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    Rifle for Tim Taylor
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    Bayonet ID

    Here's a new Bayonet that I got recently. I thought it was a variation of an German Ersatz. Can't find a pic of a similar one I saw on a now defunct bayonet board. The brass cross guard made me think Ersatz. The handle having grips milled out on both sides makes me think it's not. Unfortunately...
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    Treat your rifle like a lady

    Vietnam era rifle maintenance cartoon Worth a look if you have an AR or just like the history.
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    Condi Rice on private ownership of firearms Universal rights, not so universal.
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    The alternative party
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    US to convert Iraqi military to M-16 from AK-47 "It's more durable" Not the first thing that comes to mind when I compare an AK to a M-16
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    Darn those Socialists German Social Democracy: The Erfurt Program, 1891 Imagine the horrors that would have been unleashed on the world if Germany had fallen to this commie agenda in 1891.:rolleyes:
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    Bear hunting

    Guy walks into the gun shop with his .38 and asks the smith: "Modify this gun so I can hunt bears." Gun smith: "Say what?!" Guy: "Yeah, I'm gonna hunt bears." So the smith takes the gun and files off the front sight, removes the rear sight, bobs the hammer, removes the big grips and replaces...
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    Bush most unpopular president in history 19% Bush is a record setting president.
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    Jimmy Carter on the primaries

    Carter's take is refreshing to say the least. *WARNING* Adult language - Not a family friendly site. *WARNING* Adult language - Not a family friendly site.
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    Body count in movies In case you want to avoid going to a movie with lots of shooting;) The site gives a break down by character and scene.
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    Slow motion video I thought this video compilation of slow motion bullets hitting various objects was kinda neat.
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    No such thing as a dead round;_ylt=AsM4kyIwO3McB4..Tn5n.GrtiBIF Remember to properly dispose of all suspect munitions.
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    Breakfast of Champions If you want youe eggs "Uzi-over"
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    Concealed carry in California

    This guy gets a gun permit just so he can write about the experience.
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    Nagant revolver, cylinder question

    I saw a Nagant in a pawn shop today. It was very nice compared to how I imagined an old Russian surplus pistol would look. The one I saw was different than those I've seen on the net. It had a smooth cylinder, no fluting. The cylinder also looked pretty new compared to the rest of the gun...
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    Bush signs bill to tighten gun-buyer screening,1,6849462.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&track=crosspromo
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    big bullet low velocity deer gun A bit pricey, but I doubt brush would deflect the bullet to much.
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    Ron Paul supporters getting fiesty again
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    Driving up to the relatives in Skagit County for Christmas there were hundreds of Trumpeter Swan just off the highway. Beautiful sight. I've lived in Washington since 75 and I've driven up to Mt. Vernon or Burlington almost every December for the last 20+ years and I've never seen so many. The...