you guys are killin' me


New member

Until used as a "weapon" it's a "gun".

If I stab you with a kitchen knife was it first a weapon?
If I hit you with a baseball bat was it first a weapon?
If I...oh, you get my point.

An object is NOT A WEAPON until it is used as one, ay?


"my favorite weapon is my car; my best weapon is my brain"

killin' me......


New member
I actually prefer howitizers over guns, but being a civilian, I have a self-imposed limit of 75mm. My son, on the other hand, being in the army at the moment, probably prefers a machine-weapon, I mean, machine-gun. But that's just a guess.


New member
I see your point but,,,

I have guns,,and I have weapons - and I'm in the process of selecting my ideal universal defense weapon - - which I pray to God I'll never have to use as such..


New member
you hear that on the news all the time, o well because the news has to make news which means blowing something way up to seem like such a big deal. Anyways you will hear something like police pulled a suspected drunk driver over (not harming anyone with intent just a dui) after searching the vehicle they found 2 open beer cans and automatic weapon in his trunk. Who knows could have been at the range, could have papers for it, could not even had rounds in the car but no matter what its an automatic weapon


New member
Some objects are designed to be weapons and I believe they are proberly referred to as weapons.

Some state laws even differentiate between dangerous instruments (scissors, kitchen knife, baseball bat, etc.) and weapons, or deadly weapons (brass knuckles, switchblade knives, black jacks, firearms). Dangerous instruments are designed for purposes other than as a weapon, such as a carving knife, and I believe a Cold Steel tanto or other fighting or self defense knife could be properly called a weapon.

When I leave my house with one of my handguns concealed on my person (such as my Glock 30), I am definetely carrying a weapon, and I don't mind if someone calls it that. My Glock 30 and the other handguns I carry are designed and used as weapons, and serve no other purpose. The same goes with my shotgun, and several other longuns.

Did I make my point?


New member
I assume you are equally disturbed when "weapon" is used in other situations;

Chemical weapons
Nuclear weapon (since only 2 were ever used to kill anyone, I suppose all others are just bombs?)
Biological weapons
Weapons of mass destruction
Assault with a deadly weapon
Concealed weapon

Or these phrases . . .

No weapons allowed on this property.
Drop the weapon!
Secure your weapons at the door.

According to your definition, if I am merely in possession of a firearm, knife, brass knuckles, etc., I can answer "NO" to a police inquiry of "Do you have any weapons on you?"

We're not killing you . . . it's a suicide. Get over it.;)

Baba Louie

New member
"A rose by any other name..."

Call it what you feel like. I've read of people being killed by hands and feet.

I even think of my AR15 as a "Defensive" Weapon, as opposed to the more popular "Assault" Weapon, but I call it an AR15.

As for others... que sera sera


What was your brain before it was a weapon?:D

To some the term is used loosely and to some it may indicate a mindset. I'm pretty sure I always call my CW a weapon when referring to it, as its purpose and intent is a weapon even though defensive in nature. OTOH, if I'm talking about a range trip I say the guns etc..

I think you may be worrying too much about semantics, however, it was a thought provoking question and considering how someone speaks may in fact give some insight to the psyche of the individual or in general to the populace when viewed as the bigger picture.


New member
I understand Tim's point.

Main Stream Media sends all these subliminal messages of Indoctrination thru various mediums.

Take a look at the UK and recent Knife Amnesty

The only knife you can legally carry with you in public is a folding knife with a blade of less than three inches long, such as many Swiss army knives, he said.

Knives with locking blades, those with three-inch or longer or serrated blades, even multi-tools with locking blades, all are technically illegal outside of your home, Glover said.


The only excuses for having a knife on you in public is if you need it to perform your job, Glover said.

“If you’ve got no reason to have it, you’re committing an offense,” he said.

Indoctrination has sucessfully brainwashed folks in the UK - that in public, if not for your job knife=weapon.


New member
Funny you should mention this...

When I took my "Hunter Safety Course" last year (I hadn't had a hunting license in a few years, and its now required.) I got in trouble because I called it a "weapon" when we were talking about checking the "weapon" when someone hands you the "gun".

As far As I'm concerned: Weapon=Gun=Firearm.

Just an irrelevant question of semantics. To use traditional logic all guns (as we're talking about here) are firearms, and all firearms are weapons.


New member
The reason I call my handgun a weapon is because it is a weapon. That's the reason I got it. That's the reason I carry it. That's the reason I practice with it and that's the reason I'll have it with me if I ever need to use it.



New member
WESHOOT2.....Give it up! I have tried for years to explain how the word "weapon" is bad for us ....GUN.... folks.

There are too many terminology sticklers amongst us to even ..recognize.. how easy we make it for the antis.

A lot of folks to think of their guns as "weapons" even though the term will scare the bejeebers out of Lacy Thripswallow and make her even MORE inclined to support those who want to get "WEAPONS" out of society.

Pogo said it best: "We has met the enemy and he is us."

Yes, a gun is a weapon. So is a beer bottle. Can you imagine the reception some geek at Coors would get if he suggested that they advertise that Coors now comes in handy 6 weapon containers?

Clip/magazine, extractor/ejector, pistol/revolver don't seem to provide enough opportunities for display of expertise, so we're stuck with "weapons" until they take em away for good.



NRA strongly discourages the use of the word "weapon" in the Basic Firearm Safety Courses.

I think it's clear that a huge number of firearms are purchased by people with absolutely no intent of ever using them as weapons. They'll threaten nothing more than clay or paper in a lifetime or two of use...

Of course, there's nothing wrong with the word weapon, but it doesn't help our cause to promulgate the idea that every firearm ever sold is a weapon by constantly and universally referring to them as such.

Sure, all firearms have the potential to be weapons--but then again, all firearms also have the potential to be used for criminal purposes...


New member

A firearm or gun or whatever you want to call it is not a weapon!

It is merely a plastic/allow/steel/wood tool.

The shooter is the weapon.


New member
Personally I think it comes down to design.

A baseball bat was designed to hit baseballs, when you use it to assault it's a weapon.
A knife is typically designed as a general purpose cutter, when it's used to assault it's a weapon.
A gun is designed to kill, it was designed as a weapon.