Search results

  1. S

    Agenda of the media...

    Was at work yesterday, and happened to catch a glimps of the local news. Main story was about a kid in out west that was shooting with his dad, and believed to have caught a ricochet to the stomach. Aside from trying to work up the public, how is this headline news in Central PA??? We...
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    Hornady Interlock sticking in seating die..

    Was reloading last night so as to sight in a new scope. Using Hornady Interlocks, they were cheap. Pulled casing from press to place in my container, and noticed something was off. Namely the bullet. Was stuck in the seating die. Checked die, cleaned with some mild steel wool, and used a...
  3. S

    Seating from lands...

    Ok, so working up loads for the 7mm-08. Found 41.4 grains of Reloader 17 for powder charge with 139 grain Hornady cheap fodder for consistent vertical grouping. (I know, not a power house charge) Next loaded up several batches of 3 rounds each different distances off of the lands. Starting at...
  4. S

    Yet another Ackley question....

    Looking to make the Stevens 200 (7mm-08) into an Ackley Improved. But is it worth doing? While maximum velocities are increased, does it change the harmonics of the barrel. For example. Mine as mentioned is a Stevens 200 in 7mm-08 with a 22 inch barrel. I found my accuracy load using 41.4...
  5. S

    COW accuracy???

    So this strange thought occurred to me.... When using a "pistol" powder, and the Cream of Wheat method of fire forming brass, can you actually do some target shooting with these rounds??? Not saying work up target loads this way, just curious about getting some practice in at the same time.
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    Has anyone tried the Cutting Edge bullets??

    How has the accuracy been? Suitable long range bullet? Performance on game? Different loading data? The company is only about an hours drive from where I live, and would like to support my local people, however their bullets are rather expensive(especially for as much as I shoot, up to 100...
  7. S

    First kid on the block...

    To get my hunting license for 2014-2015. :D Now if I only get drawn on the Elk lottery!!! :rolleyes:
  8. S

    Stocks for ladies...

    So while at the range the other week, my girlfriend decided she wanted to try out my Stevens 200 in 7mm-08. She enjoyed shooting it. Hit several steel turkeys at 200-300 yards with it. Problem is the stock doesn't fit her. She can't put the butt pad where it's comfortable for her, and get her...
  9. S

    Hogdon H414 overpressure...

    I'm reloading 7mm-08. Using the Lee reloading information, along with references from Hogdon's manual. 139 gr. Hornady SST Casings chamfered, deburred, trimmed. Primer pockets cleaned. 43.5 gr. of Hogdon H414 Bullet seated 0.010" off of the lands for my rifle. I do collet sizing, not full...
  10. S

    Any experience with .260 Remington???

    So I was looking around at the "local" (about 50 miles away actually) gun shops yesterday. Took friend of mine with me. He's saving up for a Savage Model 10FP in .308. I spotted a nice Savage I think it's a Model 12 in 260 Remington in the $650 range. He's dead set for a .308.. Me, I'm...
  11. S

    Latest steals... Errr I mean deals....

    A few weeks ago I was perusing one of my favorite LGS getting stocked up on reloading supplies. Friend was tagging along with me (he's in the market for a 308). I happen to look in the window of one of the display cases, and see a commander length 1911 sitting there. Have been wanting one for...
  12. S

    AI Confusion...

    I bought a used Stevens 200 in 7mm-08. Shoots well, especially with my hand loads. Bought it to hunt, and possible silhouette shoots. I want to do the Ackley Improved to it. Got the reamer, go gauge. No-go gauge just arrived today. Have not reamed it yet. Put go gauge in and bolt closes...
  13. S

    I have decided...

    Have been looking for a .25 caliber rifle for a little while. Obvious choices for this are the 25-06, .257 Roberts, and the .250 Savage, on the commercially available side. 257 Roberts are hard to come by, and the few that I have seen are expensive.(at least to me) 250 Savage same as Roberts...
  14. S

    17 Mach2 overpressure...

    My neighbor just got a great deal on a Marlin in 17Mach 2. For those who don't know, this is essentially the .22Stinger necked down to .17. It is .10" longer than standard .22LR. Shooting Hornady factory 17gr. ballistic tips. Gun/cartridge accurate as all get out. Problem is that about 10...
  15. S

    Lee auto disc help, please...

    I got the Lee 4 hole turret press. Love the thing!! I have the double disc kit, and the extender. I load .40S&W, 7mm-08, and 7mm Rem mag. Thus far have been doing the powder measure by hand on the scale. Not a bad thing. Wanted to make things faster and use the auto disc. Works fine...
  16. S

    gunshop question...

    I have recently noticed another spate of handgun purchasing going on here in central PA. This posed a question in my mind, which I thought I would pose to you good folks... Is it illegal or un-ethical when you purchase said handgun, to load it on premises, and place in your holster at your...
  17. S

    Something going on I should know about???

    So I'm in the market for a powder trickler. Went to several local gun shops Friday evening, Sat. afternoon. All 5 of the gunshops I went to were packed with people. Lots of handgun purchases again... Did I miss something and there is another run on guns???
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    How to ship ammo from one member to another???

    So I found some ammo for another TFL member. Stuff is hard to find, and I ran across it at a flea market. :) Now I just need to figure how to ship a box of 20 bottle neck rifle cartridges to him. I'm assuming ammo is considered a hazmat item... :D
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    Reamer rentals

    Has anyone had any experience with places like 4D Reamer Rentals? Does it end up cheaper than actually buying the reamer outright? Are the tools damaged when you receive them? Do they hose you on the return? aka claim damage... Thanks
  20. S

    COL rifle...

    I used an empty casing, with a bullet to get a measurement of COL. For the Sierra 160gr. HPBT I got a COL of 3.251". So I was planning on loading to 3.241". Just .009" under what the loading data tells me. However when I used the same method to for another bullet, I got some way out there...