

New member
Yeah, NO, we all have not. Many of us have been through this before (multiple times) and we see it coming from afar.


New member
So do you think it will get better? That we should wait. I have enough stuff to enjoy shooting and hunting and reloading for a while...would you hold off on buying any more supplies until it gets better? It's hard to's deciding between "I'm not buying that, that price is ridiculous" and "I should probably get some of that before it gets even WORSE!".


New member
I've only been shooting/reloading for about six years now and I've seen prices climb anywhere from 20% or so (reloading components) to astronomical (.22LR). Nonetheless, I still find myself purchasing the stuff when I see it available- especially since pistol powders are SLOWLY reappearing.

Then again, my bills to pay are quite few and almost zero debt too... reckon I can afford it for now...


New member
One of the things that you can do is put aside the 30-06 nd.45 and start shooting 9mms, .38,and .223.

What is one of the reasons for the price of .22 lr? Simple. A lot of people abandoned center fire shooting. Another reason is that the guys with the six guns, Marlins, and 10-22s are being replaced by people who like to burn up 3-400 at a range vise. I was out a while back. A bunch of guys with .22ar types left boxes that added up to well over a thousand rounds on the ground.


New member
I was lucky to find two unopened bottle of H331 at an estate sale, along with an opened bottle, for $5 each. I bought all three, along with some brass, then dumped the opened bottle on a weedy spot in my flower bed and lit it off, very satisfying flash and smoke, well worth the $5 it cost me. I'm sure the powder in the bottle was H331, but I won't trust it.

Saw some powder bid up to over $20 a pound at an estate auction this spring. Add 14% fee to that, and sales tax, they were still saving money.

Metal god

New member
I've been paying $32 a lb for all pistol powders and glad to do so . I like others had not seen any (NONE) in 3 years . Then one day at the range was told of a small local shop that sold powder . I went in the next day and low and behold there sat some Unique behind the counter . Snagged it up but did not see any other pistol powder . Went back a week later and still no pistol powder behind the counter . I asked if they were getting any in soon and was told they have a bunch :confused: Where I asked I don't see any ? They pointed to the back corner of the store with a shelf full of powder :eek: . I then learned the powder behind the counter was the powder they do not have empty's of to display on the back shelf . :rolleyes:(my bad ) I was so used to never seeing powder around I did not look hard enough the first time I guess .

Anyways They always have powder and almost always have some sort of pistol powder . Thing is , It's all $32 to $35 a lb . I had not seen any in so long I was glad to pay it and for the most part still don't mind . I now have 8lbs of pistol powder and it feels so nice to be able to say that , even at the prices I paid :eek:

I knew of the store but was not a fan . I felt I was not treated right the first time I went there so I never went back . Needless to say , It's my new favorite LGS . I even bought my latest XD45 there a month ago .


New member
My powder was never that cheap (I want to say $12.95 or so?), but I still have some CCI Small Pistol Magnum Primers that were $1.29 a sleeve, so that works out to $12.90 per thousand. Gotta use them up soon!

The last batch per thousand i bought were $30


New member
I'm glad I've got 6 r 7 pound of RedDot to last me a while. I have enough partial pounds of powders in the Unique burning range, that I won't be "confirming" any $32/lb prices for a while. The other possibility is that I go long enough without buying powder that I'll end up "confirming" a somewhat higher price!



New member
"If you choose to oay $32.95 for a single pound of powder...

You just "up voted" that train-wreck awful price. The "wow" is not that they offered that price, the "WOW?!" is that you confirmed, with your wallet that they were smart to price it that way."

I suspect that many times in your life you've overpaid for something that you needed or wanted at that particular time.

You paid for a bottle of water when water is free from home...
You paid for a movie at a premium price because it just came out...
You paid for food at a vacation resort area where everything is inflated...
You paid for coffee at a Starbucks rather than brewing your own...

The "wow" is you act like you've never overpaid for anything in your life.

condor bravo

New member
I can't quite follow the point of the above post. What is the objection to paying $32.95 for a pound of powder? If that is what the price is and you need it, that is what you pay. I indicated near the beginning of this thread that I recently paid $250 for five pounds of Trail Boss powder since that was my only source (Reloading Unlimited), but pointed out that by volume one pound of TB occupies nearly two of the standard one pound containers. Gun show coming up in about two weeks and if there is no TB at the usual gun show price, $20 per 9 ounces in the one pound container, will probably have to revert again to the five pounds for $250. Bottom line, pay the price or do without and I don't consider it to be giving in to the asking price.


New member
these big box stores are so ridiculous on component prices. you should never pay more than 22-25$ for pistol powder and 25-27$ for rifle powder. there are a few exotic powders that will run high like the new shiny series of Hodgdon's i'll see up to 29$. Please don't buy powder at gouged prices or it's just going to get worse, everyone needs to put their feet down somewhere and take the time to shop around out of principle. I know dang well that if my little hole in the wall LGS can still sell TiteGroup at 19$ a pound then surely Bass Pro can as well and still make a much larger margin. I can't blame Bass Pro though, because it seems people are happily lining up and paying 50% upcharges for the convenience of not shopping around.

Primers are between $25(cheap tula/wolf)$30(federal,winchester)$35-40(cci-Remington) around these parts. even the big box stores seem to stay consistet with those prices. I just found out that academy sells primers, but they are usually behind the counters, they have all the Winchester flavors for 3.99$ a sleeve, not great but fair I suppose.

Metal god

New member
The WOW is guys thinking a penny more a round is some sort of huge rip off . That's about the difference per rounds when comparing $32 lb to $25 lb using most pistol powders and 9mm . Even other caliber like 45 or even Bigger powder consuming calibers its still not that bad .

I remember guys saying they would never pay $30 for primers. Same thing , do the math . You're still going to save huge amounts over factory loads . So what's really going on ? The two main reasons most reload is cost savings , accuracy or both . How does paying $.05 more a round change anything ?

If I pay $40 for primers and $35 lb for powder . I still save $.45 per round when loading my 308 . Could I or should I be able to save more ? Sure but you'll not see me complaining about that $.07 I'm losing per round . Yes it ads up but I'm still saving a bunch .
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New member
all fine and well with pistol powdr, but these same store charge MORE for rifle than pistol. that just about kills any savings in common rifle loads. after tax your talking nearly 100$ just for powder in 1000 rounds of .223, cut the loads in half for .308 and down to a third for 30-06, what are you really saving when paying those kinds of prices? yes, even if a pound of hp38 was 40+$ you could still save since your going to get 1200-2000 rounds per # depending on caliber, but anything over a 357 and your losing


New member
I was surprised to see my LGS had both 1 and 8 lb containers of Unique a couple of days ago. About 23.00 for the one, and I want to say $150.00 for the eight.