would you trade a SIG220 for Glock


New member
If you mean that you would get a Glock and start carrying it, but not necessary SELL the SIG, then I would say... depends. If someone put a P220 and a G21 in front of me and said, "Take one"... well, I would pick up the SIG 99 out of 100 times.

However, you gain in capacity, which could be a bonus for a duty weapon.


New member
I own the Glock 21 and Sig 220. My Sig is Very Accurate, and is slimmer to carry and to hold. Glocks are nice, mine has Night sights which I really don't have a need for. I think it comes down to what gun fits a person the best and what you can shoot more accurately. Most shoot outs only last for a few rounds anyway. Now you probably carry 24 rounds of .45(3 mags) with a Glock you are looking at 42 rounds on your belt. Do you really need the extra weight.
You also have to consider the Saftey on the Sig, nice to have the decocker. :)


New member
Since I own both SIG's and Glock's I would say that it depends on what you are looking for in the firearm. Glocks tend to average 2 more rounds in the magazine for the same sized package. I.E. G19 15 rounds SIG228 13 rounds.

Some folk's prefer the DA/SA trigger of the SIG while other prefer the single trigger weight of the Glock. In a nutshell try (rent or borrow) them both out side by side at your local range and see which one you prefer since after all you probably didnt buy you last car without having first given it a test drive.


Yes, I would make that trade-----------------------------if you had a gun to my head and I had no choice!!!!!!!!!!!! :barf:


New member
I have to agree with Logs and Ryucasta. I have a Sig 226 and Glock 23 and 26. I have grown to prefer the Glock trigger to that of the Sig. I don't like the change from DA to SA of the Sig.

I also own both Sigs and Glocks.

Even if I was LEO (I'm not), I'd have to be getting into a firefight with multiple suspects on a regular basis before I would trade a P220 for a Glock. The additional firepower should be acknowledged, but it's the only advantage I see.

Well, maybe double/single trigger action transition too.

Still, SIG is the superior weapon for most purposes.


Umm, no, I wouldn't. But if you hate crunchentickers or feel the need for 5 more rounds (13 vs. 8), and didn't mind Glock's deficiencies, then I could see it.


New member
Well if we're talking value, the SIG is worth more than the Glock in dollars. Now if we're talking functionality, to me the SIG is worth no more than the Glock there. People like to assume since SIG's cost more they are the better gun. Glock has proven time and time again that their firearms can be every bit as accurate and reliable compared to others costing hundreds of dollars more. You are going to get 2 different replies in this thread. The inexperienced shooters will of course say hell no, Glock is inferior, blah blah. Those that know better, however, are going to tell you the truth. It depends on the use of the gun.

I personally carry a Glock 30, and I wouldn't carry a P220 over it. The P220 holds less rounds, is heavier, and is bigger. All 3 of those are worse than the Glock for carry. Simply put, the P220 is reliable and accurate. It's a hell of a handgun. But the Glock 30 beat most of all other .45's on the market when it came to carry. It's dead-on accurate, lightweight, small, holds 10+1 of your favorite .45ACP, and mine has been 100% reliable. To me, those traits make up the perfect self-defense weapon.


Actually German made guns are a bit better. I've shot both Sigs and Glocks, never had any malfunctions with Sigs like I've had with a couple 9mm Glocks. I know alot of officers that are issued Glocks that wen't out and personally bought Sigs because the Glocks wouldn't work for them.


New member
Both the Sig and the Glock are wonderful weapons, in the end it is the end user's preferences and biases that will shape their decision more than anything.

If you've been shooting traditional DA w/ Decocker since the day you were born and love it, you will probably love the Sig design.

For me, I don't like DA as much as DAO striker-fired designs like the Glock, and I don't shoot the Sig as well as the Glock, and I did try. I owned a P229 .40 several years ago, and even sent it off to Robar to get it Roguard'd and NP3'd after I found out that the slide catch, mag release, and mags would rust. After I spent all that money, try as I might, I found that I could not shoot the gun as well as I could a Glock. I loved that Sig, and wish I still owned it just to marvel at it's two-tone beauty, fondle it, and feel that buttery action one more time, but I don't regret trading it for a G23 that I immediately shot better. That's just me, though.

I think it's notable that both HK and Sig are now offering DAO systems with lighter and shorter triggers (LEM module and DAK, respectively). A strong argument could be made that this is in response to the Glock design, which definitely has some advantages.

In terms of reliability, I have shot over 10k rounds through Glocks, and never had any malfunctions of any kind with anything other than cheap reloads. My Sig never malfunctioned in 2k+ rounds. The Glock is easier to maintain-- period. It just doesn't get any easier than the Glock.

There are good arguments to pick either. As for me, if I decided again to step up to a more expensive gun, it would be an HK P7M13 or perhaps a Kimber, nothing else.


New member
Interestingly enough, I can lend some very relevant advice. I have the latitude to carry whatever duty gun I choose. The entire department carries Glocks of one persuasion or another. I carry a Sig P220.

I prefer the trigger to the Glock. I despise polymer frames, and Glocks trigger and grip anglemake me nauseus (sp). However, do not take this to mean I feel Glocks are bad guns. I prefer single stack magazines to double stack magazines, and I dislike any magazine that is made of plastic.

They are not, they are wonderfully reliable, and suitably accurate weapons. If I were required to carry one I would, and not bitch a whole lot, but I wouldnt buy one. It is simply a matter of personal preference. By the way, I am experienced enough to know that name means nothing. However, sometimes you really do get what you pay for, and the quality of the Sig exemplifies this.