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  1. C

    Plinker rifle loads!

    I figured this would be a good thread for those that download their rifle reloads to 'subsonic' or plinker velocities. Today I shot my CZ 527 using 6.0gr of PB under a lee 155gr lead bullet and large pistol primers. Chrono'ed at 1100fps, recoiled about like a 9mm carbine. :D I love the...
  2. C

    Lead used in 'Old West' cartridges?

    A dangerous thing, but I got to thinking...:p What sort of lead was used in old 1800's pistols and rifles such as the 45 Colt and 45-70? Reason I ask, the 45 ACP replaced the 45 Colt with similar pressures. If they just used pure lead back then, would it be reasonable to do so with mild ACP's?
  3. C

    CZ 527, single loading

    My manual clearly states it is possible to single load a round without having to use a magazine. For the life of me I can't get the bolt to close on a single round in he chamber. Any tips on how to do this?
  4. C

    Pure lead, adding shot?

    I found a source of pure lead, but it's my understanding it doesn't work for 9mm and 45acp. Can I add a bit of lead shot to harden it up?
  5. C

    'Plinker' rifle loads?

    I have a cZ 527 in x39. Someone on another board mentioned using a light load of 5gr Unique under a 130gr LRN. I'd like to do that as well, but I have PB, Green Dot and some 700x. My bullets are the 155gr Lee. Anyone do a plinker work up for their x39's?
  6. C

    Howitzer shell

    Someone turned in an old fired 105mm howitzer shell to the scrapyard today, and naturally I bought it.:cool: It has a date of 1944. It is heavily discolored and wondering what i can do to clean up the outside. Also there's another one I didn't buy, wondering if these are worth anything more...
  7. C

    Thumbs forward?

    I use my CZ 97b at our matches to good effect. I've discovered it gives more control if my thumbs are parallel to the slide. What is the best way to transition to this technique after doing the 'thumbs down' style for ten years?
  8. C

    Easy racking 9mm?

    Which small 9mm is fairly easy to rack/chamber but doesn't have a ton of recoil? Trying to get a head start for an older lady with very little grip strength. Glock 26? CZ RAMI?
  9. C

    Talk to me about the CX4.

    Honestly I miss having a 9mm carbine. Mine was a HiPoint but it broke a few times and had to sell it once it got back from the factory. The CX4 looks like a contender. Not sure if I want a 9mm or 45, depends on whether I can live with an 8 rd mag. I also have a S&W Sport that could accept a...
  10. C

    A little confused about 3d printed guns

    Eric Holder is trying to re-up the undetectable gun law. I thought the printed guns still required the use of a steel barrel, which would be picked up on a scanner...?
  11. C

    Garand vs AK, piston location

    Here I am 'inspecting' my Garand and being the analytical type I couldn't help but ponder the differences. Any particular reason why Kalashnikov (and Simonov) placed the piston on top? The Garand's barrel is much closer to the sight plane.
  12. C


    I haven't seen this discussed on the boards. Even clipped short, my fingernails dig into my left palm when shooting my 45. Aside from wearing a glove, any ways to mitigate this?
  13. C

    44mag or 45 Colt?

    I'm entertaining a levergun buy in either 44mag or 45. I am a recoil weenie so the 44's would have to be downloaded to around 950fps. A friend of mine said the 45 Colt case is rather thin and I witnessed one of his cases split after three reloadings. He also said it's easy to buckle the case...
  14. C

    Rifle prices, wow

    My LGS got in a whole rack of various black rifles. They have a few (ACR?) 308's and holy cow...$3300? Now that 'assault rifles' are off the radar in congress, are people really going to pay these absurd prices or will they go down to sub-$1000 levels for the average 5.56 versions? I just...
  15. C

    Friend is considering SD/HD handgun

    She's almost 60 and has decided to have a look at a handgun after my GF and I took her to the range. By no means will I push her toward any particular pistol, and suggested she read The Cornered Cat. At some point we'll take her to the range and have her rent a few to see what works or doesn't...
  16. C

    Help me correct grip

    I'm shooting left when point/snap shooting steels. It's not flinching, my grip simply has the muzzle aiming left. I caught myself at practice the other day and noticed the front sight was off target. Should I wrap my hand around a little further when drawing? It's on my P01 BTW which has a...
  17. C

    Wow, primers in stock!

    Went to a local gun store/range and half the aisle was filled with CCI primers. SPP, LPP and SRP. Hundreds of bricks. :eek: Of course the price was spectacular as well. A year ago these were $28, now they are $45.:( Looks like things are getting caught up.
  18. C

    Mark Kelly denied AR-15 purchase

    Seems the gun store owner caught wind of Mr. Kelly's true intent and cancelled the transaction. Senator Gabby Gifford's husband purchased a 1911 and Sig Sauer Ar-15 recently to highlight the ease of buying one in hopes of furthering the proposed 'assault weapon' ban legislation...
  19. C

    How do blanks work?

    Just something kicking around in my head. To fire blanks in your normal semiauto handgun or rifle, does the recoil spring have to be changed out? If not, how does it cycle the action if the mass of a bullet isn't present? Does it have the same powder charge as a normal round?
  20. C

    Other bullets than FMJ for Garand?

    Theoretically, if I wanted to use my Garand for hunting or defense, what non-FMJ would feed properly?