Would You Sell A 1974 Series 70 Colt To Buy A New Colt LW Commander?


New member
Joe_Pike: said:
...The slide is a high gloss blue and it is just an all around good looking gun....

I know exactly what you're talking about and I can tell you that would be a tough one to replace in kind, the handwork that goes into that high gloss blue is uber expensive to have done, and it's not as nice as the original from 40+ years ago. But the gun you are replacing it with might be better mechanically than the '74 vintage, which is prettier, you know, Colt is building some nice stuff these days. And if the new one will get more use than this one, then maybe it's a good move to let it go, but I'd want top buck for it!:D
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New member
Well Joe, just because your sister doesn't like guns and wouldn't know how to dispose of them after you are gone... that shouldn't have any real bearing on what you do or how you manage your firearm collection. To me, if I enjoy them, I am keeping them for that enjoyment. I have friends who could dispose of my stuff after I am gone if that was a worry for me and I didn't want to burden my heirs with that chore. But if you truly just want to downsize the number of guns that you have then do so. No need in asking if you should or should not dispose of a firearm that most of us wouldn't trade off for any reason so that you can acquire another firearm that most of us also would not trade off for any reason. If you've already made up your mind, get rid of the Government model and buy the Commander; I guess I just don't understand the point of this thread.


New member
The real "point" of the thread was just a fun discussion. I can make a decision one way or the other on my own, but sometimes it is just fun to hear what others think.

Anyway, the decision may have been made for me anyway. A guy that I see at work every now and then decided today to sell me a Colt .22 conversion from the '70s that is in the box for $200. I told him that they sell for a lot more than that on Gunbroker, but he said he doesn't even have a computer and didn't want to fool with it. So, I guess I'll have to keep the Series 70 for now to have something to put that conversion on.


New member
Well, I've heard that Colt has recently been laying people off. Now, I have no idea whether this is part of a normal business cycle because gun sales have gone soft after the election went differently than most thought it would or if it's a harbinger of things to come for the Rampant Pony, but I guess I should hang on to the Series 70 for a while anyway. If something does happen where Colt ends up going belly up I suspect that anything marked such will dry up or increase in price so much that a mere mortal such as I will never be able to touch one.