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  1. M

    Is the forum "thining out"?

    **Is the forum becoming less active?** Is it just me, or does the average views and replies of most threads seem to be going down? :confused:
  2. M

    (UPDATE) From

    I just got this e-mailed to me today. We have put the Swiss 63 grain suitcases on sale. Very nice arsenal sealed 720 round "suitcase" $129 Delivered.(very nice pictures on the website) We have plenty of the Lake City Military 223 (55 grain) We also have plenty of the Russian. The SS109 (green...
  3. M

    AR-15 Lube Question?

    I was wondering what lube you guys use and how much? I use "Gun slick" black grease on the heavy moving parts and Rem Oil on the lighter moving parts.(ie. trigger, rings, fire pin) I put a good amount of grease on the Bolt Cam Pin. That thing realy seams to take a beating. Does this sound...
  4. M

    Range Practice (Making you're self an efficient shooter)

    When you guys/gals go to the range, and are planing on having a serous session. DO you... A: Practice good quick targeting with a good quick (kill area) shot or 10. (assault/defence style) B: Practice extreme accurate open sight or scoped shots. (getting the best group you posibly can time...
  5. M

    Whats the BIGGEST anti gun web site you know of?

    I want to E-mail them with this question. "Why must we ALL have to give up our guns and have so many restrictions because of a few people that commit crimes with them"? Think about it. How many guns and gun owners are there in the U.S.? In the millions? Compare that to how many people use guns...
  6. M

    If the AW ban dies in 2004....?

    Does this mean we can put all of the goodies back on our guns? Just think, in new production brand new HI CAP MAGS!! Flash hiders and all the other stuff we SHOULD have right now. Also I bet prices will drop alot too.:)
  7. M

    (AS REQUESTED) XM193 5.56X45mm photo's from!!

    It's finaly here!!:D The brass looks ugly and in the 1st box I opend there is a small dent in a few of the rounds. But nothig to worry about. But any way here are the pics! I guess this stuff is real good though. Any body ever use it?
  8. M

    When it comes to new gun laws and laws made in the past "1994".

    Is the 2nd ever even brought up? Or do thay disregard it? Do thay just say "look at all of the crimes guns were involved in" and then everyone just votes yes? Also, how close was the 94' AW ban form not passing? I mean, take a look at the shootings. Somone could do this with a single shot "NO...
  9. M

    Just the facts "JACK"!! (The shootings)

    Lets all pool together all the facts. (we minght need to do some diggin!) 1) We know it's the .223 doing all of the killing A:Thay have found casings.B:The wound profile and examined bullets match the .223. Also we minght be able to figure out how far the shooter was. Here is my theory...
  10. M

    So does this mean the "END" of the .223/5.56?

    After all of these .223 shootings, I have a very bad feeling that the "ANTI'S" will go for an all out ban or somthing to that effect for not only the AR but but the .223 as well.:barf: Thay have already given the public miss information about the AR and .223 since this all started. From the...
  11. M

    Do the "ANTI'S" come here looking for info? If you're an ANTI-GUN person (Click Here)

    Hi, if you are an anti gun person and are reading this: You have come to the right place to get a good education about firearms. I hope we can change you're mind. :) Guns are a tool. Guns dont kill people other people kill people. A gun can't shoot itself. It takes a person to aim and shoot a...
  12. M

    I wonder if the SHOOTINGS are TERRORIST related?!?!

    Do you think thay would attack us this way? So far thay have used bombs, planes, anthrax and I think computer hacking. We all know thay are not afraid to die for there cause. You have to admit it does have alot of people living in fear. And that is, one of there main objectives. Who ever is...
  13. M

    Now (maby) 6 DEAD from the .223 shooter! (Rifle related subject)

    I just got done watching CNN coverage on the killings. First off I cant remember a case whare thay came out in public with a list of weapons (maby) used in random acts of violence such as this. The media likes to "JAZZ" stuff like this up and use the words "assault rifle". Do you ever see...
  14. M

    Do you think the California weapons ban will last?

    Isn't this agenst the constitution and the bill of rights? I mean I would (edit) a brick if Mn pulled this kind of (edit) on me. (edit) = bad words:)
  15. M

    Just bought (on-line) 500 rounds of XM193 5.56 from

    Any body bought ammo from these guys? Are thay relyable? I gave them the benifit of the dought, and used a credit card. I payed $109.oo for 500 rounds. I think this was a good deal. I heard the M193 stuff thay have is real nice, and loaded hot. From this point on I am going to shoot my M4...
  16. M

    PMC .223 ammo....

    Am I the only one here that thinks PMC .223 ammo is crap? Last weekend when I got to the 1000 round point with my M4, I was using PMC ammo. It shot inconsistent, it felt weak it smelled funny and was sticky. I think from here on out I am going to stick with military ammo and maby UMC. From...
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    The 1st 1000 rounds through the M4 today.

    Yep, I finaly did it, 1000 rounds.:) And never had any kind of malfunction of any kind. Any way, I thought I would pull the RAS off clean and inspect the whole rifle. That and I wanted to get it ready for the hunting season. It's a good thing I did because there was alot of crap in areas that I...
  18. M

    )V(iGhTy )V(oUsE (the five five six)

    For all who think the 5.56/.223 is under powered or just was wondering about how the cartrage performs. Hopfully this can help set the record streight. Comparing the .45, 5.56, and the 7.63x39 .45 ACP This particular profile is that of an early .45ACP 185gr. Silvertip Winchester @ 940...
  19. M

    So who knows the COOK-OFF point of the AK-47?

    Just wondering.:)
  20. M

    M4 Carbine Question... (extreme conditions) Military or Exmilitary Should Know This.

    How many rounds can be continuously fired before the barrel becomes "too hot"? And if the rifle were to be submerged, what is the best was to clear the water from the barrel before you shoot or does water even need to be cleared from the barrel?