Your experience with the CX4 Storm


New member
There's not much on TFL about the Baretta CX4 Storm, so I figure I'd put something out here. Last weekend while at the indoor range, I got bored with the handgun I took along with me, and decided to see what they had to offer.

For some reason, I always find myself intrigued by the Storm, so I decided to rent it. It came equipped with a holographic dot, and a pistol grip on the bottom rail.

After shooting maybe 150 rounds at 50 yds or so, I couldn't help but notice the permanent grin I had taken on. I mean, I've shot plenty of guns, no where near many of you, but to me, this thing just stood out as a ball of fun. I have limited knowledge of Baretta. It's accuracy was almost unbelievable. I could really see this thing living in my safe. Not to mention, I have an un-counted amount of 9mm already, so it's been dancing around in my head all week.

Would there be any owners of this puppy here on this forum? And if so, would you be willing to share your experience with it?



New member
They are nice. I've handled one in .40. I just don't have a niche that this gun can fill. Looks nice though.



New member
this is one fro the bonehead files! two summers ago a porcupine waddled under the front end of my 99 one ton chev 4x4. before my golden lab could
get to it i emptied a full clip from my storm into it. lol! never occurred to me i might miss and trash the front end....bobn


New member
Mine is a .45 acp version. Very accurate. I have only run 230 grain bullets through it , nothing smaller. But it has been 100% on all bullet types that I have tried. I figure I have 500 rds out the pipe on my storm with zero problems. The triggers are not the best but DO improve with use. They are very easy to take down and clean. THE DOWN SIDE is that you may go broke putting all the accessories on it.


New member
I have the 9mm version. 100% reliable, very accurate, very ergonomic (at least for me), appreciate the light weight, lots of fun to shoot. I have zero issues or complaints of any kind. Have no plans to put a lot of stuff on it. Do have and use some 20 round mags (factory) that work perfeclty as well. Very happy with it.


Why didn't they put a collapsible stock on this? It would have been much more compact for storage or in an automobile, and would have looked better also.


New member
Well, I'm sure it would have to be an entire new stock set, since the one it comes with is all one piece.
Maybe a new lower and then a option for a fixed or folding stock.
Maybe not folding, but collapsing like a G3.

It would be hard to duplicate the look and feel of the factory version, enough to lure owners into buying a new set.
That, and like eric was stating, they aren't that popular compared to semi-auto 22LR's and .223Rem's.


New member

range report beretta storm 45acp from jan.2005


well, gave into the temptation and bought one yesterday.
went straight from gander mtn. to the rifle range. i didn't have my glasses with me and only "iron" sites so wasn't expecting perfection but the frist two mag's were disapointing, low to the left and i didn't see an adjustment tool in the case. the shots at 50 yards were spread over 8" off sandbags not good.
adjusting my point of aim i continued to shoot off the sand bags and the groups slowly began to shrink to about 4"-5". for the last 20 rounds of the 100 fired i lifted up off of the sandbags and shot holding the gun in both hands resting my elbows on the table and shot the bull out of the last 50 yrd. target. finial group of twenty inside or touching bull.
100 rounds of american ammo (i think remington manufactor) hard ball fired mostly from full mag's. of 8, some with only 2 loaded in mag. no fail to feed or fail to fire, not bad straight out of box with no cleaning or oiling.
gun was comfortable to shoot, lite recoil, some muzzle rise. i'm not a big fan of the type of millitary site having grown up with the std. notch and bead, but it worked as i got use to it. the only gripe is that i had not shaved and the seam in the stock would some times pull one of my wiskers!
fun little gun with good possible defensive uses. oh i did find the adjustment tool when i got home, good excuse to go back and try some more.
since this report i've put a long eye relief pistol scope on the storm and sited in at 100 yards shot both hard ball and jhp winchester "white" box. 200 rounds had the bolt lock back in the "mag" empty position with one round left in the mag, the other 199 rounds functioned perfectly, again the groups were better as the barrel got "warm" still all stayed in the target (size of mans chest) at 100 yards but as gun got "hot" groups shrank to about 3".

i have since add an eotech site and barrel shroud. groups shrank some more but it still seems to shoot a little tighter when warm.


I think they are missing their mark by not putting a collapsible stock on it. I agree a stock like the G3 would be a good way to go. It would be an extremely compact package when collapsed because the magazine is in the grip, not in front of the trigger guard like on an AR.

If they put a collapsing stock on it, I would get one.


New member
Hey thanks for the input. You guys make a lot of sense. When returning it, as if I needed a wrench in my gears so to speak, he mentioned that I can also get the AR chambered in 9mm. So of course, I had to take a look at the AR for comparison. (Which I have always had a secret desire for) ... "Way to sidestep a potentially easy sell" I thought. :rolleyes: :D

But my point I guess is that I have no niche to fill either. I just really enjoyed shooting this thing, so I figured I'd do some homework and see if it would be a feasible purchase. And boy, for the price, the permanent grin slowly faded as I started doing the math on what other things I could buy for 1200+.

Ehh such is life. In any event, I will be renting it again this weekend. Too bad they have no ARs available to compare to. :(


New member
I look at it this way, I have plenty of pistols to fill the 0-25yd target and self defense niches, a shotgun and and Mini-14s to handle the 0-100yd self defense niche, the Mini will also handle the 0-200yd just fine. I have bolt action rifles that can handle the 100-1000yd target and hunting niches. I also have 10/22s to handle the 50-100yd target niche. I just don't need a pistol caliber carbine to handle either the 0-100 yard SD or target niches. Your situation may be different.

Bart Noir

New member
Last time I was charged by enraged niches I had the wrong weapon. Couldn't hit the darn things at 25 meters as I only had the rifle for 500-meter niches. It came down to bowie knives and knees in the groin, and I'm here to tell you, niches got small groins.

Bart Noir
Bear spray will stop a niche but check the wind direction first.


New member
I do think that 100 yds is a little long to expect good accuracy from a .45 storm. A 9mm will do better. I can and do - do 1" at 50 yds with my .45 storm. It has never had one round of factory ammo out of it. Just DEM good handloads !


New member
No collapsable stock because it was born and bred in a foreign country during a time of turmoil in the U.S..That turmoil being the AWB in America.That feature would classify it as a evil black rifle and not importable.It was....'for the chilrins'.


New member
My friend's rifle

I shot my friend's rifle, in 40 cal. Had what I perceived to be significant recoil. The iron sights were set up in such a way that I couldn't get behind them to shoot the rifle. Maybe I have a strange shaped face or something.

Since you have actually shot this rifle, and since it worked well for you, I'd say you found yourself a keeper.