Search results

  1. I

    Do you prefer any guns chambered in 9x18?

    Are any of them preferable (to you) in terms of features, reliability, carry size or anything else? As a guy fairly new to handguns, bought five since mid-April. From my perspective the reliability, size and rugged design, plus possibility of more import bans gives them lots of appeal. Also...
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    Consider Krav-Maga etc to supplement a handgun?

    The man who bought our east Memphis home years ago barely resisted an attempted home invasion in May, as "C" stepped out of the car in the garage (about 10:00 PM). Luckily his wife was ahead of him in the kitchen, and not vice versa (just imagine). This former career pilot retired a few years...
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    Did you go on a handgun-buying 'streak'?

    It must have been glitches with some of my first: a WW2 Mauser Hsc with issues, and a '80 PPK/S, which needed a new mag and weaker Wolff spring. Suddenly, the very stark contrast in reliability and ruggedness among eastern Euro types made a really strong impression. With my first Makarov and...
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    Polish P-83 future spare parts?

    Just bought this excellent, rugged gun with a really good DA pull (similar to EG Makarov). It's my first Polish, and though only fifty rds. were used, seems just as reliable as my three Maks. Are the chances pretty high that we won't import any more of these nice guns or spare parts...
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    The Polish P-83 trigger bar is visible in advert. photos?

    It is clear on almost all of those offered on GB, or on Google "group photos". I don't remember seeing it on three friends' P-64s, so why is it exposed on the 83? Maybe the trigger bar is not what it appears to be, and I have only seen this when a slide is removed from my Sig 232, Makarovs etc...
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    Clean handgun after each session, even 50 rds.?

    Clean handgun after each session, even 50 rds. per gun? The objective of this question is to evaluate the minimum frequency needed to avoid corrosion or allow dependable function. Typically I shoot no more than fifty rds. per session. Among my three Makarovs and CZ-82, none will be used as a...
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    New CZ-82/83 mag from Czech-USA tough to seat.

    It was manufactured in Uhersky Brod and imported by CZ-USA in Kansas City. The original mag in the gun is simple to seat, but this brand-new ten rounder requires a very short slam from a fist to fully seat. When released it to really jumps out. Is this fairly common with the newer 82 mags from...
  8. I

    Are your shirts long enough to conceal first OWB?

    Other than making multiple trips to an Academy etc, wearing several sports shirts (you already have), how can you estimate that you can 'wear' into a cafe, and sit down without the appearance of a holster being revealed? My only carry,, so to speak, has been in the car console, but that doesn't...
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    Local comm. Russ. Mak vs. online Mak.

    For an alternative concealed carry gun, would most people prefer a worn Bulgy (i.e. now at Aimsurplus) vs. a comm. Russian which is in excellent shape-very little visible wear? In other words, isn't it more practical to carry a gun which has already lost cosmetic appeal versus the same type...
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    DA trigger pull/recoil of Cz 82 or Rus./Bulg. Makarov?

    A gent at our club is selling a group of these which were in his brother's estate. Is the DA/recoil of either type very similar to my ('80) German .380 PPK, or possibly stronger, as with the Polish P-64? It has been a while since trying a friend's Russian Mak and the memory is mixed with the...
  11. I

    Does Silver Bear .380 A. function well in a Sig 232/PPK?

    As this would be only practice ammo, any questions about accuracy at 10-15 feet is not an issue. Not a concern for my Sig or German PPK. Does the S.B. feed/fire ok in typical semi-auto handguns? The current .25/rd. price indicated on Gunbot is what initiated this question. Quite often the...
  12. I

    How strong is the Walther P5 recoil? Handling?

    Also curious about the P5 Compact. I'm still sort of a novice with handguns. The strongest recoil among my handguns is the .380 PPK, and is Not bad-a fair bit better than friends' Polish P-64:(. The only recent experience with a 9mm Luger handgun is the Beretta 92fs, but the handling/feel of...
  13. I

    How would you describe the Makarov's recoil?

    My memory of the Russian is not clear at all, although it seemed less harsh than friends' Polish P-64 (only chambered in 9x18). But how much better? The recoil of my PPK in .380 is not bad: a fair bit better than the P-64, though stronger than the Sig 232. Does anybody here have experience...
  14. I

    PPK double feed with Rem. ammo.

    The gun was "Made In W. Germany". Most of the time a case seemed to be chambered with the slide jammed by a second round. The gun is in excellent condition, and with Remington these are about every fourth/fifth round. The private shooting club manager checked the extractor and found it to be...
  15. I

    PPK/S dated to '80: possibly former police gun?

    "Made In West Germany" is inscribed/roll-stamped. With the very tiny IA inscription just below the slide, that date is indicated when checked against number codes at "Walther Forums". The condition is so good that it appears to have had limited use, and I can't imagine that it mostly was stored...
  16. I

    Is much bluing lost to concealed carry sweat?

    The gun I had planned on carry has been the stainless Sig 232. It is often carried in the car. Now having a really nice blued, first PPK in the gun family, it is apparent in another discussion that any concealed carry results in a clear loss of bluing on handguns. Does frequent rubbing with a...
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    How much oil is applied to the hammer/trigger parts?

    I can't remember anybody describing this. Acquired first handgun less than two years ago, prev. being just a milsurp rifle guy. In order to avoid attracting extra gunk and dust, is it only sprayed for a tiny split second out of the thinnest plastic tube at very Infrequent intervals (then wiped...
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    Max. ammo weight on upper floor? 3 or 2 cans thick?

    A friend recently cautioned me about having three layers of filled (with .303/8x57 etc) .50 cal ammo cans in an upstairs room. So I spread them out in order to have them only two cans deep. This home was built about ten years ago and newer homes down south do not seem nearly as strong as they...
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    Is raw linseed oil a benefit to any milsurp wood?

    As Loew's does not have it, nor the woodworking store (both have only Boiled linseed), a Loew's saleslady told me about flaxseed oil at Wholefoods, as it is raw linseed. Google confirmed this. Anyway, I've just begun a weekly habit of using it on my Enfield stocks. Never before have I rubbed...
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    Compare the PPK .380 recoil with Sig 232 etc?

    Having read for many hours about the PPK, Sig 232 (bought one) and Bersa Thunder .380 (the rental impressed me), how would you describe just the recoil of the typical PPK? Considering the French version, which was produced until '86: proofed/tested "Made in West Germany", or Interarms if it is a...