Would you sell all you had to....


New member
There's no comparison here; I'm not married to any gun nor have I promised anything to any of them. And I'm still married to my first wife.


New member
I sold several ,I mean several of my guns to purchase a S&W 629 Mtn. Gun once upon a time .....great gun but I just didn't take a shine to it...and traded it off ....I've done that a few times with different guns...I went through a Glock phase.....once sold several guns and purchased a few Glocks....but I really liked my old P series Rugers better ..and traded off my Glocks...(never missed 'em either)

Im getting older and settling in.. until the urge hits me that is...but I have some guns I hope I never have to part with...


New member
Cheapshooter's tag line says it all! :D Never trade or sell anything. I've kicked myself several times over the years for guns that I sold and wished I still had. Also, almost every gun in the safe now has custom stock work or some sort of custom touches by me that make them unique and I made it quite clear to my kids which guns are to never leave the family if they don't want my ghost to haunt them! :D


New member
I've sold only 2 guns in my life. But I can already see Blue Train's dilemma. Nobody in my family is interested in guns either. I'm now thinking about paring down my collection as well. Some have become rather safe queens anyway. For example: I might be willing to trade away a scoped Redhawk and a HKUSP45C for a LAR Grizzly, something I've always wanted, but can't really justify. I need to take a look at my inventory and see just what I'm willing to part with.

Blue Train, thanks for the insight. Never really thought about it before.


New member
I may be getting older (I'm only 65) but I still get urges.

One of the things that makes trading or selling some guns difficult is that you may have bragged about them or waxed poetically about their charms and virtues. It isn't like they have become worn out or need too much maintenance, like an old car. As far as cars go, some people I know don't sell them either. They just get parked in the shed next to the tractor or out behind the barn. That would have happened to our first car, yet another Volvo, which my wife adored. After 18 years we just gave it away. Me, I loved Rovers, which is where "Blue Train" comes from.

Yet another thing is that, like women, you find yourself drawn to most the same guns over and over again. It might seem foolish to trade most of them for something that was pretty much the same as something you already had--unless perhaps it was newer and nicer looking!

Don P

New member
Nope not selling anything off. Nothing that spectacular out there that I want and me old dupa is still sore from me kicking myself for the guns I have sold. I have much sellers remorse.