You just became Chief of Police... what are you arming your cops with?


New member
Glocks. Just to **** off a lot of the posters here.

I'm feeling evil today.

Members here frowned on the FA Pistols I suggested but none have
said anything about outfitting police with Class 3 destructive devices?

Cheap attempt at humour. No offence to glock enthusiasts, employees etc;)


New member
Whatever they want within reason, 9mm or 45 acp, reputable manufacturer, and they need to qualify with it. Dont care if they want a glunk 17 or a 1911, if they shoot it well. Thinking one gun is going to fit and shoto well for eveyone is a joke.


New member
I feel like out of all the things police chiefs worry with, what to arm the deputies with is really low on the list.


New member
handgun: springfield armory 1911 professional
shotgun: mossberg 590a1
sniper: Savage arms law enforcement series in .338 lapua magnum:)


New member
I'd go with all Glock only if I could spend the saved funds on UAVs, and EMP devices for ending vehicle chases.

We'd also have not a single V6 engine in the entire department.


New member
Batons and whistles.

LE needs to lose its firearms privileges until they become peace officers again (see the Canton, OH CCW video for an example of why). Federal, state and local DA offices need massive reform and must treat officers as regular citizens (see the Sal Calusi case in Fairfax, VA. SWAT ND'd into a suspect, killing him--his wife complained about the weeks without pay). Legislatures need to remove all exemptions for police in all laws with direct accountability for unlawful actions (including actions beyond their authority).
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New member
I'm italian so..

-Beretta px4 full size .40 for sidearm (among other things passed all SOCOM tests)
-shotgun benelli nova or m3
-bushmaster made "m4" carbine (all italian special forces have and is very good made) or HK G36C
-for swat snipers i like Sako trg 22 .308w

But i love also -S&W M&P .40
- mossberg and remington shootguns
- remington 700 police .308 or .300 Wm

and if i were american i choose only american brands


New member
I wouldn't get the cops more guns, instead I'd issue them to members of the community (we commoners) and educate them on the law and their responsibilities as citizens of The United States of America and their role in it.

I can protect myself better than any cop or number of cops can protect me.

Same can be said for the large majority of we subjects.

I have no need for the "nanny state".


New member
Whatever their best performing firearm is during their training. That's what I got. I shot Glocks, Sigs, HKs, and Berettas. I consistently performed best with the Glock. Most of my colleagues did as well. Guess what we got? So, train till you wake up having rolled out bed from doing movement drills in your sleep. Whatever gun you've been scoring best with BETTER be on your hip. To hell with your wants and whims. Want something else? Get better.


New member
Insomnia strikes again....

First, thanks Irish, for clearing up the Mall Ninja trip: I wasn't getting the references! Now I'm just trying to un-cross my eyes! LOL!

Question at hand:

On the belt, Model 10, maybe a speedloader, and a Motorola. Maybe an 870 in the trunk. I'd only take the chief job in a town like mine or smaller, say population 15k or less, so we won't be expecting massive shootouts with full-auto long guns. In my town we'll leave busting the meth labs to the state or county boys.