Would this Rifle be too big for Deer Hunting


New member
am i the only one who feels the casings coming out dont look big enough for a 20mm?
They're 20mm.

It can, sometimes, be hard to tell, without something for comparison. ...But that's definitely bigger than .50 BMG.


New member

Ex-USAF Aerial Gunner here: B-29 (.50s), A-26 (.50s), B-66 (20s).

I’m with you. Those casing don’t look 20mm to me, either. At least not the 20s we had.

Also, what’s with the black smoke?

And the recoil?
The recoil from the 20s I knew would have knocked him back 15 feet.


New member
I’m with you. Those casing don’t look 20mm to me, either. At least not the 20s we had.

Also, what’s with the black smoke?

And the recoil?
The recoil from the 20s I knew would have knocked him back 15 feet.

Watch carefully, and pause the video when he cycles the action at 0:56, 1:05, and 1:20. Not only is the tell-tale shape of the 20mm casing visible (I can see it without going full screen, with a 9" laptop, running poor resolution), but you can see the unfired rounds being fed into the chamber. They're 20x102mm training rounds.


New member
The brass isn't 20mm Cannon. It is probably cut down or a custom made piece. 20mm cannon rounds look like cannon rounds with the projectile painted different colors for different functions...

Jim Watson

New member
For years I routinely shot deer with a .54 caliber caplock rifle. Perfectly legal in all states where I hunted. I've also hunted deer with a rifled shotgun with slugs, which would be considered a .79 caliber. I know that I'm comparing apples and oranges, but making the point that the caliber of a rifle has nothing to do with whether it's considered "destructive".

It has everything to do with the definition of a "destructive device" (DD to the NFA buffs.) Your examples are due to a muzzleloader not being regulated as a "firearm" like cartridge breechloaders and to the general exclusion of shotguns. An 8 bore safari rifle (.835 paper case) gets a sporting exemption.


New member
Isn't the 20mm Armor Percing or explosive, so I guess the answer is yes it's too big and you could not use it for deer.
