Wonderful dreams


New member
So I had this great dream last night, made no sense whatsoever! But I'll share anyways.

I was at the library looking for a book about, well never mind that, would take a while to explain, but anyways, I'm at the counter and they sell guns at this library. Actually, they also do trades as well, if you have a rare book of good value, you can trade for a gun. They had this nice .45acp, turned out to be a Springfield Armory, the loaded one, but it was different. The frame was shorter in height, and in length, had no guide rod, when the slide was back, it went back a lot further it seemed than a regular 1911. Had a 5 inch barrel, and the barrel had kind of that rocking thing that locked up during firing, but while the slide was back it could sort of 'freefloat' just a bit. I know, weird!
And I'm talking to the librarian, were joking about what books you could trade in towards a Wilson Combat pistol, and my total bill was like $900 for the gun. My girlfriend was not impressed at all, but I'm just babbling like an idiot about such a great deal I got at the library.
There was only one real identifying mark on the gun, and when I looked closer, the logo was imprinted backwards. No idea why the Springfield Armory logo was backwards, my dreams never make any sense. And I never really remember dreams either, but I remembered two from last night. The other was more nightmarish, my truck somehow wound up breaking both axles, but it was close on the left side so the wheels just sort of crumbed beneath the truck. And it cost an arm and a leg to get fixed.

What dreams do you have of your guns?


New member
I don't dream about guns spacemanspiff. I encourage you not to eat heavy before you go to sleep. Selling guns at a library. Trading books for a burner. Thats funny : ) The truck falling apart and the fortune it would cost to get it fixed was the real bad dream/nightmare.


What kind of special strong ganja weed grows up there in that northern soil anyhow? :p The backward logo makes sense so that you can admire yourself holding the gun in the mirror and still read it. :)


New member
Thats the thing! I didnt eat hardly anything yesterday. Wound up falling asleep throughout '30 Days of Night', the few parts I was awake for was good, (like the response the chick fire marshall gave to the cop when asked 'the fire department let you carry that firearm?': "I wouldnt know, I never asked."), I got home, didnt even take off my shoes, I hit the bed and slept for 7 hours straight. I didnt even get a chance to eat my ice cream, wasted a good pint of Haagen Daaz that melted while I got some Z's.

From what I am told, FF, theres some pretty potent smokable stuff, but I am not into that. Think I'm the only person in the state who doesn't.


New member
The backwards Springfield logo is actually an anti-Springfield logo. If you pull the trigger, only flowers come out of the business end of the barrel.


New member
You have to use extreme caution if you ever encounter a backwards logo on a firearm as these are a clear indicator that the gun was built backwards and will fire backwards shooting the operator. They were supplied to the cia which planned to arm enemy countries with them. I am pretty sure they were developed by the same scientist that invented the top secret gay bomb. :confused:

Billy Sparks

New member
When I saw that Spiffy was having odd dreams I was VERY afraid to read this thread...shudder. You wasted ice cream??? God lord man what is wrong with you? Wait you have a truck? When did that happen?


New member
Yeah it was one of the 'special reserve' flavors too, hawaiian honey something or other.
Its nothing special Billy, had a friend working as a car salesman who convinced me I could afford a truck payment. Had it a little over a year now. 98 Silverado.

So no one else is willing to divulge their gun dreams? Come on! I aint the only one! :p


New member
I don't know about delving into my personal uncontrollable thoughts but I can point in some direction about your dream.

Is a site about lucid dreaming. It is a state of dreaming were you are concious of the dream but not in control. Reading in a dream has had many people scratching their heads. Some have stated that left handed people can read better than right handed people. People have reported reading backwards or not being able to at all. One thing common among people is the changing text of what they are reading. If you read something in a dream then look away and then re-read the same text it will most likely change.

I think dreams are kind of the last fronteer however I don't think anyone will get them down to a science. Good luck and happy dreaming.


I've said here before, I used to dream of shooting, but nothing happening.

Then I bought my .45s, and that changed.


Ever see that commercial for Alka Seltzer or what not, where the guy is attacked in his sleep by vicious Olives, Pepperonis, Chicken Wings etc...

Well thats me except I dream of Lugers and Broomies dancin on my distended belly.

Sorry but the dreams I have are definately not PG or even PG-13.

The last time I had one of those SWMBO popped up and told me I was a disgusting, perverted, smelly old man and that if I didnt stop, I would get the infamous Japanese rocket punch to the you know where. Those rocket punches, first developed by Japanese schoolgirls on Tokyo subway trains for pervert punishment hurt like a son of a gun!

WildowimdreamingAlaska ™


New member
The last time I had one of those SWMBO popped up and told me I was a disgusting,. ...

How do they know? How do they know? Out of a sound sleep yet.

As for your backwards logo, Spiff, I think you had the negative in backwards.

You know, I when I have a dream with a gun in it, it's never a specific one. It's always a generic rifle, pistol or whatever. I'm sure Freud could figure that out.


New member
Whenever I dream that I need a gun, it turns out I find a crusty old milsurp like a Mosin and can't find the ammo. NExt time I will try to remember to install the bayonet at least. ONce you get it to fire, it does amazing things. Then monkeys or something show up and the gun problems are forgotten....I guess I am sleep deprived by this job.


New member
I had a few dreams about guns
In most of them I cant pull the trigger on what seems to be a Glock.
Last one I had I was fighting with my wife cuz she cut all my guns in half trying to make herself a leg.
She kept saying Its my fault because the girl I like so much has a gun for a leg.
tylenal PM is the key