Search results

  1. I

    Do few AR guys trade a typical 20" upper for a 16"?

    There's a unique appeal with a friend's original Colt, which has the 20" barrel. It's not the carry handle or the look, but the much better sight distance and accuracy. All of my shooting is with iron sights, at least while the eyes hold up. Retiring March 29th. Edited: the upper is the 16" on...
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    Tula silver bi-metal Bullet coating wear, not cases.

    This only concerns the silvery bullet coatings with .223 or 7.62x39 in chrome-lined bores (or regular bores: some info is better than none:cool:). It has Nothing to do with the cases/shells. Most of my ammo is Wolf, a small fraction Tula, both copper jacket and silver bi-metal. Frequent...
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    "Czech" AK mags: probably VZ-58 mags?

    A lady with many types of rifle/handgun mags was at the small Memphis gun show today. She told me that some were "Czech". This was a new origin to me, having read about Pol., Hun. (I have three "Tankers"), Bulgarian, maybe Romanian. If the Czechs and Slovakians replaced their AKs with the...
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    Best glue for a large wooden chip back into the stock?

    There is no ready explanation for how this 1" x 2" long wedge came off the Mak 90's stock by the tang yesterday. Never dropped, hit, scraped etc. Bizarre. Found the chunk today, on the ground at the club, between the front and back benches.:) Anyway, this very light brown stock might be walnut...
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    HK P9: decocking lever in the way of a lefty's trigger finger?

    Although I've never handled one--and the nice guns are pricey, being rare--all photos suggest that the decocking lever would be a bit of an obstacle for a left-handed shooter. Nobody on the same 'thread' over at 'THR' has clarified this. Obstacle-or not?:(
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    Optimism in the economy? Gun sales.

    With the recent recovery of the US stock market to record highs, is this likely to help gun sales, which might have begun a gradual post-election slump? I'm not selling anything, just wanting to understand the various factors. If you exclude the bizarre, irrational regulations in states such...
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    LaRue trigger parts-separate, or a completed trigger Group?

    My original question at THR describes my search for a trigger Group-completed, One unit. The objective (for a family member gift) is a single-stage trigger group, shipped in One Unit from a factory, better than milspec for approx. $120 or less. A few responses concerning various trigger brands...
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    Could Trump force the ATF to 'modify' 922r rules?

    He might not have the time or motivation to really care, amidst a very heavy workload, but imagine the possibilities. This is only part of my 'dream list', but it could be informative to read you guys'/gals' (50CalVal etc) more seasoned perspectives. On the other hand, he might be influenced...
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    Post-election gun prices even a bit lower?

    It would seem that the reverse of 2008 is possible.:) Trump might want to demonstrate that he actually is pro-Sec. Amendment after so much NRA support. There have been low prices on AR rifles and components, and now with very little reason for Any anxiety which was anticipated. Even bulk ammo...
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    Makarov: how many pulls lighten the DA pull?

    Bought the Russian .380, Bulgarian and my first EG over a year ago. All in excellent condition and rock-solid reliable, with either the 380 or 9x18 mags in each. Tried 80-100 pulls on ether the Bulgy or Russian with nothing different noticed. Whichever experience you have is probably reflected...
  11. I

    What distinguishes VEPRs from other AK clones?

    No buddies or people I've been near at the shooting club seem to have had any. Other than resembling the Chinese Mak 90, any benefits of owning the rifles/shotguns are a mystery. All of my AK derivatives are in the original config.: Saiga .223 & 7.62x39, Maadi 'ARM' and Mak 90. Scopes etc...
  12. I

    Is all Wolf/Tula/*Bear now mfg. with bi-metal bullets?

    My stockpile of Russian/Ukr. .223 and 7.62x39 began a few years ago-for retirement next year. Some reports at both SKSboards and THR suggest that such newer bullets accelerate bore wear, but as to how much faster seems difficult to quantify. Almost all of my ammo is copper-jacketed, and some...
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    Off-duty Braz. police: which handgun(s)?

    Having watched several camera videos on a self-defense Youtube channel (Active Self-protection?) prompts me to wonder not only which type(s), but chamberings. The narrator is a youngish guy who debriefs us on lessons learned or mistakes by the defender. More than a few videos are from Brazil...
  14. I

    Does my S&W AR Sport II have the M2 buttstock?

    Stock factory rifle, bought 'nib' retail about two months ago. The Owner's Manual, as with a few Google excerpts, only states "collapsible". I can't really get used to the short stock (fully extended) and Midway has a Choate 1&1/4" recoil pad which would extend it, but these only fit M2s. If...
  15. I

    Is just One spare AR lower mostly for spare parts?

    If you have all of the rifles which you plan to own (retire next Mar.), but only one AR, is the primary reason for having a spare lower only in case of future bans? If that is a normal reason, this shouldn't happen in TN, unless imposed by future Supreme Court rulings or possibly by the ATF...
  16. I

    An AK clone is 'reliable' after how many th. rds?

    This question was begun at SKSboards soon after I acquired my first AK clone, a Maadi "ARM" a few month ago. The 'ARMs' imported by Knox are usually considered to be a safer bet than some of the Maadi "MISR" variety imported by Knox. I already had two all-original Saigas (.223 & 7.62x39), which...
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    D&H 20-rd. (.223) AR mags...extinct?

    No longer in production, or will supplies (now on order) remain behind the present demand? Any guesses don't cost anything.... Being brand-new to the AR rifle, ergonomics have more appeal (61 years old) than 'normal capacity' mags. This is the primary reason I also bought two 20-rd. Hungarian...
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    A 'problem' now, using SKSboards....? Strange.

    If language is always clean, no arguments were started, maybe a vague political comment was made... Why would there be a ban, "not set to expire"? Picked up this New company Micro. Tablet/Surface last night--------- It's really strange, and with my wife changing e-mail passwords since I went...
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    How does the ATF learn about 922r violations?

    The question (at least in this example) applies to specific semi-auto sporting rifles imported with a 5-rd. (limit) mag., even Saiga 10-rounders etc. Taking a 20-rd. magazine along to the private club range and alternating it with the small 5-rd. mag would not attract any attention. Nobody...
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    How often have you used an AR fwd. assist?

    As a 61 yr-old first-time owner who recently bought the S&W M&P Sport II, the question is idle curiosity. I learn by asking dumb questions. Just watched for a second time "hickok45" taking a few shots with his S&W Sport, which is the model with No fwd. assist or dust cover. As most of us clean...