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    Scope Question

    I'm wondering what anybody thinks is "the best" or "among the best" scope as to REPEATABILITY of its adjustments. That is, if I'm sighted in for one distance, and know how many clicks (in theory) to go to shoot another distance, what scope has the best reputation for "reality"? I'm not...
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    Life Is A Learning Curve (Long)

    Between chit-chat on TFL and a buddy's curiosity, I wound up building a shooting table for a 500-yard range. The targets are two lids from 55-gallon drums, and a one-inch thick, 22" steel plate. They're across Terlingua Creek from the house, and maybe 225 or 250 feet lower elevation. That's...
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    Wounded Deer Behavior

    Some of this is from listening to the Old Guys; some from observation. Deer tend to follow patterns when wounded, particularly with a leg wound--which I'll focus on. "Tend to", I sez; not all deer know what I think they oughta do. If a foreleg is broken, a deer is more likely to go uphill...
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    Now I'm Superstitious!

    Been nervous about this election, never having believed people would re-elect Clinton in 1996...Once again, in 2000, "It's the guns, stupid!" (Not to mention Big Nanny Gummint, the economy, you-name-it.) So: Watched Monday Night Football. Just before the game started, they announced that in...
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    Hey, George!

    I have a modern, two-pin Ruger Blackhawk in .45 Colt. My dissassembly/assembly book shows three-screw Blackhawks. (That's the trouble with old books and new guns.) I want to stone the sear a smidgin. Anything that's not real obvious, from looking at the picture? I don't want to get an attack...
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    For The Garand Guys

    A lot of you probably already have this URL bookmarked, but I see enough Newby questions to post it again: Lots and lots of "how-to" info. Art
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    I was in Dachau, last Wednesday

    Sometimes people ask me why I'm nervous about "Big Government". Or why I grump about views on the Second Amendment, much less the rest of the Bill of Rights. For five marks, I got a guided tour of "Why?", in the Dachau prison camp. It was a work camp, not a death camp. Gee, only some 31,000...
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    Okay, kiddies, y'all mind the Gunny, nicely, for a couple of weeks. I'm headed for the Big Iron Bird, tomorrow, to Deutschland. Gotta see if there are any gunshops down in Bavaria, along with the beer. My son is proving the triumph of optimism over reality, trying on marriage another time...
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    Jeff Cooper's Latest Comments

    Since I agree with Chairman Jeff about many things in this wondrous world we live in, I'm happy to provide the URL: Enjoy! Art
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    Huntin' License Do-re-mi

    Mention was made in another thread about the cost of hunting licenses and where the money goes. The money from hunting licenses is one of the few sources for game wardens' and wildlife biologists' salaries. It also helps fund such things as state fish hatcheries; in Texas it helps with the...
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    Las Vegas Odds on Presidential Race

    Oh, those oddsmakers! Check this out: And make sure you're registered to vote, so the odds will be right! Art
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    Recall on Firestone Tires--Safety Tip

    A bit OT, but I want you guys to get to and from your hunting trips and the shooting ranges in one piece. Even Dennis! :) I stopped in at my friendly Ford dealer today. "They say": 1. Not all the "Wilderness AT" tires are being recalled. If you look on the sidewall of the tire on the...
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    "Skinny-ing" a .308 Barrel

    I'm wanting to rework a 700 ADL in .308 to a lightweight walking-hunting critter. Does anybody know of any reason not to turn the barrel down to the wall-thickness of the Weatherbys? I'm also figuring on cutting it back to 22" or even 20"... Thanx, Art
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    Ethics and Wildlife

    Got to thinking during the "Canned Hunt" thread. (That's dangerous.) Picture this: Some boys are out hunting with a "shared" shotgun--taking turns on who gets to shoot. They see lined-up doves on a tree branch and shoot. Is this bad? Now add: This is part of supper for a widow lady and...
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    Another Birthday!!!

    Well, pin a rose on my nose! I done survived idiots on I-10, rolling rocks on the mountains, and high water on Terlingua Creek! Ain't got snakebit, and IRS ain't bothered me! Added one more year since this time last year, and have ripened a bit more to a rompin' stompin' 66! Lord only knows...
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    Help! on 1898 Krag

    Put a buttpad on the stock, got some brass, loaded up some plinkers. Walked outside to benchrest. Loaded five rounds into magazine. There's nothing to push the cartridges "around the bend" so the bolt picks up the round to chamber it. Should there be some sort of spring in that loading-gate...
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    Politics, the Constitution and YOU

    I've been in this gun-control deal since the arguments over the Gun Control Act of 1968. I've written lots of letters, given campaign funds, and given money to "Our" lobbying groups. What I did not do was get directly involved in Politics Itsownself. You guys out there say you care about...
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    Longest Shot, "The Hard Way"?

    In a case of wandering around open country, what's the longest offhand-shot kill you've made? No rest, no help, just you, the rifle, and ol' Wiley Kyote or Bambi--whatever? Part Deux of this question is, what's the longest shot where you just leaned against a tree or truck-hood, or sat down...
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    "New" Winchester Rifle Primers?

    I bought a carton of Winchester Large Rifle Primers recently, without really thinking about it. Then, I noticed the absence of "Standard or Magnum"; and then noticed the blurb about their NEW Surface Finish. Duh? I vaguely recall some grumping about these, a while back. Sometimes my memory...
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    Plinker Toys and Reduced Loads

    Dunno if it's personal magnetism or my personal gravitational field, but I somehow keep winding up with more guns. I finally decided I oughta shoot some of the strays, but not as serious hunting critters. Plinkers. Reduced loads. Looking through my reloading guides, there's little info on...