Search results

  1. S

    Clarification of MIM parts...

    MIM parts seems to be a naughty word around firearms, with pistols especially. I don't know the exact process, but is it an inferior process due to internal inconsistencies? Also, when you guys and gals replace MIM parts with the likes of "latest and greatest", are they usually manufacured from...
  2. S

    Lost my reloading manuals...

    I moved a couple of years ago and just got around to spool up on reloading again. Finished unpacking my stuff and I think I lost my box of reloading manuals. I still have my powder and bullet manuals plus all of my notes on load recipes, thank God. I know there's good advice on the sticky post...
  3. S

    Loss of accuracy using a bayonet...

    I just wondered if there's truth to loss of accuracy firing your rifle with a bayonet attached. I'm mainly talking about older military rifles such as Mausers, etc. My second question is what exactly causes it? My guesses were: 1. when the bayonet is attached, the mounting ring being affixed...
  4. S

    Primer flashhole irregularity

    O.K. bear with me: I happened to look down inside of my new Federal .40 S&W brass. I see what looks like the primer flash hole is "peeled back". Kinda looks like they "punch" the hole, leaving the leftover metal, well, peeled back. Looks like rose petals. My question is: Is it best to leave...
  5. S

    Worthy Tactical Handgun Courses

    I've checked the links, but the prices were a little out of my budget. I saw in Michigan and was told Randy Cain comes through there on a regular basis. Now, my questions: 1. Anybody heard of Triad? Good or bad? 2. "" "" "" Randy Cain? 3. Your suggestions of a...
  6. S

    How did you build your bench?

    Ladies and gents, I'm almost finished with my basement and need some updated input on how you made your reloading station. I've checked some archived threads, but just wanted some fresh ideas. Here's what I have to work with: 1. I have an "L" corner about 5x4 ft. The 5 ft. end is really 4 with 1...
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    Most members on this forum on 4-14-06...

    I just happened to browse the members being logged on and saw the stat. For some reason it hit my funny bone. 4-14...Hmmm...the day before taxes were due. I'm guessing just about EVERYBODY was logged in talking about the generous return they found out was coming. I can see it..."Honey, are you...
  8. S

    Proper break in...

    Gents(and hopefully ladies, too!) I just bought another XD a couple of weeks ago. I have my own method of breaking in the gun as far as the barrel, slide, etc. goes. However, I thought if it hasn't been brought up lately, I'd like to know how you break in your new handguns and even rifles.:)
  9. S

    Yes, another XD thread, but...

    I've poked around TFL, and I think I'm going with the XD45ACP friday. I was a little apprehensive about the GAP due to y'alls input. I prepaid for the gun at my dealer way back in May, when Springfield reps were on hand. They specifically stated that it was 30 days lead time until the OD green...
  10. S

    what kind of press?

    Alright, let the opinions fly... I'm seriously shopping for a new press. I have the old tried and true Lee basic press and I'm eyeballin' the RL550B from Dillon. I want a progressive(I think, ha ha) but don't need ALL the bells and whistles like their top of the line. My main question is are...
  11. S

    8X57mm mauser recipe

    I bought an 8mm Mauser M48 from Mitchell's Mausers some time ago. I wanted to reload with the Remington 185gr. psp. However, I've searched high and low for a load recipe including emailing Remington themselves. No matter where I search, I get the same old rhetoric of "here's a load recipe in so...