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  1. J

    John reviews Guns, Ammo, Ammo Makers, Gun Publications, Gun Makers & Gun Writers

    All Guns, Ammunition, Ammo Makers, Gun Publications, Gun Makers & Gun Writers have at least some bad qualities and virtually all of them have several good qualities--it's up to each user to determine which is which and to decide what "good" they have to have and what "bad" they can tolerate...
  2. J

    Ammo Inventory Time...

    Sort of like Spring Cleaning...but different! Centerfire Pistol Calibers--Ammo by 15 different makers. Listed from most rounds inventoried to least. 9mm ( Most overall all calibers & gauges.) .357Mag 7.62x25 10mm .380ACP .44Mag Centerfire Rifle Calibers--Ammo by 20 different makers Listed...
  3. J

    On the way to work... (what would you do?)

    I stopped to put gasoline in the car on the way to work this morning. As I was waiting for the tank to fill I heard screaming. Not very loud, but it definitely got my attention. It got louder--I looked around and saw a car coming down the street. The screaming was coming from the car...
  4. J

    Ruger P95 shot well today...

    Had an informal club shoot today. I took the stainless decock-only P95 I bought used a few weeks ago. The previous owner hadn't cleaned it--being the lazy sort I chose to shoot the gun that already needed cleaning vs dirtying another. :D After running through some move & shoot "practical"...
  5. J

    When was the last time you read a firearms BOOK?

    I'm not talking fiction, I'm talking about something like Sixguns by Elmer Keith, Fast & Fancy Revolver Shooting by Ed McGivern, Book of the Rifle by Jim Carmichel, The Art of the Rifle by Col. Cooper or Gunsmithing at Home by John Traister. Now, here's the real question... How would your...
  6. J

    TX CHL holders--ACT NOW!

    SB 534 would prevent employers from penalizing a CHL holder for keeping a handgun in a locked vehicle in the company parking lot while at work. It also provides liability immunity for the employer for incidents relating to CHL holder's actions. It is currently in this committee...
  7. J

    Pawn Shop turns down $75 and a free magazine...

    I went into a Pawn Shop today after doing some scouting earlier in the week. They had a gun I wanted. I brought in the same gun to trade, but mine was a slightly different configuration. Mine was a safety variant, theirs was a decock only variant of the same pistol. I've grown to really like...
  8. J

    Virginia Tech vs Virginia Appalachian School of Law

    Virginia Tech 16 April 2007 Armed foreign student Cho Seung-hui goes on a shooting rampage on campus and shoots over 50 unarmed victims, killing 32 before committing suicide. Virginia Appalachian School of Law 18 January 2002 Armed foreign student Peter Odighizuwa goes on a shooting rampage on...
  9. J

    Ammo--considerations often left unconsidered.

    If you use a speedloader for your revolver, a round like the Winchester Ranger with it's rounded nose and hard jacket will be MUCH easier to load rapidly than a semijacketed round with an exposed lead mouth like the generic Federal JHP. If you carry a magazine or loose rounds in your pocket to...
  10. J

    Here's why so many people were killed in the Virginia Tech Shooting!

    Did you know that just last year a bill to allow those with concealed permits to carry on college campuses in Virginia was shot down? The first article below has a quote from a Virginia Tech spokesman praising the defeat and saying that people on campus will now feel safe. Virginia Tech...
  11. J

    CZ75B Range Report & Review

    Had some free time today so I skedaddled off to the range with my new CZ75B. I chose the satin nickel finish for a couple of reasons. I figured it would be a bit more durable and easier to clean. And, I surmised that the tiny extra bit of thickness due to the plating might make it slightly...
  12. J

    Tales from the GSSF Match Armorer's table

    I always try to spend a few minutes talking with the Armorer at the GSSF matches. For those of you who've never been to a match, check out for more information. Anyway, there's always a Glock Armorer at these matches--he'll look your gun over, do any required upgrades or...
  13. J

    GREAT quote on "stopping power".

    This is a quote from an article by Dave Spaulding in the Feb/Mar 07 issue of HANDGUNS. It is made even more accurate by the editing error. Let's face it: Handguns, regardless of caliber, are not very effective regardless of caliber. Incapacitation is a direct result of where your hits are...
  14. J

    Using wikipedia links as references...

    Just something that occurred to me today. Remember, what you read today may not be what's there tomorrow. Even if it's all correct when you look at it, there's nothing insuring that it will be accurate in 2 weeks, let alone another year. If there's good information in a wiki link, IMO it's...
  15. J

    .260 Rem rules the roost in High Power Silhouette.

    Interesting comment made by Jim Scoutten on this week's episode of Shooting USA. In answer to emails, he polled the competitors and found that the majority of the shooters at the NRA national high power silhouette competion were using .260 Remington. Funny, I never hear anything but good about...
  16. J

    Which makers' handguns have you owned?

    Just curious what the breakdown looks like. Pick as many makers as apply. You don't need to own the pistol right now, but to be fair, you should have at least shot the gun if it's one you sold. I.e. if you bought a gun but sold it before shooting it, don't include that one in the poll answer...
  17. J

    Think the moderators are unfair??? READ THIS BEFORE POSTING YOUR GRIPE.

    Look at this post. This is an excellent example of: 1. How to properly handle a complaint with a mod. 2. The fairness and objectivity of the staff of TFL. If you disagree with a moderator's decision, send him/her a PM...
  18. J

    Search error/advisory message

    This is showing up in the upper right hand corner of my screen when I do a search. It goes away and the search info comes up, but I thought it minght be useful: search terms: Search logic check... Query point B DISTINCT thread.threadid, thread.forumid, post.userid post.dateline > 1160703111...
  19. J

    Searching TFL "Gun Show" with abbreviations...NOT!

    I used to search the For Sale forums with the abbreviation DFW to find guns being sold in my area. For some reason, that quit working awhile back... Is that a bug or a feature? :D
  20. J

    Thread is sick? TFL having problems? I've posted on this thread today. (Twice, I think.) It shows that I'm the last poster, but when I open it, my post isn't there... :confused: