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  1. H

    Gun decals....

    Since my September 2nd auto crash has pretty much ended my ability to work in any of the careers I have experience in. I have decided to try my hand at the vinyl graphics business. The reason for this post is to ask in advance, about the likely interest from the gun world regarding decals...
  2. H

    what does it take to run for potus?

    My 17 nearly 18 year old son asked what does it take to run? I stated you gotta be a natural born citizen, some sort of education, and i think 30 sumthin years old... He asked "do you need a bunch of money? HMMMM??? well i had to tell him, "No you don't need a shiny dime to run but to be...
  3. H

    What made you a "shooter"?

    Accuracy minded where did you hone your skills? I got the idea for this thread from the red ryder post. I was taught fundamental skills by grampa and dad. I honed my skills with pump up air rifles. I lived in ag land and a bag of sparrows and/or pigeons on the farmers doorstep were traded for...
  4. H

    Year of the rat? Why do we have a usps stamp to "honor" chinese new year? I smell poo-poo on someone's shoe...:mad: Brent
  5. H

    My police power abuse story...

    At the ripe old age of 18-22 or so I was a lawn maintenance guy... Me and the owner did nothing but high end work for quality to well paying customers... One of our lower paying yards was out of our patriotic hearts to a long since retired Colonel. He didn't have a big yard with too much...
  6. H

    Making some progress...

    me and my daughter stopped at the gun shop today so I could see if my wrecked hand/arm is ready for a semi auto CC gun. I am nearly there. If'n I precock a DA/SA hammer I can almost clear a jam properly BUT not quite... Maybe a month of exercise and I can! not that I consider a .22lr pistol...
  7. H

    Gun Range Etiquette

    I have done a little "formal range shooting". Some indoors some outdoors. my question regards Noise... I think if I was going to be busting off my real loud calibers I would let each shooter already there know I was about to open up the ear buster. I can't explain the lack of concentration I get...
  8. H

    Are your guns "registered"?

    I don't mean full auto or short barrel shotguns and rifles... I mean regular everyday OTC purchased weapons. If you filled out the yellow piece of paper it is registered with the federal government. How do I know? A little city PD was able to get a copy of the form complete with a copy of the...
  9. H

    Could you kill a human and survive...?

    After reading LOADS of posts here on TFL I am under the impression that following a self defense situation many would be mentally distraught about taking a human life. My take on this IS NOT MALL NINJA mentality. I am 39 and years before I ever heard of a mall I made the decision I would be...
  10. H

    Mailing a pistol...

    I have been offered a free to me lorcin .380. It is nothin special and was just offered to provide something JIC. neither I nor the owner want to jump through any hoops sending it. i can't justify 500 bucks in gas to go get it. Can he break it down into 2 or more mailing packages and be a...
  11. H

    My CCW must be revolver!

    I went shoppin' in the gun shop today. I was fully intending to buy a compact auto loader 9mm minimum but planned on .40 or .45 acp. I quickly learned that my now defunct left hand won't consistently manipulate the slide to clear a possible jam. That right there rules out the autos!:mad: I am...
  12. H

    Mossberg or BUST!

    Why I choose them Mossberg guns... They are still a family owned company. They have not found it necessary to sell out to corporate ways... They were the first (maybe still the only) company to provide a pump to the military capable of passing all requirements, interchangeability, durability...
  13. H

    Some folks don't get it!

    I had an acquaintance thru a buddy that was from BUAWWWSTON and thought he was "fear factor" material... He bit a piece of raw pig heart from one I was butchering, kissed it on the sphincter (junior promptly booted him on the but which smeared some pig poop on his face:D) and claimed he could...
  14. H

    How my 500 came home!

    This is about my mossberg 500 that spent 10 years locked in a PD evidence room. The new gal noticed that the name of the perp who used it in an Aggravated Assault was not the name on the ATF purchase form I filled out at the store and My name was on a theft report including guns... The burglars...