Search results

  1. R

    Winchester 88 - open sight or scope?

    I have recently acquired a Winchester Model 88 in .308 caliber and am trying to decide if I want to put a scope on it. Accuracy is good with open sights, I can put the shots in a pie plate at 100 yards. I plan on using this gun for my woods carry gun as it is light. North American game is on...
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    .308 is a sissy round!

    At least according to the to the gunstore owner who said that the cartridge was a sissy round for use by women and children. I harbor no bad feelings however because he got me a good deal on a Winchester Model 88 in .308! Cleaning it right now and will be shooting it tommorrow.
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    'Decommissioned' Guns Nearly As Good As Confiscations

    Why I don't like or buy guns with integral locking devices, which are just one intermediate step towards sterile weapons. 'Decommissioned' Guns Nearly As Good As Confiscations By Alan Korwin, 1/13/2006 12:24:01 PM The Brady group and its congressional supporters are proceeding, and making...
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    Police officers are only human

    The following is an editorial column stemming from an incident where the Laramie Chief of Police apperantly left his sidearm in the restroom of a local restaraunt where it was discovered by another patron. The text has been dictated faithfully by myself...
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    What is it that I prepare for?

    Nothing anxiously. In the morning I holster my weapon, and I pray that it does not leave until I return home safely, and then that it stays benignly available. Just a thought for the vast receptiveness of cyberspace. A safe Christmas to all.
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    NFA '34 and GCA '68

    United States Code Title 18 Section 922 What are your views on these laws? I ask because of this: Firefighter busted for moonlighting as gun dealer reported by: Paula Woodward 9Wants to Know Reporter written by: Dan...
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    BYU Physics Prof. - WTC Demolished?
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    House Vote Counters Eminent Domain Measure

    By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer Fri Nov 4, 4:46 AM ET WASHINGTON - Conservative defenders of private property and liberal protectors of the poor joined in an overwhelming House vote to prevent local and state governments from seizing homes and businesses for use in economic development...
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    My New 6-gun: Model 57

    I have been searching for this gun for over two years and today I found it. Following standard operating procedure the firearm came home and was completely disassembled, inspected, and cleaned. I learned two very important lessons about Smith & Wesson N-frame revolvers today: there is a...
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    "Government is voluntarily established by free individuals through a willful act of contract, individuals rationally consenting to limit their own freedom and to obey civil authority in order to have public protection of their natural rights." At what point does voluntary establishment become...
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    Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans

    September 02, 2005 Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans By Joseph R. Chenelly Times staff writer NEW ORLEANS — Combat operations are underway on the streets “to take this city back” in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. “This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen...
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    2 Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court

    By ANDREW POLLACK Published: August 19, 2005 DOUGLAS, Ariz., Aug. 18 - Spent shells litter the ground at what is left of the firing range, and camouflage outfits still hang in a storeroom. Just a few months ago, this ranch was known as Camp Thunderbird, the headquarters of a paramilitary group...
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    i just recieved my dies and will be loading my first batch of 45-70 rounds. here are the details: firearm - marlin 1895 bullet - speer 400gr flat nose powder - imr 4198 primer - cci 200 brass - winchester (new) according to speer 13 i will be working in the range of 30.0-40.0 gr for the...
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    Saddle Rifle

    picked up my saddle rifle yesterday: Marlin 1895 i'm off to shoot it right now, report when i get back
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    Paranoia and the Police State

    New York apologises after Britons seized in security scare Gary Younge in New York Wednesday July 27, 2005 The Guardian New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has apologised to a group of British tourists after armed police swarmed on to an open-top sightseeing bus, handcuffed them and forced...
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    Former Bush official to get RFID tag

    Tommy Thompson, the Health and Human Services Secretary in President Bush's first term and a former Governor of Wisconsin, is going to get tagged. Thompson has joined the board of Applied Digital, which owns VeriChip, the company that specializes in subcutaneous RFID tags for humans and pets...
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    Thomas Jefferson

    "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." "That government is best which governs the least, because its people...
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    The Militarization of the Police

    looking for thoughts/opinions/criticisms on this piece: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Militarization of the Police by Bob Wallace About 20 years ago in my hometown the police quietly and at night pulled up about 50 marijuana plants from a...
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    Repeal 22nd Amendment?

    Wonder how far this one will make it ... Official Title: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.
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    Experts call for common North America border

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States, Canada and Mexico should establish a common security perimeter to guard against terrorism in North America, a tri-national independent task force said in a report released on Tuesday. The countries should police their borders together to help border...