you guys are killin' me


A gun is designed to kill...
Many guns are designed to facilitate killing. Many are not.

Here's an example of some that are not.




Speaking of "killing me", I can't believe we're having another Firearms Political Correctness lecture. I'm sick of gun people correcting other gun people on what words they use.:mad:

High Cap Magazine.

Assault Rifle.

Revolvers aren't Pistols.

Deal with it.:(


New member
I reckon we should contact Glock and thell them to change their website too. They call their guns weapons!! :eek:

As far as correcting gunowners for their usage of certain terms, I agree with that. If you don't call something by a somewhat proper name, it just makes you look stupid in the eyes of those that DO know the difference. The ones that don't have a clue anyway don't mind what you call it.

NO gun was designed to kill. Bullets are designed to kill. The terminal effectiveness of your weapon is mostly determined by the performance of your bullet not the design of the gun.


While I do agree with POLITELY requiring the correct definitions of words like clips vs. magazines, what bothers me is when we have to change OUR language to suit some other audience.

A gun is a weapon. Just because some guns are no longer designed for use as a weapon doesn't mean that a Glock was not built for exactly that.

The NRA is a VERY public organization which is trying to get hunters, housewifes and gun nuts all on the same page. But TFL is not a hunter's safety course, and I'm a bit damn tired of being told what kind of nouns I can use when talking about guns with other gun enthusiasts, ESPECIALLY if the goal is to avoid negative reactions among people who the message isn't attended for.

I don't care if the media has given certain words a negative spin. I'm not the media, and I don't have to play those games. They're our words, and I don't have to change the way I speak because THEY want me to look bad.


New member
smince said:
(This is my WEAPON, this is my GUN...)

This is for FIGHTING' this is for FUN!

My handgun was designed to kill people, just as a mase, a longsword, cannon and a dagger are designed to kill people and not for any other reason.

A kitchen knife is designed to prepare your evening meal. While it can be used as a weapon, it is not designed as such; hense, you can go into Sears, Dillards, Wal-Mart, Target, Linnens-N-Things and many other establishments and purchase a full set of them and you're legal to take them home, consealed or not--locked away or not. You can't say the same for a Bowie knife.

Same goes with a baseball bat or a set of golf clubs or even a tennis racket they are NOT designed to kill people, but to play sports with. Have they been used as weapons? Yes they have, but we don't call them a weapon in normal everyday life.

Tire irons, chains, rope all have definate roles in today's life, along with cars, but all of these things have been used as weapons in the past, and all will be used as weapons in the future.

A fish is a fish, a bird is a bird... but we do have flying fish and diving birds.




I'm not saying that we shouldn't use the word weapon. I am saying that it makes sense to use it only when it actually applies--instead of using it universally for all firearms.

IMO, saying that all guns are weapons is incorrect, just as it is to say that no gun is a weapon until it's been used as such.

I don't see this as a PC issue, it's simply a matter of being accurate.

The fact is, the average guy who shells out a kbuck or two for a slick double to play the clays games has no thought of ever using it as a weapon and therefore it's not really accurate to call it one. It may, one day, be pressed into service as a weapon, just as any baseball bat, butcher knife or fist may be but that doesn't really change it's original intended use/station in life.

On the other hand, a carry gun is a weapon, pure and simple. Whether it's been used yet or not.



Do you REALLY believe that the mindset of a gun owner somehow deprives a 12 gauge of being a weapon?

Some guns are too specialized and low power to make proper weapons - but I don't see anyone using the term when talking about Pardini free pistols. But the guy with the clays gun isn't going to fail to pick up his shotgun when an intruder is in the house just because he didn't buy it for use as a weapon.

I submit that the mindset of a given person has nothing to do with the definition of the object they own. A car is a car whether it gets driven or not. A gun is a weapon even if never intended or used as such. Because it CAN become a weapon in a moment.


New member
before my brain was a weapon it was a ****

I am not 'PC'ing; I am lamenting the sad misuse of the dictionary.......

Besides, doesn't "weapon" sound all macho and crap?

One may call anything anything, but if we don't communicate to each other in the same language, are we really?

Your results may vary :barf:

"****"; look it up......


"all my brains are XXXX for brains"



New member
While I do agree with POLITELY requiring the correct definitions of words like clips vs. magazines, what bothers me is when we have to change OUR language to suit some other audience.

I'm feeling pretty gay today and I think I'll stick another fag in my mouth, and suck down another Joe. :D

I'm in a pretty good mood. I think I'll light another cigarette and have another cup of coffee.

What bothers me the most and sets my teeth on edge?

The fact that so many people today feel the word "work" or "job" is an obscenity....


On the other hand, a carry gun is a weapon, pure and simple

I don't own any clays "guns" or "free pistols". Each and every WEAPON I own is for self defense and/or defense of my family. Possibly hunting/feeding in a SHTF situation is the closest I get to "sporting purposes", unless you count 3-gun.


Each and every WEAPON I own is for self defense and/or defense of my family. Possibly hunting/feeding in a SHTF situation is the closest I get to "sporting purposes",

Well said.

"Weapons" are what raised mankind out of the mud. Yes, it's a dangerous planet, sad but true. They're all weapons first and recreational second. The good thing is that 99% of the time we're able to use them for nice purposes rather than (stopping fights). so we're able to say that they're sporting even though the primary reason is not sporting.

I submit that the white picket fence syndrome is an illusion, and anyone who gets offended by the term weapon is in danger of being sucked in by the liberal media's propaganda and should shake that crap off!

Respectfully, and in response to no ones particular post or thoughts.
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New member
An object is generally considered a "weapon" when used as such. Some instruments are defined under law as "weapons per se" ie they have no other purpose or use than as weapons. There are usually exceptions like for martial arts training etc.

A rolled up magazine, a ball point pen or a tooth pick can be a deadly weapon in the right hands given the right training.


Do you REALLY believe that the mindset of a gun owner somehow deprives a 12 gauge of being a weapon?
Not at all. No more than the mindset of a chef deprives his cleaver of being a weapon.

However, neither is designed, manufactured, nor purchased to be a weapon.

There are plenty of guns that ARE weapons. There's no need to try to make them ALL weapons.
I don't own any clays "guns" or "free pistols". Each and every WEAPON I own is for self defense and/or defense of my family.
Yes, but you're not every gun owner. I actually know one gun collector who's anti-gun! I noticed a SGN on his desk and we started talking--let's just say the conversation didn't go the way I thought it would.

He's the exception, but there are many, MANY, firearms owners who own firearms solely for recreational/competitive purposes--and that doesn't include hunting either.