Wow, some people are.....beyond stupid.


New member
Well the customer fired a round off in his house.. and the bullet went through his wall and into his plasma TV.

I bet he said some of the "dumbest remarks ever heard in a gunshop". It could also work in the thread we just had on reactive targets.

Did he say why he would do this? Did he shoot the wall on purpose to see if it would go through? :confused: i'm not saying there could be any justifiable reason, but I have to wonder what was going through his mind.

called the police and the cop heard the guys story and said that he should be in jail for illegaly discharging a weapon within 500 feet of a dwelling... a FELONY..

I'm not buying that. I've never heard anything about 500' and a dwelling. Closest thing I can find is this:

790.19 Shooting into or throwing deadly missiles into dwellings, public or private buildings, occupied or not occupied; vessels, aircraft, buses, railroad cars, streetcars, or other vehicles.--Whoever, wantonly or maliciously, shoots at, within, or into, or throws any missile or hurls or projects a stone or other hard substance which would produce death or great bodily harm, at, within, or in any public or private building, occupied or unoccupied, or public or private bus or any train, locomotive, railway car, caboose, cable railway car, street railway car, monorail car, or vehicle of any kind which is being used or occupied by any person, or any boat, vessel, ship, or barge lying in or plying the waters of this state, or aircraft flying through the airspace of this state shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Was it done wantonly or maliciously? I don't know. Probably just stupidly.

I've heard of people shooting plastic bullets in basements. If he was just shooting in his house I can't see why that would be illegal. Stupidity in itself isn't against the law. Besides, I think all idiots should shoot their T.V.'s. (They actually believe what's on it.) OTOH, I don't think idiots should be able to file or win lawsuits.


New member
To story #1: " Man I'm glad your home, (some are not) and I hope you had fun, but D***, that was some expensive ammo you shot up! How about help me replace it?" Your brother may not have realized the cost of what he was shooting. Did you tell him what it was?

To Story #2 all I can say is that some folks are sure a waste of our food and oxygen supply. To own a gun and not know what it and the ammo it fires are generally cabable of doing is outrageous. Those kind of folks just give the ANTI's more reason to holler.

Hunter Rose

New member
I had something kinda like story one happen once. One of the few times I loaed a gun to someone...

A friend came to be, scared kinda witless. Turns out his step-father was getting out of prison, and the friend was afraid he was gonna come after him: could he borrow a gun to keep in the house, just in case. Me, being young and foolish, agreed: Colt 1991 Compact, and 22 rds of Golden Sabre 45 left my home...

Few weeks later, I ask the friend if everything's kosher now. "Yeah... I'll be bringing your gun back to you next weekend". Well cool... guess it all blew over...

Following weekend, my pistol comes back to me... along with a box of UMC ball. I check the mags: empty. "What happened to the ammo that was in the mags?" "Oh... some friends wanted to try shooting it, so we went out to a range. Why... I replaced it"... :rolleyes:

Moral of the story: never loan a gun, certainly don't supply expensive ammo...


New member
I took two of my sons to a hunter safety training class some years ago. I attended it with them. One gentlemen asked the following question:

"How can a 30/30 be a good deer rifle if the bullet doesn't travel over 100 yards?" There was a bit of a stunned silence and then the instructor explained to him that someone had misinformed him, that the bullet would indeed travel well over a mile in the right circumstance.

That gentlemen alone made me real happy that Texas instituted a required hunter safety training program.


New member
In the news today two guys playing gun fight with a .32 revolver,yep the dam thing was loaded one died in surgery with a bullet to the stomach.Don't people ever learn.Good friend of mine his father bought him a 9MM auto he got messing with showing some friend had taken the clip out,I guess was pointing at everyone put it to his head pulled the trigger been dead about 10 years now.Had never owned a gun in his life and didn't have a clue how many more out there :barf: a whole bunch I would think


New member
Yes he is, army....MP

magsafe goes from 13 to 15 dollars for a pack of 8

If my brother came back alive I could forgive him this petty amount of money . You gave him the weapon AND the ammo . If you didn't want it shot up you could have given him only the weapon . I would hope that he would be allowed to purchase ammo at the range . Had I met him at the range and knew that he just came home the first box would have been my privilege to purchase . He went so I wouldn't have to ........ again .

Edison Carter

New member
Letting somebody try your gun at the range is one thing...
Loaning your gun to somebody who has no gun, and no gun experience
is just begging for trouble.

If a non gun owner needs a gun, they need to BUY their own.

A non gun person is a danger to himself and others, and why
would they not sue you when they screw up with YOUR evil evil GUN?

I think a non gun person might ask to borrow a gun for a crisis
he thinks will "blow over". That in itself tells you this person does
not have the mindset to be serious about self defense. Think about it,
he does not have a gun already because he does not perceive the
world in the same way you do. He thinks today's threat is an abberation,
and STILL thinks you are a paranoid lunatic!

To my experience people seldom respect gifts or advice that they have not
themselves paid for.



New member
Why anyone would pay nearly $2 per round for anything other than .50BMG if they're not going to be packing on an airplane, I'm not sure I'll every truly understand.


Discharging a firearm within city limits? That's illegal in many places.

Well the customer fired a round off in his house.. and the bullet went through his wall and into his plasma TV...
Did the TV immediately shut down? Or did it have time to make any more noise - maybe spark and fiz a bit - before expiring? Did the MagSafe actually turn it off instantly?


People do stupid things. Heard on local news about some guy shooting a beehive, in an apartment complex, with a shotgun, hit a kid in the legs. They say he was an "outdoorsman".


New member
The guy was pig-kissin' mad because he was outted for the idiot he truly was. Thankfully no one was in the area. :rolleyes:

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Paratrooper, he said he's not mad at his brother. He just thought the guy said something funny. Cut him some slack. He didn't call him a baby killer or spit on him or anything.

Of course, I may have missed something. It took me half the thread to realize that guy had fired the Magsafe round in the house on purpose. :eek:


New member

I went through the WA program.. 9 hours of class work but it was worth it, and is a small requirement. You wouldn't believe the ammount of stupid people though...