You're Gonna Love This


New member
This guy is pretty hateful re: guns and gun-owners. But that's okay, he's just one of the enemy and I feel the same "passionate" way about them. The two sides can NOT's them or us.

I would hope, however, that he would he personally set out to confiscate the guns since he feels so strongly about it, instead of being a coward and sending others to do it as so often happens with these anti-gun people.

-- John D.

"Everyone should have an opportunity to die for what they believe in, whether they want to or not." -- John D.


New member
What do people like these think? If all guns vanished tomorrow that all violence and brutality would end? Take a look at the centuries before guns were created. Those were real peaceful times weren’t they? I have to say though that I so feel pity toward people with that kind of limited mentality.


New member
Gun control

Hey badbob, That was great. I do not believe you can reason with the anti's. I end my talks with an anti with a question. "So where is it you said you lived?"


New member
Based on this guy's website

I wouldn't worry about him too much. I browsed through most of his website and it's sad. It only convinces antis to be anti, and not very well at that. I tried going to some of the articles or websites he linked to and they have either been long since deleted or you have to register with the site to view the articles. Others I could get to were articles from several years ago. Even his "ACLU on GunControl" link was no longer valid. Other articles were titled with "Illegal Guns".. double talk at it's finest. Duh, nobody wants "illegal" guns! That is unless he thinks legal ownership is an illegal act. It has cartoons apparently cutting down pro gunner's claims that anti gunners reasons for wanting gun control are myths - huh? If you could understand that explanation you might understand his logic. Oh, and one of his claims that he is a supporter of constitutional rights... and he's anti-gun? I don't think I'd want him on my side.

Does this guy have a valid resume or is he just talking out his A**?


New member
You'd think it would be an easy battle...

Us against them..the gun banners versus the gun owners...I mean..their stance obviously means that they are are all disarmed and therefore it will not be much of a fight..right? Nope..when they say that all guns should be banned..many of them mean OUR guns..not theirs. Some of the most rabidly anti gun voices in the country either own and carry firearms themselves or make sure that they employ armed guards for their protection.

10 MickeyMouse

New member
Well, at least the government won't like his idea either:

Create a one year period for the United States of America to purchase at fair market value all guns and firearms, including hand guns, rifles, and even antique guns and rifles from domestic private ownership.

Just another idiot anti with a website. Not like it's something new.


New member
"We, the people, are tired of passing through metal detectors on our way to our courts and our governmental buildings. We, the people, are tired of being victimized by gun carrying criminals."

What a coincidence! Me, too!


New member
With 28 years in the practice of law, an LLM (Tax) degree, 2 years as a public school teacher, 5 years as a real estate developer, 12 years as a 900 phone number information provider, 27 years in the collection agency business, and 3 years hosting "Think Radio with Clark Garen",

Dang, this guy has got more education than I could have in two lifetimes, and he does`nt even understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Notice he says he has 12 years as a 900 number info provider. :eek:


New member
Create a one year period for the United States of America to purchase at fair market value all guns and firearms, including hand guns, rifles, and even antique guns and rifles from domestic private ownership.

I'm just curious. Anyone have an estimate of how much this would cost?
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New member
Knotthead, I wrote him an email and I asked him the same thing. Here is the email I sent him.

After reading the home page of your website on the “Petition To Ban All Guns in the United States”, I can`t help but shake my head in disbelief. Your facts are far from the truth, but you are entitled to your opinion and that is what they are, opinions only.

We the people, are tired of having our schools invaded by psychotic youngsters.”
Well, if the Gun Free Zone law on schools were not in place, then the psycho`s would not have targeted the schools. The criminal knows no one on the school grounds will be armed, thanks to the law, so he knows no one will be able to stop him. In states without “right to carry” laws, there have been 15 school shootings. In states that allow citizens to carry guns, there has been only one.

We the people, are tired of being robbed of our political leaders by some psychotic with a gun or rifle.”
You did not research this opinion very well. You state this as if it were an epidemic. I can not think of any political leaders that were killed in this century. I remember a few presidents that were shot at, but we were not “robbed” of them. By the way, you do know that a rifle is a gun, right?

We the people, are tired of passing through metal detectors on our way to our courts and our government buildings.”
That just shows how much our government trusts the law abiding citizens. The criminals are the ones that will try to carry a weapon in the courts.

