Search results

  1. H

    5.56 vs. 7.62?

    My father, today, stated "It is hard to believe the smaller round is a better stopper than the larger." So why is the 5.56 the military round more in use than the 7.62 for troops infantry round? He was told the smaller round "tumbles or frags more resulting better injury"... Is this correct or...
  2. H

    Camp Rudder find...

    Walking around the compound after lunch and a beer in their lounge, I happened to find a couple unfired 5.56 blanks on the ground... Nothing most folks would find cool but they are my find of the day... Brent
  3. H

    Bunny and the yote story...

    First I wasn't hunting at the moment to kill but I guess I am always hunting... The ol' story goes that given a fighting fair chase the bunny wins as he is running for his life while the coyote is just runnin' for supper.... One night in near winter up here in the Fla panhandle I had made a...
  4. H

    Your first thought....

    Mine was... "LOOKY THAT DOUBLE!" Brent
  5. H

    Carbon arrows... CAUTION!!!

    Before firing even a new carbon arrow you should lightly hold the nock and tap the shaft a few times with a knuckle. Listen for a dull or scratchy sound. This is not what anyone wants when they pop the release. Brent
  6. H

    White house, jobs and gun ownership...

    No details yet so if someone has info please post it... I just heard a "blurb" that the whitehouse job application is NOW asking if you have "ever owned a firearm"... What does it matter and would it affect your chances if you say "NOT JOB RELATED" in the place of a yes or no... Brent
  7. H

    Semi-auto gas gun breacher question.

    I noticed a Mossberg 930 "tacticool" is fitted with a breacher tip... Question is... "Wouldn't a breacher fired against a lock cause a significantly higher barrel gas pressure?" Would this harm the gas system? Would it cause it to operate differently? I realize there are vent slots but do not...
  8. H

    Lookin' for a pistol...

    Sell me on a brand and model... 1)Not a black plastic pistol 2)Not a high dollar competition pistol 3)Prefer a .45 4)prefer north american made 5)durable 6)reliable 7)High capacity is fine 8)I would rather dress to accommodate the weapon then carry a mouse. I have recently seen the Para Hawg...
  9. H

    1911 For me....???

    Okay call me a cheap ass or just a po' azz redneck.... I would just love to own a 1911 in .45 acp. I know I cannot afford one brand spankin' new. Nice condition used suits me just fine. What make and model would be lower priced yet as durable as a Mack truck? And are these clone 1911's fully...
  10. H

    Here is a hog doggin story... NOT MY HUNT!

    This was posted on a dedicated hog doggin forum. I thought ya'll may enjoy the reading as it is well written to involve you in the excitement and urgency of the sport. It is not perfect spellin' or grammar but I felt it not for me to modify this man's work. Brent
  11. H

    what do say to a deer?

    To stop him that is.... I use the MATTTT... call.... works for me but what do you say to stop one? Brent
  12. H

    Membrane removal....

    What methods are commonly used to remove the membrane from venison meat? Brent
  13. H

    Care for a challenging hunt?

    If you want to test your skills come the end of february I can try to get you out into the NW Florida Bottoms, bayheads and thickets for a hog? I am not a pro guide but these places are where we run dogs. You will be walked with to point out sign and from there you are off on your own to...
  14. H

    Sawzall for processing.

    Anyone using them and if so what blade style? will a metal fine toothe work well and produce smaller bone shards to clean up? Brent
  15. H

    Since we don't wanna "POACH"

    If you want to feed the other critters tasty morsels of corn than it should be legal to defend such "food" from the thieven' deer! So we shouldn't get "BUSTED" for hunting over "BAIT" when we were just protectin' that expensive corn from DEER! So post this sign my dad created near the "FOOD...
  16. H

    Cooper Rifles supports Obama

    I thought this belonged in the rifle section but I guess not... Seems The Big guy at Cooper Rifles supports Obama. _N.htm WASHINGTON — Dan Cooper, a proud member of the National Rifle Association, has backed Republicans...
  17. H

    I find some humor in this but....

    several months ago I had been shooting my Ruger MKIII pistol. My 18 year old son asked how fast DO you have to fire one to jam it? I put in a mag and with one hand held it and with the other I flicked off 10 rounds with out fail and did it with a few more mags and he was impressed with the...
  18. H

    Bolt gun, NEW OR USED?

    I am not a sharp shooter nor a 'smith. would I be better served to buy an entry level NEW bolt action in .308 or a .30-06 or doing my best uneducated inspection of a used bolt action rifle? I would just be eyeballin the thing, no chamber measurements or such. Brent
  19. H

    Hogdogs for potus Just couldn't believe I was nominated... Brent
  20. H

    Pygmy rattler...

    Normally I leave snakes go but if they get in proximity to my dog yard or close to the house they gotta go. Okay this one is a "ground rattler" other wise officially a pygmy rattle snake. He was on the 100' foot trail at juniors feet near the dog circles. When coiled they have a small visible...