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  1. H

    Gunshops, inventory VS customer service.

    As many of you know I am in the buyer mode for a .22 pistol to plink and introduce my daughter to handgun handling. Here is where i am a bit torn... I called my local shops 45 mile radius nets 3-4. I tell them to give your best price. I can buy it online for $246 delivered+50 bucks avg...
  2. H

    Favor asked of LEOs...

    Would any of our LEO current/retired members provide instances, situations, stories and tips for my 16 year old daughter regarding crime, woman and legal self defense? Yeah we can watch the evening news but I hope to hear some positive results as well as the negatives. to go one step further...
  3. H

    Any first hand stories for Bri?

    I am curious if the female folks of this fine forum would have tips, stories of before CCW or after CCW where a weapon was needed. Tips for situational awareness from a womans point of view. While this is the internet I would like to hope the stories are true and tips helpful. I would like the...
  4. H

    One more facet of training my Lil' girl...

    I have no clue of how to do this or who to use. I have been telling her that situational awareness is MORE important than a pink pistol in her purse. I advised her to expect some "real world" tests from now until she is old enough to carry. Such as having an acquaintance follow her to the car...
  5. H

    daddy needs help...

    My daughter is VERY limited in gun handling skills. She has only fired one rifle. I need tips on how to incorporate the safety differences of handguns. Not hat they are more "dangerous" but that it is inherently easier to violate the rules like sweeping the muzzle on others. she knows the basics...
  6. H

    So what to buy...

    Ya'll talked me out of the walther P-22 used as it was the older (pre upgrade) gun and mag. My local shop has a 10% off sale but that is not the only thing. I am limited and the $279 p-22 was possible. Much more than that and I will likely pass on a plinker. I want the .22 just to pass the time...
  7. H

    My Apologies!

    I apologize to every TFL member that I may have offended in the "aw shucks" thread! I do get a tad emotional when it comes to our freedoms and politics. I am admittedly not educated in the schoolin' sense but have always been a "news junkie" since 6 years old. I was but a wee lad when Jimmy...
  8. H

    The Government wants SUBJECTS...

    We all know they want to take the guns for this reason but here is another example... I hear folks saying the government should offer short term welfare for folks to "get back on their feet"... Foodstamps is proof that this not their intention. If it were their intention than livestock, seeds...
  9. H

    Hogs dangerous? Read on...!

    I had to borrow this from a hog hunting board.... but I hope it clears up the discussion of whether hogs attack or flee.... Enjoy! Hog doggin' is fun but their is risk for all involved... this is why I suggest substantial rounds for those not wanting to get the horn... Brent
  10. H

    Walther P-22 questions...

    Opinions wanted!!! I have decided I may add one in 5 inch to my plinking needs. Who here knows first hand about this weapon. Brent
  11. H

    For all you non military spending types...

    Anyone keeping any touch on the news knows we shot the broken arrow satellite... we did not pain a wooden gun black and get lucky! We took a system we likely have billions invested in and modified it aboard a ship we have likely billions invested in and did the near impossible... it was...
  12. H

    Sum-more southern political "humor"

    First and I foremost I am thankfull of all the soldiers who KICKED ASS since the 1770's to give me the right to post my rants on a public forum! I am also THANKFUL my lineage past down the gene that put the hair on my chest to NEVER remove a post or thread cuz others are upset are opposed to my...
  13. H

    WARNING! labels....

    On other forums my signature is "WARNING! labels are the life support for the terminally STUPID. Why is this in "political" section of TFL? Hang with me folks! Why does a lawn mower deck need a sticker showing severed fingers or toes? Ain't everyone old enuff or strong enuff to start one (reach...
  14. H

    How to FIX America....?

    As a less than college grad I have a simple man's idea... Now ya'll better educated help me fill in the gaps and how to's and such. get rid of the parties. How? I have no idea how to completely dissolve them but IMO it is needed. Each citizen should only listen to the politician and review...
  15. H

    AA 12 questions...

    How long ago was it created? Has anyone got any first or second experience with it? What will they cost the government? Brent
  16. H

    I ain't skeered... of NUTTIN'!

    Well me and junior loaded up the shot guns and took a stroll down the "powerline" alonside "ye old homestead" in search of ringneck doves (invasive specie in Fla so year around snake food...) we seen nary a bird and I was hot and sweaty after a hard day at work so I smelt the beer in the fridge...
  17. H

    Redneck tree service...

    We had a pine get "beetle kill" and after a year it was still too stout to fall in a storm so I decided it was time to cut it down... No chainsaw but I do have a few "boom saws" here.... It took many field load 7 1/2's in 20 and 12 gauge... Junior decided he could drop it with a dozen or so...
  18. H

    .22 Rifle Id?

    my pop bought me a long since sold off single shot .22lr for shooting trapped animals. It was a bolt action with what looked like a "sporterized" stock. What I remember as unique was it was not cocked by cycling the bolt... it had a "T" shaped gizmo on the rear end of the bolt that you drew back...
  19. H

    Pistol grip for stock

    I know we got a for sale section but I want to trade straight up... i have the factory pistol grip 500/maverick with bolt and sling swivel to trade for a black plastic full stock and recoil pad for 500/maverick with factory bolt. we can swap freight or i will eat the excess... all you Pistol...
  20. H

    Florida Primary...

    Well folks I got my sticker I VOTED! I am stuck! This is the first time in my life we have had such a sorry azz choice! I thought the time clinton had to contend with perot was bad but we are in dire straits! Ain't no way I am gonna vote for a third party dude knowing my vote could be the one...