Would you help defend others?


New member
Some things are hard to do but easy to live with.

There have been many times in my life where I needed some form of help, be it physically, emotionally or spiritually. Many folks stepped up. I believe it's my obligation to pass it on.

Don Gwinn - hearing about a stranger who ignores the personal risk and steps up to defend your sister and then disappears makes me believe St. Michael had someone on the case. Wow.


New member
Even if you don't know where to shoot.
Actually I do.

There are several ranges around here as well as private property I can use anytime. :D

( I also know where to aim for the results I want.... :D )

( BTW, using English today. :D )

Warm Bore

New member
Uncle Ben should've been packing!

As to the rest...

If I don't know you then I don't know if you're a bad guy in trouble or a good guy in trouble. If I help and you're a bad guy then I'm prosecutable. If I help and your a good guy under-cover then I'm prosecutable. Exactly what's my motivation?

I'm not risking jail on the off chance I'll be a hero.

Yes, cops die on the job. Dying by their own duty weapons is Darwinian or at the very least goes to training. Still, it's there job, they know the risks, they got paid to do it. What can I say, they're braver than I.

If I were to happen upon a situation in which a person was being attacked, I am not certain how I would be able to determine that they didn't have the means to defend themselves, but had simply failed.

By that logic then you must agree that, you would also be unable to determine if the attacker was UC and was indeed successful in his defense/offense of the fallen and now pummeled baddy.

Good intentions leads to - oopsy, you just assaulted a cop and while doing so the real baddy got away. Good intentions gone awry.

I'm not criticizing if you choose to step in. Just watch where you're stepping.

Me, I choose to step the other way.


Fred Hansen

New member
By that logic then you must agree that, you would also be unable to determine if the attacker was UC and was indeed successful in his defense/offense of the fallen and now pummeled baddy.
Not at all. I can tell when a person is in need of help and when they are the aggressor.


It would depend heavily on the situation.

I believe in the responsibility of citizens to do their best to prevent crime, but I also believe that I have a primary responsibility to my own family.

I would probably not intervene if I felt that it was highly probable that unfolding events could prevent me from fulfilling my future responsibility to my family.

I would summon the authorities as quickly as possible in any event.

Back when I was single, the decision making process would have been simpler--except that back then Concealed Carry was illegal in TX.

Of course, you never really know what you're going to do until it really happens. I might never get around to the rational decision making process and just go for it. Who knows...


New member
Several have made the comment that if you step in to help, you you be prosecuted. I don't think you have to charge in with guns blazing. You go toward the aggressor and shout for him to stop, yell loudly, get everybody's attention. If he is an under cover LEO he could say so at that time. At that point nobody even needs to know that you are carrying. If he turns and attacks you, you are now defending yourself.
Yes, we all want to put in a good response saying that we are good citizens to our fellow humans, chivalrous, and am willing to risk injury to become a hero. It all sounds good and looks good on the computer screen in the generality of the question where it is easy for the person responding to emphatically claim they would intervene, but in reading so many other posts here and on other forums, many by those who have responded here are not fools and would NOT play the hero when you knew that your chance of success would be quite low and your chance of severe injury or death quite high.

Even with such really good better-than-nothing self defense pistols such as a P32, you never hear someone saying, "Sure, so there are 10 guys involved in a gang initiation rape situation and I can see that at least 8 were armed. Realizing the woman's life and honor were in danger, I whipped out my trusty P32 and immediately took command of the situation where all 10 guys immediately surrendered to my larger than life presence and respected fire power."

I added in the P32 part because so many posters seem to carry one when they don't want to carry big, can't carry big, or just because it is the only gun they always have with them.

We all say we will be Johnny on the spot to help, but we never admit that we might completely screw up in the process because of tunnel vision or immediate threat fixation. None of us want to admit to ourselves that we are going to be like the guy in Arizona last year who saw a mobile burger stand get hijacked at a stop sign/light and being a gun carrier, immediately lept into action, approached the truck, maybe shooting as he did so, and while taking care of the situation from the driver's side door area - pointing his gun into the cook area, the driver for the hijackers simply ran him down where upon one of the hijackers picked up the would be hero's gun and shot him several times. None of us think we are going to be like the overweight cop wannabe from Glock Talk who attempted to intervene in a robbery where he apparently did not have good situation awareness and ended up being killed and his gun stolen as well.

None of us are going to knowingly enter a situation where we feel we have little or no real chance of survival. None of us are going to knowingly do something stupid like intervening in the rape situation above when chances of success are low and chances of both you and the victim getting hurt or killed are high because of the overwhelming numbers against you and overwhelming firepower against you.

Yes, most of us will help when we can and when it isn't tactically stupid to do so. Just because we carry guns does not mean we have to use them (as noted by DadOfThree) and being helpful does not always mean that we have to put ourselves in immediate danger. As he noted, yelling at the bad guys may be enough to draw attention to the situation and make them aware that they are not getting away with a perfect crime, that there is a witness, and so they may flee. That it just one possibility. Remember, it is often better to be a live good witness than a dead hero.


New member
i do not have a ccw-permit because live in germany, but IMHO everybody should try to help as best as he/ she can, if help is strongly needed.

a few weeks ago, i only focussed an ugly foreign spothead with my eyes while he was attacking his girlfriend; his friends (3:1) took him away when they noticed me.

it works, if only more people would get their ass off the ground