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  1. S

    S&W 627 finish question

    I saw a S&W 627 on Gunbroker recently which I thought was gorgeous. THIS finely brushed stainless finish is simply one of my favorite finishes. Plus, I really liked the grips. I want this exact same gun, but in the 2 3/5" version. I also want the...
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    Kel-Tec's RFB .308

    I'm intrigued by Kel-Tec's RFD 308. It's a bull-pup .308. I've handled one - it feels quite solid and actually looks better in person than they do on the web. I've read the reviews which are pretty good. It has some features I really like: takes FAL mags; adjustable gas; chrome lined barrel...
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    Assault Weapon, why I embrace that term...

    Some folks on this forum question why I, an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment and gun-owner's rights, use the term "Assault Weapon" and "Assault Rifle" when talking about semi-automatic guns. I wanted to explain my reasoning a little deeper here. I do this because I recognize the trap the...
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    Old Pen Flares

    What has happened to pen flares, like the ones made by Penguin? Have ATF made the ownership of these things questionable because they look a little like AOW zip guns? You used to see these frequently on gunbroker and ebay.
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    Some guns just don't appreciate....

    I sold an H&R .32 Self Loading pistol (sometimes "self-loader") around 1989-90 for $350 - or more accurately used it in a trade to acquire a Colt SP1 Carbine, adding about $100 IIRC to the trade for the AR. Wondering if I traded off a hidden gem prematurely back in '89, I checked Gunbroker to...
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    Boberg - Bond Arms???

    I recall reading that Bond Arms was going to start making Boberg's XR9-s and XR45 pistols, I think beginning last March. Does anyone know whatever happened to this? We're getting ready to start 2017 and I haven't heard nor seen a thing from Bond Arms about making or selling these pistols.
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    How can California outlaw possession of magazines...

    How can California legally outlaw the possession of large capacity magazines which were legally purchased and owned, without either: 1. Grandfathering the existing magazines; 2. provide some sort of "free" registration scheme of existing magazines; or 3. paying people for them? I see no...
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    Trump won - Is there a Gun Glut?

    With the pressure off (temporarily), is there anyone out there who thinks pre-owned/used gun prices, magazines, parts, and accessories will drop in price? Are we going to see a sell-off in .22lr, and possibly other ammo?:eek:
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    .25acp ammo...

    What is the most powerful/effective .25acp round? Is there any reason to even consider hollow points which likely have less penetration and little to no expansion in this round? This topic is not about the ineffectiveness of .25acp. I know all the cliches about the .25acp round and I know...
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    Sig Export Ban....

    So, I guess Sig hasn't been exporting German made X-Fives to the US for at least a year now? Maybe longer. I haven't been on top of this because I have one X-Five, but recently thought about getting another since I like the one I have so much. Am I to assume that all of the German made...
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    PTR-32 (7.62x39) Opinions...

    I like the idea of the PTR in the 7.62x39 caliber, mainly because ammo cost is cheap as well as larger capacity. And, in something that's NOT an AK. What do folks think about the PTR-32? What magazines does it accept?
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    S&W 627 vs. 657 frames?

    Smith and Wesson makes a model 627 and 657. The 627 is generally an 8-shot .357. The 657 is generally a 6-shot .41 magnum. Does anyone know if there is any difference between the frames (just the frames) of the 627 and the 657? I can't find any information on this.
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    AR un-matched receiver build....

    Well, I thought I could save money buying a cheap upper and cheap barreled upper and slapping them together. Probably not a big deal, but I'm running into two issues: 1) the upper and lower don't fit - going to have to do a bit of filing; and 2) one of my takedown pins doesn't fit one (not...
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    Colt Gold Cup Series 70 Magazine?

    What is the proper magazine for a an early/mid '70's Colt Gold Cup 45? Does the bottom plate simply say "Colt 45 Auto" or does it also have a pony on it? I want to find the proper magazine for a nice Gold Cup series 70 I recently acquired (which did not have the magazine)
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    How many AR type rifles out there???

    I am hearing more and more that folks who, in the past, never would have thought of purchasing an AR type rifle are now buying them. Older people. Revolver people. Traditional hunters. Even non-gun people. I just have to wonder how many AR style rifles and pistols are actually now in the...
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    AC556 didn't sell even for $7,000???

    I had been following a gunbroker auction where an ac556 was listed (with no reserve) for $7,000. See I find it very hard to believe this particular gun (with box, etc) didn't sell. Too good to be true. I saw it transfers on a Form 5, but as far as I...
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    Gun Show AR Build...

    I just couldn't pass up a billet AR lower for $80 (w/transfer) and barreled upper with key-mod hand rail for $199 this weekend. I probably have enough spare parts laying around to make this a pretty cheap build. I may install another binary trigger system (that part is not cheap). I'd like to...
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    Screwdrivers - good quality recommendations?

    I need to get a good set of screwdrivers for working on my guns. From what I've read I should be looking for a set of hollow-ground screwdrivers. I see a couple of sets of Forster screwdrivers on Ebay. Are these any good? Any other suggestions?
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    Lead-core, not bi-metal .223 question....

    I'm looking to purchase bulk .223/5.56 ammo. Cheap. I do not care about performance. But, it must be lead-core, not bi-metal. I have plenty of the bi-metal cartridges, but the indoor ranges have really clamped down on using this stuff. So, I need some acceptable, cheap range ammo. 1. Does...
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    Bushmaster v. Professional Ordnance pistols...

    Professional Ordnance made the first all carbon-fiber/plastic AR pistol. It went out of business and sold out to Bushmaster. I believe Bushmaster still makes these. My question to knowledgeable people is whether these guns use interchangeable parts or whether the parts are different. In...