Would you take this shot...???

Mike / Tx

New member
Reminds me of my mom's Uncle Lee. We used to stop by his ranch once in a while when we were out in the hill country. There were several patched holes in the screen door looking out of the kitchen into the side yard, and across an adjacent pasture.

Seems he didn't like to get up from breakfast, lunch or supper just to shoot a deer, and the table also made a nice bench. :eek:

He was a WW2 vet and had lost one arm while in Europe. It was a hoot to ride around with him while he drove his old Willis through the hills and canyons.


New member
Okay......understanding now that there's no better quality food ( hog )standing in the yard and in light of the other thoughtful posts as to the moral dilemma in question, I decided to give the original situation some more thought.

As I was doing so Louann walked by and started reading the thread over my shoulder. After a minute or so she made some disparaging comments about a certain nearly necked, thoughtless and self centered hunter and then wandered off mumbling something to the effect that I had better not even think about such a thing.

I chased her down and after a few minutes managed to convince her that I would never even contemplate such a dastardly deed.

As for you Brent.....she said to remind you what your mama taught you.......ladies first!


New member
You should be ashamed of yourself, Hogdogs. For crying out loud, it's HUNTING season. At least get some camo sweats or PJs to snooze in, so you don't have the britches/no britches dilemma.

My only question about the shot itself is 'Which pistol am I gonna use?'

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Somebody tell me again about puppy-dog sized deer in Florida?


Defining hunting? Sitting in any sort of stand is merely imitating a cougar, waiting in ambush. Probably an older form of hunting than anything done by Johnny-come-lately homo sapiens. Rather arrogant to believe that stomping around in the boonies and scaring half the critters within a mile is some sort of superiority of method.

Some places, a house is a great deer blind. Back at the old family ranch, I used to give a wee bit of thought to cheating, since deer would come in at night and drink the condensate water from the window A/C of my bedroom. Grossly unfair, however. :) And with this drouth all over Texas, I reckon that suburban flower beds are feeding areas. Since August 21, 2010, I've had three "rains" totalling one-fourth of an inch. If it ever rains again, the poor fish in Terlingua Creek would likely drown. I know they've forgotten how to swim...


Staff In Memoriam
Thanks for the tips...

I reckon a requisite... "PSSST cover yer ears..." is in order such as I am required to warn before flickin' on the light in the middle of the night...

While it would be funny as heck to watch her "un-ass" the bed using levitation... I don't think the rest of that day would go well for me!



New member
Well, I'm thinking since she would be wide awake you could say " Hey baby, seing as how you are awake and all how about come help me work up this deer". See how that goes.

Mike / Tx

New member
We are 20+ years removed from "Newlywed" status so I am already well aware "HOW THAT GOES"...

Nice try though!!!

BWAHAAHAA, thats pretty funny right there. Congrats however on the 20+yrs. I have been with my sweetie 25 this coming July, and I have to say, that as long as I let her know I was going to shoot, there would be help with the quartering, trimming and wrapping.


New member
I think you would be right to take the shot. I don't see the difference between hunting in a tree that's dropping acorns, over standing corn or a legal feeder.


Nope..... I have 2 daughters with 2 tags each to fill, and they only get 2 days to hunt during November Firearm Season (durned basketball camps!) and I have all 9 days ...... so on opening day and Sunday, I ain't shooting unless they wound one and it is getting away......


New member
shooting out of your bedroom window is one small step above shooting out of your truck window while drivin' country roads. shootin fish in a barrel next?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Aw, I've parked in my back pasture and shot from the driver's window of my '62 Chevy sedan. Is that okay? I was bored with the drop-in visitors at the house, said, "I think I'll go kill a doe," and drove off. An hour later I was back with a job of work to do. Cut, wrapped and in the freezer an hour or so later.

Sometimes I'd just go down to the loading pen a bit before sundown, taking a book to read. Somewhere along about the time it was getting a bit dark to read, I'd look out and see does in the oat patch. Bang, whop, plop.

I don't figure I was hunting in the usual sense of the word, so much as just putting meat in the freezer.

But, meat's meat. And, hey, I had some peace and quiet. "Don't bother him, he's hunting!" :D