XMm 45? G21sf or ??


New member
For awhile now I've been eyeballing the Glock 21sf as the pistol I'd like to add a light/lazer to and keep it in the nightstand gun safe.
I've always admired the quality and well executed design of Glocks.
I didnt like the last one I looked at. It seemed bowed with a odd slide-to-frame fit.

On the other hand, I fondled a XDm 45 the other day and really liked the look, feel and overall quality and fit of it.
Can anyone say anything bad about this gun?
How does it shoot?
Failures, etc?

Officer's Match

New member
If you're talking about a "pig-nosed" dust cover, think nothing of it. It is a mostly superficial part of the gun, and can be straightened if it bothers you aesthetically. The 21SF (or 20SF) is the ultimate nightstand pistol IMHO. I actually prefer the 10mm's versatility, but that's a different topic. Nothing wrong with the XDm, but I personally much prefer the Glock.
i had actually considered the glock as well, but the ex-special forces guy at my lgs told me that they had been getting a lot of the glock 45s returned lately due to bulging frames. something about inferior polymers being used that couldn't handle the extra pressure of a 45. now that could have just been a short run off the glock line, or he could have been BS-ing me, but he sure talked me out of a glock 45.


New member
I've done side by side field days with the glock 21 and the XD45. I now own an XDM45 and XDM45 compact. different feels in hand, different triggers, and in my experiences all of the the XDs I've handled have been more reliable than the non-LEO glocks.

21 is probably the most problematic model that glock has. I remember reading a few months back (it might have even been on this forum) that a number of larger PDs were scuttling their 21s because of reliability and catastrophic failures and were switching to M&Ps. again that was a while ago and I dont remember the particulars


New member
a number of larger PDs were scuttling their 21s because of reliability and catastrophic failures and were switching to M&Ps
I'm fine with our tax dollars buying American in mass quantities... even if I do hipocritically buy a single Croatian Springfield XDm, or even the Glock for myself.

I looked at another 21sf today, again the forward section of the frame where the accessory rail is was very banana shaped to the point it almost rubs the slide on this one, and it wasnt the same on each side.
Whats the deal with that anyway?
It may not effect anything and is even repairable (how??)... but it sure does knock the luster and excitement off of the purchase.

Its completely messing up my plan of buying my favorite inexpensive poly brand.
The darn XDm is ~$100 more. :(

21 is probably the most problematic model that glock has.
I would have expected just the opposite as its one of their "staple" models with a decade or more of production.
Any problems should have been weeded out long ago. No?
just because glock has had time to weed out certain problems, doesn't mean that they haven't been reintroduced in the past few years. quality control is just starting to come back over at glock. they had a terrible phase that they are just getting out of.

Officer's Match

New member
Most common way of "un-pignosing" a Glock dustcover is field strip, dip dustcover in hot (near boiling) water and press inverted on a tabletop. Repeat until straight. I agree they look bad, but that's all it is, looks.

I prefer the polymer Glock uses to that HS/Springfield uses. I much prefer the lower bore axis of the Glock design. That said, the XDm grip is comfy.


New member
Ok, so it really is fix'able if need be.
I do like the lower bore axis of the Glock for sure.
Many gripe about a Glock trigger, but I like it it quite a bit... a bit of travel followed by a clean crisp break, no complaints from me there.

This is a tough call. Unexpectedly so.


New member
Don't know where you get your info but I've owned two G21's and had no problems at all. You heard, you read somewhere, don't mean a thing. My Gen 3 has thousands of rounds thru it with no problems. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Officer's Match

New member
Truthfully, in that class of pistol, I'd go Gen4 Glock 21 and not look back. It's the only Gen4 that has been flawless out of the box, and is a very impressive pistol. Add a Trijicon RMR like the RM07 or RM02 (I'd recommend TSD for the work) and you have the ultimate HD handgun.


New member

Springfield gets my vote,,,,Nothing wrong with a Glock,,,but I have both,,,I prefer the feel and appearance of the XDM ,,,both shoot very well !!!!!


New member
I was in your shoes about two years ago.... I wanted the Glock but after handling it in the LGS it seemed large.. I chose the XD .45 because if felt better in the hand than the Glock and I liked the loaded chamber, and firing pin indicator on the XD... Best choice I made.. Very accurate gun.


New member
I'm really leaning towards the XDm, but now I'm thinking about the versitility of the Glock 30; It too has a rail for a weapon light, making it suitable for nightstand duty and its also small enough to conceal/carry.
But it does give up 3 rounds - maybe not a big deal - hopefully...

Can the G30 run 10mm with just a barrel and magazine?

Humm... this just got harder. :p

Officer's Match

New member
Yeah, a 30 can be converted to 10mm, but I don't recall if it is an actual "conversion" barrel or not. Some even think the 30 is more accurate than the bigger version too. I had one, and really liked it a lot. Just not as much as the G38 in 45GAP (which BTW is the best weapon Glock makes, in fact the best polymer 45 out there AFAIC).

chris in va

New member
I had a 21sf, tried to like it for three months but gave up. That grip angle on the bigger models is more pronounced and really threw my shots off. It's not a natural pointer, especially compared to my CZ.