We the people, are tired of being victimized by gun carrying criminals.”
This is a no brainer! Start carrying a concealed weapon. If every state in the U.S. would have a “shall issue” law on concealed carry permits, then there would be less crime.
• 74% of felons agreed that "one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is
that they fear being shot during the crime.”
• 57% of felons polled agreed, "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim
than they are about running into the police.”
• Every year, people in the United States use a gun to defend themselves against criminals
an estimated 2,500,000 times – more than 6,500 people a day, or once every 13 seconds. Of
these instances, 15.6% of the people using a firearm defensively stated that they "almost
certainly" saved their lives by doing so.
Firearms are used 60 times more often to protect lives than to take lives

We, the people, are faced with only two choices. One is to place guards, metal detectors, and other devices designed to invade the personal liberties of the citizens at every single place where the public gathers.”
I thought you just said the people are tired of passing through metal detectors in our courts and government buildings. You must mean that only yourself should be exempt from walking through them.
The fact is, that the more armed citizens there are in public gatherings, the less likely a criminal would try to rob, beat, or rape someone. Guards or the police in public gathering is not enough. They are not our personal bodyguards.

The other alternative is to eliminate all guns and firearms from the United States of America. Given that we must choose from one of these two choices, we, the people, choose to eliminate all privately held guns and firearms from the United States of America.”
So, you already made the choice for the people? If that were to happen, you would see the worse crimes of rape, murder, and robbery in the U.S. than you could imagine. Only the criminals would have guns now. Do you think they are going to give up their guns? Think about the crime rates in Britain, Australia, and Japan. They have banned guns or severely limited them to private citizens. Wrong choice.

Create a one year period for the United States of America to purchase at fair market value all guns and firearms, including hand guns, rifles, and even antique guns and rifles from domestic private ownership.”
What good will this do to on stopping criminals? It only infringes upon the rights of law abiding citizens. Besides, criminals don`t use “antique”guns in crimes. I thought you just said you wanted to ban all guns? Now you want to place more useless restrictions.

Create a one year period for the United States of America to purchase at fair market value all guns and firearms, including hand guns, rifles, and even antique guns and rifles from domestic private ownership.”
Do you realize how much that would cost the U.S. taxpayers? There are an estimated 100 million legal firearms in the U.S.

Prohibit and criminalize the domestic sale of guns and firearms, whether new or used.
• Seize and destroy any gun or firearm found after the termination of the purchase period without compensation.
• Prohibit and criminalize the domestic possession of a gun or firearm after the termination of the one year purchase period.
• Provide exemptions for governmental law enforcement agencies, the armed services, and bona fide museums.

Now you`re really not making sense. And you went to law school?
You want to make us into criminals a year later after a perfectly legal purchase of a firearm?
You should go back to law school and learn the Bill of Rights and study the Patriot Letters.


Henry Roesemann
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New member

The NSPOF-based estimate for the total number of
privately owned firearms is 192 million: 65 million
handguns, 70 million rifles, 49 million shotguns,
and 8 million other long guns (exhibit 4). Of the
handguns, 48 percent were revolvers, 40 percent
semiautomatics, and 12 percent were reported as
"some other type of handgun" by respondents.

192,000,000 x 400 dollars = 76,800,000,000
400 dollar value assumption
And assuming everyone cashes them in

Its do able the .gov has spent more for less I'm sure.:(


The phrase "fair market value" is curious. If the only market is the Government, then the fair market value will be whatever the Government determines the value to be. Am I wrong?:confused: :(



New member
This is my email I sent this idiot.

If you are not carrying a concealed handgun and you are walking down the street and a violent crazy criminal with a knife, gun, or claw hammer demands your wallet and then proceeds to kill you, what are you going to do? Dial 911 while you are being stabbed, shot, bluggened to death? What if you didn't have a cellphone or know your location? Will you ask him to temporarily pause his attack while you seek out a telephone? Will you yell for help so some good citizen throws themselves in front of your attackers weapon in order to save you? Do you think your attacker will wait while you make your call? Make sure you know the exact street number or the police will not be able to locate you very quickly. Do you think you will still be alive in the 15 minutes it takes the average police car to arrive? What would you do? You are being stabbed, shot and hacked to death this very instant. Come honest, what is the best solution to this problem?



New member
This guy is so bogus. If you click on any of the links in the "other links" section, it comes up page not found. Also my email to him just got returned. He probably folded from all the truth about firearms or he`s too scared to back up what he says.


New member
Gona Love This

Sent him an e-mail myself.Short version move your butt to England and don't let the door hit you on the way out bye.