
  4. M

    A NeW Full AUTO laW?

    What do we have to do to legaly own a ful auto weapon? I beleve law biding folks should be able to own at least 1 ful auto weapon. We all know that criminals can get them with little effort. I am thinking of writing to congress about this. It would be legal to own 1 full auto weapon if... 1)A...