Would you vote for Newt?


New member
Yes... he is better than anyone currently available and ...

it would be refreshing to have an intelligent Conservative in the White House...

for a change. :rolleyes:

Kelly J

New member
Couldn't say I would, or would not, at this point, I would have to hear more from him to make a decision, one way or the other, but so far, I wouldn't vote for any of the people running.


New member
Does anybody notice the invective and vitriol with which the opposition Liberals are responding?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm? :D


New member
This is a question of "the devil you know" vs. "the devil you know". I see nothing in Newt worth voting for. No.


New member
Does anybody notice the invective and vitriol with which the opposition Liberals are responding?

You do realize that in any thread that mentions a "Liberal" we can count on you to pop in and shoot your mouth off, calling people names? Guess you show up in other threads, too.

Many of the people here saying no to Newt are quite conservative. They are not blinded by tags hung on people though.


New member
"Does anybody notice the invective and vitriol with which the opposition Liberals are responding?"

"You do realize that in any thread that mentions a "Liberal" we can count on you to pop in and shoot your mouth off, calling people names?"

Just curious.....what "name" did Pointer call anyone?


New member
Roger, Marko. But can you tell me who said this?

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.


New member
And A is A.

Ironic that you would choose to quote that and yet your first post embodies the opposite sentiment, throwing up strawmen..

Newt has the fact that he stepped down after being elected for an 11th term as a huge mark against him. He basically determined that he wouldn't be speaker and turned his back on his constituents.

At least he is waiting until October before entering (if he does at all) as that would save him tons of money and if there continues to be a vacuum of viable conservative candidates then he will fill that quite well and potentially shoot to the top spot.


New member
Newt has the fact that he stepped down after being elected for an 11th term as a huge mark against him. He basically determined that he wouldn't be speaker and turned his back on his constituents.

Some say he didn't "turn his back" per se. Was it a situation where the choice was either save himself or save the Rep. party as a whole? Was he a fall guy for the party?


New member
But then how does he go from being the fall guy to a presidential contender? What's changed since then?


New member
How does a former NYC mayor go from dressing in womens lingere to being the leading presidential contender?


New member
How does a former NYC mayor go from dressing in womens lingere to being the leading presidential contender?

He wasn't exactly a closet cross dresser, he was showing his sense of humor. Plus, he owns the 9/11 card.


New member
You do realize that in any thread that mentions a "Liberal" we can count on you to pop in and shoot your mouth off, calling people names? Guess you show up in other threads, too.
This is a convenient lie... I called no names... anywhere...

A person who sides with, and/or defends, the Liberal Left and it's positions, is a "fur piece" from a Conservative Democrat... much less a Conservative Republican.

If they don't like the 2nd Amendment... They are in fact "siding with" the Liberals...

If they say our troops "tortured" when they only "hazed" the enemiy... they are Liberals...

When they KNOW WMD's were in Iraq and were used by Saddam and they ignore that and say that the entire Western Intel Comunity was lying... They are Liberals...

When they are vitriolic and vindictive and ungentlemanly... They are Liberals in disguise...

Likewise... if they cannot find even the smallest particle of good to say about Newt or Bush or even little ole ME and my positions... they are Liberals...

And the vitriolic invective continues from the usual source... you.


New member
Thank you, Ann Coulter.

How do you handle Newt's past transgressions? You seem to not mind his immorality in your blind acceptance.