Search results

  1. R

    Doomsday predictions

    Ok, the reason i am posting this is two-fold: 1) i am a 100% pessimist, which means i am prepared when the worst happens, and happy when it doesn't 2) i am quite grumpy today, my so and her friends decided to stay out really late last night, and since i dont drink i'm the dd here we go...
  2. R

    Price chk on S&W 657

    some finish and bore wear, good lockup $365 good deal?
  3. R

    What to do in carjack i found this in the news this morning, and since it happened right by where i work it got me to thinking: what is the best way to handle this? someone...
  4. R

    Heavy .41 mag bullets

    I recently purchased some 265 grain bullets from Cast Performance for my .41 mag redhawk. i plan on loading these to use as backup bear medicine while in the woods. Any experience, recommendations, opinions on heavy bullets in the .41 mag?
  5. R

    Thank you TFL

    I have been lurking at this site for several months now and have finally decided to join. I wanted to start off by giving a great big giant THANK YOU! to the many TFL members who have contributed to expanding my knowledge of firearms. If you can't tell by my sig, the current crown jewel in my...