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  1. J

    Pics in the test area count against pics everywhere

    Sorry for the somewhat cryptic title. I sometimes upload pics in the test area trying to get my pics straight. But then when I try to post them elsewhere on the board, it won't let me because it says I've already uploaded the picture. BUT, the threads in the test area are deleted occasionally...
  2. J

    Everything you think you know about handguns is dead wrong...

    Ok, well maybe not everything. But a good bit of it probably is based on what I've been reading lately on this forum. If you think any of the following statements are true then you should do some real research before posting your opinion as fact. *Some handguns have real knockdown power...
  3. J

    Why France didn't go to Iraq...

    seems obvious now. Sounds like they were trying to prevent exactly what's going on in Paris right now.
  4. J

    Gun in the shower paranoid?

    I just watched a documentary on a serial killer (Cleophus Prince Jr.) who would follow women home from health clubs, break into their homes and rape and stab them. The police theorized that he knew that the women would probably get right into the shower upon returning from a health club and...
  5. J

    Can you tell ahead of time?

    One thing that has always mystified me is that I can't tell ahead of time if I'm going to shoot great or shoot poorly when I head to the range. I can feel great, think I'm in the groove and get to the range and shoot terribly. Or I can feel cruddy and almost turn around and go back home...
  6. J

    Nice suburban neighborhood--it can't happen here...

    My wife and I were returning Monday from visiting the in-laws in MO. About 5 miles from home I thought I caught a glimpse of something in the air over the general area of our house so I began watching more carefully. As we got closer it became apparent that there was a copter doing orbits over...
  7. J

    B&S Guns in Garland TX--HANDGUN EXPERT????

    Yup, they've taken his picture down, but for awhile there was a picture of one of the employees in the store with his name under it and the label "Handgun Expert". So, what's that got to do with anything? Last time I was in B&S, I watched their "Handgun Expert" do the "Hollywood Flick" to...
  8. J

    Elmer Keith--in context

    I've been reading a lot of Elmer Keith's work lately and something struck me. Something obvious, but something that I didn't see for a long time. He did most of his writing 30 years ago. Most of his denigration of "small-bore" high-velocity rounds was CLEARLY related to bullet failures. In...
  9. J

    Thread Age Warning...

    It's great that people are using the search function, but there's probably limited utility to actually replying to a thread that's years old--especially in the for sale forums. Perhaps a warning message when someone tries to post to a thread that is extremely old would be useful? Something...
  10. J

    RTFT--Read The Frickin' Thread!

    If you don't have time to read the thread you don't have time to post on it. I guess if it's a 5 page monster, that's one thing, but I just finished reading a thread that had only about 10 responses. More than one person posted in such a way as to make it clear that they didn't even read the...
  11. J

    Why wads?

    Are wads to reduce leading/fouling like gas checks in smokeless reloading or are they to improve accuracy? If you use a wad can you dispense with filler materials in light loads? I'm sure that some of these questions are probably pretty basic, but I'm just getting started in BP... :o
  12. J

    Ruger Old Army Conicals?

    I found an SS old style (adjustable sight) 7" Old Army in a gun shop today. Walked out the door with it but without $295. I don't know if that's such a great deal, but I couldn't pass it up. Looks like it's been handled/carried a lot (???) but never shot. I removed about 99% of the...
  13. J

    Why isn't anyone making top-break centerfires??????

    With today's technology, a top break .38 should be safe and plenty durable. Reloads would be much easier and faster due to automatic ejection and better access to the back of the cylinder. I'd buy one...
  14. J

    The 1911--this is ridiculous!

    Just read an article in one of the better gun magazines by a gun writer that I respect more than most of them. He was reviewing a polymer DAO pistol (not a Glock). Or at least that's what he was SUPPOSED to be reviewing. The reviewed gun's model is mentioned 10 times in the article. The 1911...
  15. J

    1000 new members in a month!!!

    I was reading one thread and noticed that of the 10 or so posters on the thread, only one had been a member longer than a couple of months. That got me to thinking so I looked at the member list. Since 13 November there have been about 1000 new members join TFL.
  16. J

    Going downhill...

    In the last two days I've seen posters on TFL: Post advice on weapon selection based on video game experience. Post that 8mm, 30-08 (sic) and .308 all have the same bore diameter and that 30-08 (sic) and .308 will chamber and fire in an 8mm Mauser. Post that they can't support their...
  17. J

    DFW Airgunners--30 October Airgunfest

    3rd Annual Autumn Airgun Festival in Rockwall, TX. Bring your airguns to shoot, swap or sell. There will be some dealers on hand, usually free air for the PCP shooters and free snacks/lunch. NO CHARGE! Check out the links for a better description and maps...
  18. J

    PLEASE! Don't fill TFL with posts about the closing!

    We still have a couple of weeks. Does anybody believe that the best thing to do is to use them choking the board to death with post after post about the closing!
  19. J

    HUGE Assault round... (Idiot Journalist)

    Yesterday the local paper ran a story about a little boy who had recovered from a drive-by shooting. The author noted that the boy's house was hit several times both by 9mm bullets and " .762 caliber bullets common to assault rifles." I don't think .762 caliber bullets are all that common...
  20. J

    Hunting Revolver

    I've been hassling with a Ruger Super RedHawk in .44 Mag that won't group better than 6" at 50 yards from a rest and I'm tired of it. I'm ready to replace it. I want a double action revolver that is capable of taking deer & hog neatly out to 50 yards. I could replace it with another .44 mag...