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  1. M

    Isn't freedom great!

    Tonight I went out and bought the final component on the M4's list of accessories. As I was looking around, I noticed somthing I've never seen before. Short barrel rifles, flash suppressors, bayonet lug barrels, and 30 rounds mags, in a big retail store, Sportsmans Warehouse. It was great. No...
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    M4/M4A1 Carbine with M-68 and PAQ-4 in Afghanistan. A Hands-On Report.

    Quick, good read. orig page HERE This is the first time I've written anything here. The following is just a collection of my observations on the effectiveness of the M-4 with it's current standard-issue systems based on my experiences here in Khandahar province. For starters, I'd like to...
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    XM8 VS. M16/M4 and 5.56 VS. 6.8SPC what's next...?

    This thing is going to replace the M16 and M4? :confused: You gotta be kidden me... :rolleyes: Full page: HERE :rolleyes: How could this thing, even on it's best day play the role of a "light machine gun" up agesnt a SAW, or an M60E4 for example. Is this just another one of those...
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    Guns + Tax Retuirns = More Guns

    So what are you guys going to be getting with you're tax retuirns. I dont think I'm going to be getting back enough to buy a MK 23, M4 shot gun or an M82A1, so I think I'll just just get a few accesories, and maby a case of ammo...
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    You're Favoret Black Rifle Set Up?

    Whats you're favoret AR-15 set up, and why? If you have pictures, be shure to show'em off!
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    The Ideal Rifle...

    THE IDEAL RIFLE... Real good reading. It supports what I believe is the ideal rifle. Enjoy.
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    Beretta Model 87 Target pistol Chambered for .22LR Comes with 2 single stack 10 round mags 2 front sights 6" barrel Goes for about $530.00 WOW, what a pistol!!! For 2 years I used a Smith & Wesson 22A pistol for my hunting / range gun. Well, this summer it broke for the last time. It was time...
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    The More I Read The Crazyer It Gets!!!

    So I'm reading threads through out the forum, and I sware some are just waiting to get into a gun fight. You dont need 5 guns hiden through out you're car, and one on the hip...You just don't. Why not just go out and get a Hummer with a .50 out the roof, and a TOW missle on the side :rolleyes...
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    I want one!!!!! You gotta see this!!!

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    Mk23 Socom

    Does any one here own one? And is it worth the $2000.00?
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    M4 Combat shotgun

    I am looking for a semi-auto shot gun for hunting. When I ruirned 18 my grandpa gave me his old one, and it still works ok, but is getting kinda tired. I've been looking at the M4 combat. Does any one own one? Do you like it?
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    .223 / .556 am I alone on this one?

    I just got through reading, and posting on the .223 sissy thread. I personally love the 5.56 M4/M16 system. I hunt, and target practice with my M4 as much as time, and money, will allow. I have never had problems killing game, and I can hit a water bottle using the M68 AimPoint at 250 yards...
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    Open Fire?

    You're out walking down the street one night and somone pulls up yo you and opens fire on you with a paint ball gun. What would you do. I just saw some footage on T.V. that just pissed me off. Then I asked my self what if that happend to me?
  14. M

    How Can This Happen? How do Law makers get away with this?

    First off I'd like to say, ANYBODY who tries to change the constitution or bill of rights should be DEPORTED!! :mad: (period) No acceptions!! So I thought I'd take a stroll the the "library" section of the forum to see whats in there. Then I clicked on "The Bill of Rights" and started reading...
  15. M

    Bush Master M4 Barrel Question.

    Ok, I'll set my pride aside and admit I screwed up my M4 barrel when I took of the sight tower.(some may know what I'm talking about) :mad: :o :( Any way, I dont want to go through Knights for a barrel. (them guys are a pain) Could somone give me some information on the Bush Master "B MP...
  16. M

    In the aftermath of the sniper shootings. So what will be banned first?

    Do you guus think thay will ban the .223 or AR-15 rifles because of this? I know there will be some HUGE fights but, I don't see any bans because of the shootings. I could be wrong though. :( The reason I believe this is because anybody could have done this with any semi-auto or bolt action...
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    Bowling For Columbine (movie)?!! took in a press screening this week and offers this report: Michael Moore's first documentary in five years should spark debate and divide audiences: His take on America's violent, gun-toting ways likely will leave firearm advocates angry and their opponents pleased. The film...
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    How Far is Too Far? Are we close to a revolutionary war?

    Now thay are talking about spy planes flying over our cities and the military marching through the streets. What next? I think the general public doesn't even care. So why should we at TFL care? Are people like us the only ones who still care about the constitution and what it stands for...
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    Somthing very strange happend to me contacting Knights Armament!!

    Since I bought my rifle I have contacted Knights two times. Both were for barrel qurstions. X=numbers The fist time.... E-mail ____________________________________________________ Hi, I bought you're SR-15-M4. I was wondering if you could tell me the.. barrel twist rate and what kind of ammo...
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    *TACTICOOL* JunK! vs. Useful Rifle Accessories

    You have to admit, there is a SEA of accessories for assault type and not so assault rifles, that are suppose to help you shoot better, get on you're target faster fit you're body better and load faster. But witch ones work and witch are a waist of money? So what have you guys used? How did it...