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  1. B

    New toy, 1898 pattern 1 butcher blade

    Here's a few fuzzy pics of a German Butcher blade bayonet. I'm mostly sure of the ID. B. STOCK & Co. BERLIN-MARIENFELDE is on the left face of the fort. On the spine of the fort there's a crown with a W (King Wilhelm II) under it then 15 (1915) and a small crown with a script possibly PB (could...
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    1858/63 Remington

    Just got this New Model Army made by E.N. Santa Barbara Spain. Now I need some care and feeding info. Is there a schematic on line to help me take this thing apart? And what kind of powder and how many grains? Should I stick with ball or are there conical bullets I should look at? It's a real...
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    Winchester Model 190 .22 semi-auto

    Later this month I'm going to an auction that has one of these and I'd like to opinion of people who have used them. How accurate are they? How reliable, given decent care and ammo? How easy are they to break down? The one I'm looking at is in pretty darn good condition. It's clean and...
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    When not to carry

    And when not to argue about whether someone should carry.,0,1548907.story A Guy and a Gal, both 28, go out for a night of drinking with some friends. Oh, and the Gal's 4 year old daughter is along for the fun...
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    Military trivia

    What was used to end the last dog fight of WWII? For extra credit name the planes involved. I'll post the answer in about an hour.
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    loading .38 brass to .357 levels

    Is the guy who told me he did this an idiot, or is this really possible?
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    Old way and New way in basic training Interesting article. Soldiers in basic are getting much more hands on training and getting it earlier than previously. Part of this has to do with the lack of time that the peace time army had to train it's...
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    This is interesting .22 Nagant I'd never heard of them in anything except 7.62 and .32
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    Pend-Oreille County Washington

    Has anyone here hunted Elk in Pend-Oreille? How does it compare to the Okanogan? I'm being told it's the best place in the state and I'd like to know more before I commit to driving across the state this fall.
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    Is this a valid formula for energy?

    velocity(fps)^2 x bullet weight in grains / 450436 = Muzzle Energy. ie 900(fps) x 900(fps) x 230gr / 450436 = 413.599ft/pd I've been using E=1/2MV^2 since high school. But this seems to be much easier.
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    Check this out Ain't that pretty?
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    Questions about new to guns threads.

    Let us say there was a thread in which someone asked what kind of gun they should get for their first gun. Not hard to imagine, because there sure seem to be lots of then lately. What questions would you like the OP to answer before you advise them?
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    Browning BPR question

    This is a pump action made by Browning from the late seventies to the late eighties. Were they made in .22lr as well as .22mag? I saw one that's going to be in an auction later this week and it's advertised as just being a .22. My memory was that they were only made in .22 mag. Not that...
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    Why I don't hunt with dogs

    At least not for bambi
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    Ernest Thompson Seton and the Wolf that Changed America Just watched a PBS show on one of the early conservationist in the US. Ernest Seton, was employed as a professional hunter to kill the last major wolf pack in the Southwest. As the hunt progressed he developed a great respect for the Alpha...
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    Bullwinkle hunting survey

    I'm just curious about the basic stats for hunting moose. Unless I win a moose tag lottery here or the real lottery and get enough money to hunt out of state, this will just be idle curiosity on my part. If you wouldn't mind adding what you think the minimal acceptable caliber is in your post...
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    S&W m 17-2 vs S&W K 22

    As far as I can tell these are pretty much the same gun. Is there a significant difference that I'm not seeing that would make me want to spend $50 more on one than the other in the same condition?
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    Sarah Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere.

    When she was introduced by John McCain, Sarah Palin proudly boasted that "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere," unfortunately that's not quite factual. Palin, a backer of Alasaka Senator Ted Stevens, was also a big supporter of the $398 million dollar bridge from...
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    Max Cleland as Obama's VP

    Given all the speculation about who's going to be the VP for Obama or McCain I thought I'd throw out what i think is a good choice. Max Cleland satisfies the "democrat must have a Southerner" requirerment. Even though current demographic trends might...
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    Bush team lets Osama #1 bodyguard go The Bush administration, everyone in it from Cheney on down are a bunch of incompetent hacks. This is why the rule of law is important. It's not just torture or habeas; the rule of law helps protect society from incompetent government...