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  1. S

    Hold or Cold Water. The Debate Begins...

    Hot, warm, or cold? What water temp. do you use to wash your hands? Silly, I know. But I'm wondering if there really is a discernable difference. Me? I use cold.
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    A Taurus, No Less. Can't believe I'm Initially Impressed

    I was meandering around on another board and ran across a Taurus Mod. 63. Judging only from the pics and description, I have to say that's one, beautiful rifle. Is it as good of quality as it looks?
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    Drawing Your Firearm: Prudent Action?

    In this thread, a member mentioned if you draw your firearm, you have no business doing so unless you pull the trigger as well. I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. I believe there are times when drawing your gun in low ready...
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    Scope for a Mossberg 346KA

    Looking for a good quality bang-for-the-buck scope for my Mossy. Range is going to be 100yds max. I don't want to do any drilling/tapping if I can get away with it. But I was told the narrow-slim grab points for rings just isn't user friendly. I'd like to find a scope/ring combo, actually...
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    TZ99 on Top Shot

    In tonight's episode of Top Shot, they were using a TZ99 for the elimination round. After a cursory search, it appears to be a Sig 226 knockoff made in South Africa and the decocking lever serves double duty for the slide release (I think). Anyone have further information as well as opinions of...
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    'Round and 'Round: Choosing a Bang for Buck Rifle

    Good day fellow gunowners, I'm at a loss on choosing a .22 Rifle for informal target shooting probably no more than 100-150 yards. I don't mind if it's semi or bolt. Preference is bolt, but not necessary. If it were a perfect world, it would have all of the qualities of a Ruger 10/22, but I...
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    New Purchase: LCP Mag Release Quiery

    Just picked up a Ruger LCP this evening. I must say, the wife shot very well with it and managed the recoil like it was a .22. Understanding the need to keep mechanisms snag-free, the slide release is pretty difficult to operate. I don't see me using it I was in a situation that needed it. But...
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    Which Trigger Kit for XD(M)?

    I never perform any modifications on my own on any of my firearms. I know I have the capabilities if I do enough research, but never had the desire to take on the ramifications if I make a mistake or if something goes wrong with the gun in the future. But I think I'm going to make an exception...
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    Remington Rolling Block

    A buddy of mine has what is believed to be a Remington Rolling Block chambered in .45-70Govt. I haven't personally seen it, but from what he's described, it's in good condition. He's wanting to know a very rough ballpark on it's value. I and another coworker are interested in purchasing it. I...
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    Burnt out Frankford Paved the Way for the Biggie...

    My Frankford Tumbler took a nose dive. It will only run for a minute before the motor shuts down and smells like Fido's patoot. It's toast. Good thing my CFO was waiting for the day for it to happen. Was given the go-ahead to buy that monster Dillon 2001. Boy, this thing ENGULFS my old one. The...
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    Shall-Issue Finally to Come in Iowa?

    I've been keeping my ear to the ground and found out a House And Senate Files were reintroduced to change Iowa from a may-issue to a shall-issue. We'll see if it passes through this time. Some bullet points and contact information courtesy of the NRA-ILA: House File 2528 and Senate File 2379...
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    CZ-82 on the Way...

    Just ordered a CZ-82 today. Should be at my doorstep this week. With the exception of two handguns, all of mine receives trigger work. I'm guessing this will need one as well. I already have some grips in mind so I'm good there. So, who should I trust for quality trigger jobs if the CZ's...
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    Pierce Grip Modification

    I hooked a buddy up with a Springer Loaded last week. It came with Pearce Grip model PG1911-2. He didn't like the added girth with these installed and gave them to me to try. What I wanted to do to alleviate the added width is to cut off the side panels that go underneath the grip panels. Then...
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    What the Heck is THIS Brand of Ammo??

    I happened to try out some new ammo in my guns this past weekend. Ran across this stuff: Made in Switzerland. In a red box with GECO as the name. Anyone know the history behind this ammo? It was pretty dang expensive, but shot fairly well. My plans are to use the brass for reloading if it's...
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    Les Baer Made Some Dreams Come True....

    Last Friday, my wife and I had the privelage of touring Les Baer's manufacturing facility guided by none other than Les himself. Tucked away out of plain sight in LeClaire, Iowa his building sits. Along with the tour was the Chief of Police. He, and a father of a friend (council member for...
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    4v50 Gary's New Book

    For those that are new to TFL or just didn't know, 4v50 Gary has just released a book title Sharpshooters 1750-1900: The Men, Their Guns, Their Story. I received my copy from him yesterday and I couldn't wait to crank up this thread! Here's the rundown: Foreward by MSG "Rocky" Chandler...
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    "V"...from a Mod, of All People...

    Yep, wife and I just HAD to watch this stupid show just to see if it holds a candle to the stupidity of the original. Come to find out, there was yet another Hollywood moment regarding firearms handling (go figure). The lady FBI agent and her partner was investigating a tunnel under a shack...
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    "Cheap" flashlight recommendation

    Of all the umteen kabillion different flashlights to choose from out there, I ended up buying Bill DeShivs' flashlight. I didn't need another Surefire high end one. A decent rugged, bright, light that doesn't use CR123A batteries and can fit in the palm of my hand was the criteria. Needless to...
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    c.1903 Mosler Safe

    I recently purchased an old Mosler safe on the cheap from a coworker. It's in fair condition for it's age. Showing some rust and the painted murials are faded. The combination has since been lost so I'm going to have to hire a safe technician in order to get it open. Old safes aren't exactly a...
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    Winchester Ranger Bonded "Law Enforcement" Ammunition

    So, my wife and I are in the beginning stages of acquiring our CCW permits. Our county sheriff seems to have a change of heart on issuing as long as we "demonstrate responsibility". I personally don't see any compelling difference with the various current self defense ammo out there today. I...