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  1. P

    Scope bite: Will it damage the scope?

    Since a lot of us have been bitten by riflescopes (scope hits the face due to recoil), I've been asking myself: Will scopebite damage a scope's rear end (adjustable optics), or are all scopes harder than our faces and safety glasses?
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    Ever hit your forehead with your scope (honestly)? happened to me today. I had to get into a weird shooting position which I would never have chosen myself, but it was part of a training session I had to attended. And then, bang, the scope on the rifle I have shot often and well before hit me on the forehead. The good news is: Shooting and...
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    Which O/U Single Trigger all-around Shotgun for hunting?

    I'm getting into shotgun hunting and clayshooting. All I have is 35 year old TOZ 34EP with a double trigger. The Problem is that my hands are small and my index-finger is very short. That's great for precision rifle shooting but a true handycap with double-triggers that are exactly 1 inch...
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    How do you de-grease your rifle's chamber?

    I gave my good old Mauser a full-service. Lupus barrel cleaner, PTFE Telfon Gun Grease, degrase etc. What always gets on my nerves is deoiling or degreasing the chamber after such an clean-grease-degrease-orgy. There must be an easy way to degrease the chamber. How do you do it?
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    Scope mount with ingerated iron sights?

    I want to fit a Steyr AUG with a Swarovski Z6i 1-6x42. Just in case the scope breaks etc, I would like to have iron sights on that rifle aswell. The AUG just has a waver rail. My other AUG has the standard Swarovski 1,5 scope with iron sights on top. I want to make the second AUG mor versatile...
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    Where's that source: Ideal Barrel Length for Factory Loads?

    A friend told me about an internet source giving info on the ideal barrel length for factory loads. Do you know where it is? Couldn't find it so far. It reportedly states the point of maximal gas expansion, beyond which barrel lenght becomes counterproductive. I know, handloads and extreme...
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    Roe Deer (this time): Experience with Federal Hydra-Shok in 9x19mm, 124gr?

    Hi there, to complete what I've startet with the hog-thread: Anybody here who has experience with Federal Hydra-Shok in 9x19mm, 124gr, on Roe Deer (capreolus capreolus) or similar game?
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    Hydra-Shok 9x19mm 124gr on Boar, any experience?

    Hi there, who has experience with Federal Hydra-Shok in 9x19mm, 124gr, on Boar or similar tough game?
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    My extreme crisis rifle thread was closed for no reason

    My extreme crisis rifle thread was closed for no reason. Discussions develop. The fact that some posts didn't answer my initial question doesn't matter at all. Nobody was abusive or insulting during the entire thread. Political correctness as a dogma is nothing but the absence of reason and...
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    Building your extreme crisis rifle...

    Unfortunately you don't need much imagination for the underlying fiction: Imagine you find yourself in a major violent crisis, like we have seen it recently - in New Orleans, or - in Paris, or - in Athens, or - as a result of the economic crises. Your environment has turned into a violent...
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    12x Scope: How far away would you reliably hit a 17x10" IPSC mini target with it?

    Title says all. Let's say you have a Swarovski Z6 2-12x50 Scope with a BR recticle: If your task was to reliably hit a 17x10" IPSC mini target with it, on what maximum range could you achieve this? Other way round: Given a precise gun and an avid shooter, what would be the maximum range of...
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    How do you protect your ears (btw a 9mm is louder than a .223, .308 or 30.06)?

    How do you protect your ears when firing your rifles? Why did you make your choice? And here's some interesting data: A 9x19 pistol and even more a .357 Mag is louder than a .223, .308 or 30.06! Don't believe it? Here's the source: I use a...
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    .223 long range (e.g. 860yds: Youtube Video): What rifle/barrel/ammo would you use?

    Hi there, here's a pretty impressive video of 860yds shooting with a .223 rifle: If you were to build your ultimate .223 long range rifle, 1.) what barrel would you use (and why)? 2.) what barrel length would you use (and why)? 3.) which rifle...
  14. P

    .223 Barrel length, performance difference between 20" (508mm) and 21,65" (550mm)?

    Hi Folks! I am getting a second Steyr AUG-Z which I will equip with a Swarowski Z6 2-12x50 with 4A-300 sight, without the illuminated dot however, to get finder crosshairs: This combination should cover close and looong range shooting. Now, I can get the AUG with a 20" (508mm) or a 21,65"...
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    Wild Boar: Ground Work / Tracking, what's your chice for that job?

    Hi Folks, you hunt wild boar and need to do ground work / tracking of a possibliy wounded male of 330# or more. Maybe his friends are with him on the ground. What gun and ammo would you clinch to? And why?
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    How does barrel lenghth influence performance?

    I recently spoke with a hunting instructor about how shotgun-cartridges are built and we began asking ourselves, how barrel length would increase performance. I e.g. have a 12ga with 18" barrels (nice coach gun). Would the slugs/shot from this gun actually be slower than from a "long" shotgun? PB
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    Bipod for Steyr AUG-Z

    Hi Folks! I want to buy a second AUG-Z, this time with the longer 22" barrel and attach a stronger scope and - a bipod. Do you have any suggestions or experience with the AUG-Z and certain types of bipods? Thanks alot, PB
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    most accurate .223 factory ammo (1 in 9 barrel 20") in you opinion?

    See heading. What ist your favorite?
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    How to takedown TOZ-34 EP? (help)

    Hi there, I have this nice and simple over/under 12ga russian shotgun TOZ-34EP. So far so good. But I can't take this thing apart. It is something with pulling both triggers and then doing something else. Any experts out there? Thanks a lot, PB
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    Scope for Urban Rifle (.223)

    My current "Urban Rifle" is a Steyr AUG-Z with the "Original" Swarowski 1.5 scope with ring an crosshair. and fall-back pistol-sights on top. Looks like this: I am thinking about getting something more complex like a Swarowski 1,7-10x52 with an illuminated dot. But is that really beneficial...