YES! Bellesiles just resigned!


New member
His next job will be the official pollster and speech writer for the DNC. His resume contains all of the proper skills. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. If the statistics don't add up to support your argument, throw in a few of your own. When you get caught lying, make sure your "data" gets destroyed in a flood.


New member
Michael Bellesiles Resigns from Emory Faculty

In the immortal words of Jackie Gleason, "How SWEET it is!".

October 25, 2002

Robert A. Paul, Interim Dean of Emory College

I have accepted the resignation of Michael Bellesiles from his position as Professor of History at Emory University, effective December 31, 2002.

Although we would not normally release any of the materials connected with a case involving the investigation of faculty misconduct in research, in light of the intense scholarly interest in the matter I have decided, with the assent of Professor Bellesiles as well as of the members of the Investigative Committee, to make public the report of the Investigative Committee appointed by me to evaluate the allegations made against Professor Bellesiles (none of the supporting documents, however, are being made public). The text of the report is now available online at

Emory considers the report authoritative.

In conducting this investigation, Emory has scrupulously observed the procedures laid out in our published policy statement regarding matters of alleged research misconduct. Throughout the investigation process our efforts have been guided by the objectives of maintaining the highest standards of scholarly integrity, while also striving to ensure the confidentiality of the proceedings and to protect the rights of a member of Emory's faculty.

The Investigative Committee was chaired by Stanley N. Katz, Professor of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, and included Hanna H. Gray, Judson Distinguished Professor of History Emerita and President Emerita, University of Chicago, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, James Duncan Phillips Professor of History, Harvard University. I hereby express my appreciation to these distinguished scholars for contributing their effort and expertise to the resolution of this matter of such great importance not only to Emory but to the wider scholarly community. Committee members have stated that they will not discuss or respond to questions about the investigation or the report.

Emory also wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to Professor Bellesiles for his many years of service and his many valuable contributions to the University.

Emory now considers the investigation of allegations of research misconduct against Professor Bellesiles in connection with his book Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture to be concluded and resolved.

Link to the Investigative Committee Report:

Link to Dr. Bellesiles' statement:


New member
Take that, Professor!

Release date: Oct. 25, 2002
Contact: Jan Gleason, Assistant Vice President, Public Affairs,
at 404-727-0639 or

Oct. 25: Michael Bellesiles Resigns from Emory Faculty

October 25, 2002

Robert A. Paul, Interim Dean of Emory College

I have accepted the resignation of Michael Bellesiles from his position as Professor of History at Emory University, effective December 31, 2002.

(edited as superfluous to previous postings & to save 2 cents of bandwidth.)
Last edited by a moderator:


New member
Dollars to doughnuts that ABC News picks him up....He'd make a great bookend to Brian "rocket in the pocket" Ross (investigative reporter who taped model rocket engines to Chevy truck gas tanks).


New member
I hear that Sarah Brady and VPC are looking for senior research historian

I hear he's preparing a new research report for the VPC that proves that the original text of the Second Amendment was "A disarmed populace being necessary to the conduct of an efficient government, the people shall have no right to bear arms." It appears that some "gun nut" altered the text just before ratification and no one noticed, but Bellesiles found the original draft, along with supporting commentary from all of the Founders, in a library in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, those documents were recently destroyed in a fire, flood, and earthquake.


New member
Bellesiles Quits, NYT of 27 Oct, on-line

Author of Gun History Quits After Panel Faults Research

ATLANTA, Oct. 26 — An Emory University professor has resigned after an academic panel released a report strongly critical of his research for a widely debated book about the history of guns in America.

The professor, Michael A. Bellesiles, said in a statement that he "cannot continue to teach in what I feel is a hostile environment."

Mr. Bellesiles said the controversy surrounding his book, "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture," had made it impossible for him to continue his research.

Emory officials said Mr. Bellesiles' resignation would take effect Dec. 31. He has been on paid administrative leave this semester.

The 40-page report, released on Friday, concluded that Professor Bellesiles had been "guilty of unprofessional and misleading work."

The report, written by scholars from Harvard, Princeton and the University of Chicago, said that Mr. Bellesiles's failure to cite sources for critical data "does move into the realm of falsification." It also suggested that he had omitted other researchers' data that contradicted his arguments.

Mr. Bellesiles denied the contentions. "I have never fabricated evidence of any kind nor knowingly evaded my responsibilities as a scholar," he said.

Mr. Bellesiles's book received national attention for its contention that early Americans did not own or use firearms in great numbers.

Gun-rights advocates criticized the book, and scholars suggested the author had made serious errors, prompting Emory to form the investigative panel in February.

One finding that led to the investigation concerned historical records.

Professor Bellesiles said that he had studied more than 11,000 probate records in 40 counties around the country and that he had found that from 1765 to 1790, only 14 percent of estate inventories listed guns. He said that "over half (53 percent) of these guns were listed as broken or otherwise defective."

Those figures are featured prominently in the book and were cited in many reviews as the core of its argument.

But those who tried to examine the research found that they could not, because most of Mr. Bellesiles's records, he said, had been destroyed in a flood. The records they could check showed many errors, almost all supporting his thesis.

Professor Bellesiles is one of several historians and professors accused recently of academic fraud.

In June, Doris Kearns Goodwin, a former Harvard professor, resigned from the Pulitzer Prize board, months after she acknowledged that parts of a book she wrote were from another author without attribution.

In February, Prof. Louis W. Roberts resigned as chairman of the classics department and director of the doctoral program in humanistic studies at the State University at Albany, in New York. He had been accused of plagiarizing more than 50 pages of Latin translations from two other scholars.

In January, the historian Stephen Ambrose, who died earlier this month, acknowledged that some sentences in his best seller "The Wild Blue" were copied from "Wings of Morning," another book about World War II bomber pilots that was written by Thomas Childers, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.


New member
The professor, Michael A. Bellesiles, said in a statement that he "cannot continue to teach in what I feel is a hostile environment."

Sure hope he considers all of America hostile.

Jeff Thomas

New member
What I find particularly sad about the Bellesiles affair is the disgusting example it provides of how illiberal so-called liberalism has become.

The anti-self defense movement, like so many liberal causes, is filled with hateful, lying human beings who seem willing to sacrifice the scientific method, honest research and certainly individual freedom and safety on their alter of a better world ... as they perceive it. Those liberals who maintain their respect for the individual and diversity really have no respect whatsoever for either.

While at one time it was possible (and even fun ...) to have honest political and philosophical disagreements with leftists, it's clear that too many American leftists are more like old-fashioned communists in their disdain for truth and respect for humanity.

Bellesiles is simply another disgusting symptom of how far American political discourse has slid down a leftist slope. One can only hope that Emory's (finally) courageous findings will provide one more piece of important evidence that the anti-self defense movement no longer has any credibility.

Atlas shrugged indeed.

Regards from TX