Search results

  1. M

    Another fun day at the range...

    ... though, really, how many days at the range are not fun? Well, I guess the time I blew up my .44 wasn't so much fun, but even that was at least interesting. Wanted to break in / wring out a new FNX-40, so I brought it and 200 rds of WWB 165gr to my friend's LGS and range. Also brought...
  2. M

    FNX-9 review

    So I bought an FNX-9 and an FNX-40 on my return to the states a week or so ago. Stripped and gave a quick cleaning to both at the gun shop, then took them to the shop's range to try them out. I was generally pleased, but decided to reconfigure both when I got home. Note: For just about every...
  3. M

    The next time an anti praises the UK ban...

    ... here are a couple of other intriguing decisions from our British friends, from Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird Oddly, these two decisions sound like some of the odder ones made in Massachusetts schools over the last couple decades....
  4. M

    Well, this is different...

    ... from today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution: I guess there are two lessons to be learned here: 1) Even for pocket carry (maybe especially for pocket carry) a good holster, that prevents any outside force from manipulating the...
  5. M

    Bad news for Sabre Defense...

    ... and I really like my 16" AR, too. There was an article in the March 29 Stars and Stripes, too, but I couldn't find it in their online edition. Go figure...
  6. M

    Orlando Sentinel magazine ban poll

    Another thread mentioned an attempt to tie in a high-cap magazine ban with Florida's open carry bill. Looks like the Orlando Sentinel is trying to test the waters with its readers...
  7. M

    Backdoor Gun Control thread on the SWAT forum

    Just thought the Mods might want to link it here, as well, since I think it will be of interest to the L&CR crowd. As an additional thought, how do we stop our politicians from doing this kind of thing in general (IE, burying controversial or contentious bits in other legislation, that they...
  8. M

    Time magazine article on pre-incident indicators of Loughner's mental state

    Interesting read, discussing six (6) warning signs Loughner displayed before his rampage in Tucson. This guy's behavior had set off all sorts of warning bells, and apparently he'd drawn FBI attention - but not in time.,8599,2041733,00.html?hpt=T2 It's...
  9. M

    This brings up an odd legal question...

    ...but is it legal for non-LEO to carry at political gatherings in UT and NC? Two Congressman, one R one D for those who worry about politics, intend to carry their own handguns at...
  10. M

    Dr Sanjay Gupta discussion of Rep. Giffords' GSW

    Not to be morbid, but this is an interesting article on CNN by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. In it, he discusses why Rep. Giffords seems to be doing better than is normally expected for a GSW to the head.
  11. M

    Stupid Question time

    Can a regular or long slide/barrel 1911 assembly be mated with a Commander frame? If so, are reliability problems likely?
  12. M

    How many grains BP?

    Or Triple 7... I now have a mix of .490 balls and 348gr PowerBelt bullets for my new/used .50 T/C Hawken. Where can I find good loading data, so I can figure out how much Triple 7 or Pyrodex to put behind them? Thanks, M
  13. M

    Buying a used T/C Hawken percussion .50; what do I need?

    This will be my first BP firearm; I've previously shot one friend's Knight in-line, and another's flintlock. Have some idea of the required accessories, but can anyone personally recommend a good starter kit?
  14. M

    Primers ignite in luggage

    Restrictions on carrying primers? Interesting article on CNN... The guy who had the primers in his luggage has been charged with transportation of hazardous materials. Curious as to how valid the...
  15. M

    Media bias, ignorance, or the result of anti- programming?

    Seems a Marine asked some teens to quiet down at a movie. They got rowdy, and management ejected them. Seems they hung out in the parking lot, and jumped the Marine and his wife when they walked out of the theater...
  16. M

    Question about flintlock rifle velocity

    Shot a friend's flintlock last week, my first time shooting a muzzle loader. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to shoot. Tennessee long rifle variant, I'm told; seemed about the length of a Hawken, but with full forend and flintlock setup. We were shooting .50 ball, in front of a...
  17. M

    5 arrested in Atlanta with possible connection to 21 crimes

    up to and including murder. The suspects have not been named yet. I'm curious to see, when they are finally identified, how many previous felony convictions they will have between them. My guess is there...
  18. M

    Cheapest targets I've ever shot

    We're visiting friends in SW Colorado. Beautiful area. Brought my CBOB and PM9 along for the trip. My buddy wanted to go shooting, especially as he's considering buying something along the lines of a PM9, and he wanted to try mine. We went to an outdoor shooting area, and brought some...
  19. M

    First encounter with police since permit issue - a much different outcome

    I'm on the road with the significant other and two of the three dogs. (The third hasn't outgrown the peeing-when-excited thing, so I had to kennel him while we visit friends.) We were westbound on Interstate 40 in Arkansas this morning, speed limit 70. I had the cruise control set at 70, but...
  20. M

    Twice in the last week...

    ... "victims" in the Atlanta metro area have turned the tables on armed robbers. Twice in the last week, officials have been quick to state that no charges would be filed in those valid, self-defense shootings. Maybe if the...