Would You Sell A 1974 Series 70 Colt To Buy A New Colt LW Commander?


New member
At this point in my life I have no interest in increasing the number of firearms that I own, so, generally I will try to sell one If I decide to buy one (unless it is something that I will carry). Recently, I found myself really liking the O1992 Colt 9mm 1911 that I picked up a year and a half ago. I shoot it better than anything I have shot so far. The only 1911s I have are Colts and they are a 1974 Series 70 in .45 acp, a two year old Combat Commander in .45 acp and the one in 9mm.
I would really like to have a LW Commander in 9mm, so, that means I need to sell something. Quite honestly, if I didn't have 2,000 rounds of .45 acp I would just sell both of the 1911s in that caliber and get the LW Commander and be done with it. That being said, I can probably get more for the Series 70. The slide is a high gloss blue and it is just an all around good looking gun. The Combat Commander is the entry level plain Jane model....nice but not as good looking as the other.
Anyway, just curious as to what some of you would do. Not so much because I can't make a decision for myself, just more for fun. And, I know Cheapshooter wouldn't sell any of them.:p


New member
Somebody will be very happy to buy your 74 Colt. If that's what it takes to get your next one, go for it. I would just make sure the LW Commander is actually what you want.
If it wasn't for the ammo you could sell the 45? {s} You know, ammo doesn't go bad. Somewhere down the road you may get another 45. Sell the guns. get your LW.
I'm in the same boat, don't want anymore guns. I sold 4 semi autos to buy 4 classic S&W revolvers.


New member
From a practical point of view, use vs. emotion/nostalgia, sell the Series 70 and get the LW Commander in 9 mm.

The OP says he shoots his current 9 mm better than anything else he has shot and I take that to mean his .45s.

No reason to believe the 9 mm Commander also won't become a favorite.

It's time.


New member
That is a tough choice. I like my Commander, a lot, but I would not sell my Government model to replace it. If you sell one to get one, what else do you have to sell?


New member
I wouldn't. But that is because a 1974 Colt is on my list of pistols I would love to have, as it is my birth year.

That said, My Lightweight Commander is my favorite amongst many pistols.



New member
The trouble is most everything I have besides those guns that I carry are difficult to find....1982 Marlin 1894 .357, S&W models 65/13 with 3" barrels, .38-44 Heavy Duty from 1937, model 17-8, etc.


New member
Ditto.....Nachoman.....nay, you have a nice Colt "collection" gathering there, hang onto them and "buy just one more". Of course i said that very thing before i acquired slightly over 200 rifles and pistols.
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New member
From the sound of the responses so far it sounds like that 1974 Colt should be a desirable piece to somebody. I would price it high, very high, and let it go. If it's something you aren't going to be shooting much and prefer the 9mm and the lite weight get what you really are going to use and enjoy. Is there anybody around that may be interested in the ammo?

Spats McGee

I would. The 1974 sounds like a bit of a collector piece, and I'm a thoroughly awful collector. I like to use nice stuff, and I don't much care if it's firearms, fountain pens or fedoras. I don't keep things for the sake of putting them away. But that's just me . . .


New member
OP, I guess I just don't understand the "sell one to get one" rational. I would keep that fine older Government Model and also buy the Commander.


New member
No, I've done something similar before and regretted it. UNLESS, you simply hated the model 70, in which case you'd be insane and probably shouldn't own guns of any type. :p:p:p:p

T. O'Heir

New member
A BNIB Series 70's MSRP is a tick under a grand. Older examples command more money on the assorted auction sites, some close to 2 grand(some are considerably less than a grand too though), for who knows why. MSRP on a BNIB Commander is also a grand.
Personally, I don't think a Commander is anywhere near the pistol a Government Model Series 70 is but I'm kind of biased having had one for 30 some years. Can't say as I'd even consider a Commander over a Government.
Including 2,000 rounds of .45 ACP would enhance the saleability and give you more money. Ammo is like money in the bank. Assuming it's not reloads, of course.


New member
OP, I guess I just don't understand the "sell one to get one" rational

Well, my mom passed away at the first of this month and the only family I have here is my sister. She doesn't really care about firearms, so, if something were to happen to me she wouldn't really know what to do with them. I have got rid of some guns over the last few years and am now ready to start on the more collectible guns that I have. It's just easier to keep a small collection that I shoot at this point.