Wow. Sticker shock.


New member
Went to a local gun shop today. While I expect their prices to be competitive, I was not prepared for what was there. $1k for most Smiths and SIGs, a used Colt Cobra for $695, a used686 for $595, and more. The selection is top notch, but you sure pay for it.
I guess I just wasn't prepared to see Nov. 3rd prices.


New member
You can thank the..


Address is:

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC

Keep lookng you'll find a deal.


New member
If it's in good shape $695 for a Cobra isn't out of line depending on DOM and degree of originality.

And old Colts & Smiths aren't "used." They're "classics.":D

Shop I go to has a stainless Cobra for $1000. If I had the $$$...:rolleyes:


New member
The Colt looked to be in excellent shape, but it did not have any box or paperwork, which I would have liked to have for the price. I am in the market for a .38/.357, but my wallet would cry 'thief!" if I chose to pay those prices. I just can't figure on why they keep their prices so high.
If you walked in there with $1000 cash, you could buy at most a single firearm of good quality.

old bear

New member
The price and selection of handguns has gone through the roof in the last few years, as well as the cost of ammo. The prices of the “classic” Colts and Smiths have escalated even faster the prices for new guns. Part of this is do to fear on the part of some gun owners, who believe that the government will outlaw private possession of firearms. Part of this is do price increases by the various manufactures and a large part of this is do to the greed of some dealers. All any of us can do is shop around and keep your options open as to different makes and models.

Good Luck


New member
It's the dang speculators,,,

Colt doesn't make revolvers any more so they are now "collectable",,,
That makes their prices somewhat insane for real people,,,
Lotsa "classic" Smith's are going the same dang way.

The best priced revolvers,,,
(in my not-so-humble opinion),,,
Are the Ruger GP-100's and SP-101's.

For some reason they have not been deemed to be "collectable",,,
So their prices are still reasonably affordable,,,
And they are danged fine fieryarms.

I have several of the "classic" Smiths,,,
A couple of the "collectable" Colts,,,
And one great shooting Ruger.

Guess which one cost me the least?
And it's just as good a shooter as the others.

A friend of mine drools over my S&W Model 36,,,
I told her to buy a Ruger SP-101,,,
Shoots just as good,,,
Costs less.

And, the dang thing will probably outlast any of my Smith's or colts.

Yeah, I feel your pain about the current prices,,,
Fortunately Ruger provides a no-nonsense alternative.

I'm currently on the lookout for a pair of SP-101's,,,
I want one in .22 lr and the other in .357 Mag,,,
I'll probably be able to get them both,,,
For around a thousand bucks.

Try that with a Smith or a Colt.

Drink the Ruger Kool-Aid my friend,,,
It'll quench your thirst.

May I have my endorsement check now Mr. Ruger?



New member
A dealer at a gunshow I attended a few weeks ago had a case full of Ruger Security Six's in excellent condition. None were cheaper than $500.00:eek:

The Security Six is the first revolver I ever shot, way back in high school and I've been a Ruger fan ever since. I currently have 2 Redhawks, one in .41 magnum and one in .44 magnum. I bet I could get more for the .41 now than what I paid for it 20 years ago. It just dawned on me how long I've had that revolver. EGADS I'm getting old.

BTW - both my Rugers will be passed down to my son, hopefully a long time from now.


New member
I purchased a used Smith 686P 3" about two months ago. It was
in great condition.

$589.99 not including tax / background fee.

So $650.00 in all.

I do not regret the purchase one bit. It is a great shooting

I did my homework and did not want to 'settle' for a lower priced
gun that I wouldn't be happy with.

I use to buy/sell/trade alot. Now I buy more to keep.

With prices climbing, I'll keep what I have and maintain them.


New member
Drink the Ruger Kool-Aid my friend,,,
It'll quench your thirst.

Had some, thanks.:) A 10/22 (doesn't EVERYBODY have one?) and a .45ACP KP90. Nice weapon. Where else am I gonna touch a stainless semiauto for $500? Of course, I had to send it back to the factory because of feeding issues out of the box, but still....

GP-100? For about a hunnert more I got a primo '64 28-2 S&W. ;)


New member
A NIB 686 at my local fun shop is going for $649.99

Some prices I here on this site are really unbelievable. I get sticker shock from most online dealers also. Maybe I am just lucky having a reasonably priced dealer around me. A few actually. Maybe I should appreciate Ohio a little more:eek:


Ken - Oh

New member
It is quite possible that pre lock 686s are more desired than new ones.

But yes, prices have gone up. OTOH, so has my buying preferences :(



New member
Well it ain't gonna be getting any better soon, so buy something that you really want, something that is quality and desireable, and take care of it. The days of the fun of being in the one gun a month club for most of us are over now. No more constant trading and selling and buying the next shiny thing. Unless you got lots of money. They are over for me for reasons of economics as much as better discretion. Would love to have so many back again, but no room for all of them either. And don't forget to save your birthday money for a stinkin single box of ammo!


New member
Part of me wonders if the 'good old days' just finished without a word of warning.

Might get that Colt after all. It did look nearly new for a 1st issue.


New member
Look around. Plenty of bargains on Gunbroker. I just picked up an excellent+ Model 28 Smith for less than $500, and not too long ago an exc+ Model 19 for under $400.


New member
It's the dang speculators
No, it's not. It is the fact that a lot of people recognize that paying $400-600 for a classic 20-year old K or N-frame in 90-95% condition is an absolute steal compared to paying $1000+ for an ILS-equipped, MIM-adorned, two-piece-barreled "New Classic" S&W. Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that out, and that is why the market is where it is.
Econ 101.