Would you take this shot...???


Staff In Memoriam
It is barely daylight but legal hours...
Opening day morn...

So you look out of the window of your blind and see a legal buck... little spike but legal...

He is exactly at 100 feet known distance...
He is eatin' corn from the feeder you have had out over a year... (legal in Fla.)
All you have left in the freezer is a few chicken leg quarters, some boneless skinless walmart chicken breast and 3 meals of pork chops...

So you ease up the window... buck hasn't spooked a bit. Ease the gun out the window and he peeks up but no threat is noticed...

I am gonna take the shot!!! The question I have is, should I have put my pants on first or stay in bed in my skivvies and worry about britches after I kill this bugger?
Happy Huntin' this season, folks!!!

Depends... Here in Idaho, we can only take one (normally), so I would only take it if he had some good meat on them bones, otherwise I would pass. If I could take multiple, I'd put him down then get britches.


Staff In Memoriam
Forgot to mention that... Here we are limited to only 2 bucks per DAY every day of season...:p Size isn't a problem when my slugs cost me under buck per shot...:D

Deja vu

New member
Yeah if I was hunting for food you better believe I would take the shot. A young deer is better eating than a old buck. Here in Idaho you usually get 1 deer with a fire arm and 1 with a bow.

For me hunting is more about getting away and having fun. I pass up many times more shots than I take. I like to hunt with a 357 magnum carbine so I have to make sure its a clean kill.


New member
For me, no. I would MAYBE kill a spike during bow season. During rifle season, I'll let them get a little age on them first. For meat, I'd rather have a doe any day.


New member
Depends, who am I doing in the blind with no britches and what does she look like.

Don't normally shoot small bucks and spikes but if he's interruptin' sumpin', thats bad.


Staff In Memoriam
My "blind" is a 3/2 brick split plan ranch...:D
My shootin' lane is diagonal across my front yard to the feeder;)



New member
I would not shoot over a feeder. I like to hunt, and that does not qualify.
No, I would not take the shot as I would not be there.


Staff In Memoriam
bswiv, My land is about the least likely 5 acres in this county to ever have a hog find me...:mad:

I am high and dry and the mast and other food dwindles from 1-3 miles away to a shaggy little bit of acorns and persimmons...

And I am high and dry with the nearest bottoms having pigs go thru and it is probably 800-1,000 yards as the crow flies.

But if one was ever on my place... He gets live caught by this yard full of controlled climate tick transportation creatures I feed way too much money to.:D



New member
Depends if the backyard borders other neighbor's backyards or you live in the boonies... Also would make a difference on whether the pants go on first or later... :D


The BIGGEST buck in FL is smaller than my friend's German Shepherd..................and he's about 125

You want to shoot an itty-bitty spike Brent?

C'mon man, let the child deer grow, take that new shotgun and go get some quail - they taste better than chicken anyway

and then try fishing,,,,,


New member
I have had six doe and one pretty good buck anoying them while they try to eat acorns about 100 yards behind my house. Muzzle loader season comes in this weekend.

Should I wake the wife up before I blast one out the window 15 feet away or see how high she jumps?


New member
this is the funniest thread I've seen so far. you guys are great !!
put that butterball in the freezer,
see how high she jumps, put yur pants on! and go get it !!
his blind is a 3bdrm 2 bath blind !!
pretty cool wish I had deer on my property that I could shoot.
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Staff In Memoriam
Franken... I am just checkin' the moral compass so I know what to do...
Momma said she was gonna buy me some realtree pajamas so I could wake up "Ready to hunt"...:D Them and my real tree slipper/moccs I bought last year on clearence sale... and I will be ready to butcher it and get back under my blankets...;)
