Would/Do You Carry A "Pretty" Gun?


New member
I bought a Sig P938 SAS about a month or so ago and it is a very nice looking gun. It's nice enough that I don't know if I want to carry it. So I ran across a great deal on another P938 (AG model) that is pretty plain but would functionally be no different than the SAS. I can't afford to keep both of them, so, now I'm trying to decide between the two.

Do you carry a "pretty" gun or do you stick with something more mundane but functional. My normal carry is a 642, which I don't consider a "pretty" gun.


New member
Yes I carry a custom BHP, Dan Wesson 1911 CBOB and a Les Baer. They are pretty but they are still tools.


New member
Pretty Guns

One of the drawbacks of the Pride Of Ownership is that you hate to beat up stuff that is really nice. Bought a brand new high grade Browning Cynergy Trap Combo with the high gloss (unfortunately) stock and the first day on the range one of the guys asked to see it and put two nicks in the forend with his college ring. I always take off all watches and jewelry when handling my guns or someone else's. But that being said, I bought it to shoot it.

My carry guns are different. They are in an out of leather and meant for a real specific reason, so I have three that I don't care about wear in the bluing (one is blue, 2 are SS) or grip wear etc.

So, personal preference and tolerance level of wear, plus tolerance level of reduction in resale value.



Nothing like a Glock for me. My guns are meant for one purpose only and looking at them is not one of them. My guns are meant to distribute deadly force when required.


New member
The wear received by a carry gun is perceived, by me, as illustrative of a bond that exists between the gun and its operator. That bond is the highest trust that a human and an inanimate object can share.

If I may anthropomorphize for a moment, I'm sure that a carry gun is happiest when carried as opposed to being squirreled away in a safe somewhere.


I never understood safe queens either! Frankly, I find "loving a gun" to be a troubling human characteristic associated with omniscience. My male maturity is not determined by safe queen handguns.:rolleyes:


New member
If I buy it then it gets carried, shot, etc., regardless of who makes it, and how ugly or pretty it may be. It's a tool first and foremost.

If I want a nice firearm that I don't want getting messed up then it will go in a display case or on a wall, and I don't have any like that yet!


New member
Nope, beauty, and "prestige" are not what I want in a carry weapon. Or hunting rifle for that matter. Accuracy, and total reliability are what is "pretty" in my gun "tools".


New member
Nope, beauty, and "prestige" are not what I want in a carry weapon. Or hunting rifle for that matter. Accuracy, and total reliability are what is "pretty" in my gun "tools".

I think that your error is believing that these are some how mutually exclusive.


New member
Reliably, Function, fit, and if it looks good its a plus. Never bought a gun on looks, its just not that important. Looks adds nothing to function and a ccw gun shouldn't been seen till its needed.

Just my 2¢


New member
I carry nicely finished higher end and custom guns. I don't give up any utility for it, my guns are extremely accurate and function exactly as they should. No reason a working gun has to look like a Glock.


New member
Reliably, Function, fit, and if it looks good its a plus. Never bought a gun on looks, its just not that important. Looks adds nothing to function and a ccw gun shouldn't been seen till its needed.

Exactly!!! :D


New member
Do you carry a "pretty" gun or do you stick with something more mundane but functional.

Right but that is not what you said... Lets take a look.

Nope, beauty, and "prestige" are not what I want in a carry weapon. Or hunting rifle for that matter. Accuracy, and total reliability are what is "pretty" in my gun "tools".

You added prestige as if it is a negative trait. Then you go one to add accuracy which is really not needed in a CCW beyond 7 yards IMHO. At distances longer than that there are more often than not better alternatives than firing a CCW weapon. Also total reliability is only achievable in a vacuum not in the real world.


New member
Reliably, Function, fit, and if it looks good its a plus. Never bought a gun on looks, its just not that important. Looks adds nothing to function and a ccw gun shouldn't been seen till its needed.

LOL. Again you are treating things as if they are mutually exclusive when they are not. Many things which add aesthetic or cosmetic value add to their function. I think the part of your statement which I put in bold is simply false.

There are so many examples. Take this gun for example.

Each one of these upgrades add to the cosmetics and function of the gun.

  • Wide flat trigger which is more responsive than stock.
  • Wide notch night sights
  • Custom welded thumb safety which has a positive click when engaged and disengaged unlike the factory part.
  • Robar NP3 finish which make the gun stronger, it has an alloy frame, and protects the weapon better than the original blue.
  • Upgraded sear and hammer set which improve the trigger performance.
  • Grips which are thinner and give the gun a better feel in the hand.
  • Front and rear grip stippling adds tactile feel improving grip.

Are all of these necessary? NO. Do they make the gun look better IMHO yes! Do they improve the performance of the gun again IMHO yes! So I think that you are way overstating your mutually exclusive traits.

Now no one is saying you can't or should not carry something utilitarian but lets not speak in absolutes when they are simply not accurate.


New member
Do you carry a "pretty" gun or do you stick with something more mundane but functional.
Right but that is not what you said... Lets take a look.

Nope, beauty, and "prestige" are not what I want in a carry weapon. Or hunting rifle for that matter. Accuracy, and total reliability are what is "pretty" in my gun "tools".

You added prestige as if it is a negative trait. Then you go one to add accuracy which is really not needed in a CCW beyond 7 yards IMHO. At distances longer than that there are more often than not better alternatives than firing a CCW weapon. Also total reliability is only achievable in a vacuum not in the real world.
Not everyone wants to drive a white F150 with roll up windows and no A/C. Sure, it gets the job done, but there's more to life than just getting the job done. I prefer carrying a gun that is more accurate, that has a better trigger, that has been enhanced for improved function and greater reliability, and looks better than every other mass produced, flat black, striker fired clone. Nothing wrong with them if that's what you want, but being strictly utilitarian doesn't make them better.


New member
I've bought plenty of guns because of their looks, and their function was not compromised. Now I do have (and use every day) a very large tool box filled with hand tools, air tools, pullers, etc.... My tools are for distributing deadly torque while building an engine!;)


New member
Nothing prettier to me than a gun that I put some holster wear on. To that point though, I won't buy a gun that someone else put the wear on. I know it's silly, but I want to personalize it myself.;)

I have a Sig P238 HD. Very nice looking gun. Nice stainless finish and wood grips. I have been carrying it in the plastic holster it came with and a Nemesis pocket holster. I see no holster wear yet, but I'm sure it will look better when I do.