Wonder what his final grade was? :)

T. O'Heir

New member
'Stupidity' isn't an idea. It's a calling.
"...Most teachers would as well..." No they wouldn't.
Just a practiced test anyway, but most teachers are a great deal full of themselves and really have no idea what they're talking about. Some are outright unqualified to teach the courses they are teaching too.
Taught a 10 hour ConEd interest course in PC Repair a few years ago. Before I moved to London. Had a guy who was a high school teacher who was going to be teaching the same thing the following year. His only qualification/training was my 10 hour course. Told him he wasn't qualified and the kids would know more than him. Said, "I know."


New member
"I think anybody grading this would see the humor in his answer." You mean like the teacher who's 8-year-old student was suspended from school for three days after pointing a breaded chicken finger at a teacher and saying "Pow, pow, pow." You mean that kind of humor?


New member
'Stupidity' isn't an idea. It's a calling.

This is what bothers me most with this and other examples of pro-gun arguments. "The POTUS is stupid!", "The politicians are stupid!", "the Teachers and administrators are stupid", "liberals are stupid!", "Anti's are stupid!". Stupidity is the only argument given....which is in itself, quite stupid.

Those folks aren't stupid, they are intelligent folks that give reasonable, well thought out and in their eyes, legitimate reasons in their arguments. Many are elected to their office by other very intelligent people. Some are CEOs of major industry/business, and teachers and administrators are, if nothing else, college grads. Our response to these folks? They're stupid! No other argument, just 3rd grade name calling. Now who looks stupid? As a responsible gun owner, I resent those others that by using the "stupid tactic" make me look stupid and I definitely find no humor in it.

I learned 45 years ago in Debate class that once you lower yourself to name calling, you've already lost. I hope we have not already lost folks. I hope we still have legitimate and sound arguments to win.


New member
buck460XVR, I strongly agree with you about name-calling. And agree that many anti-firearm people are intelligent, well-educated people, whose ideas I find threatening because implementation of those ideas would disarm all of us and leave us essentially defenseless against armed aggressors.

So the ones who dislike us and belittle us for the crime of disagreeing with them are not the ones to emulate.

With that said, there is a segment of the population that has swallowed the idea that self-defense is immoral; that weapons are, in and of themselves, evil; and that harming another person is always wrong - even to defend another (innocent) person from harm.

I do not think these people are using their heads like intelligent, well-educated folks, they are behaving in a manner which can rightfully be characterized as "stupid".

I should delete this right now, and not post it - it will only get misread and irk people who will read it as my agreeing with the antis. Which I don't; but I do agree with you, that name-calling is counterproductive, and the people we think are stupid are best ignored, or (if one has the energy, and thick skin) reasoned with.


New member
I should delete this right now, and not post it - it will only get misread and irk people who will read it as my agreeing with the antis.

Folks don't realize that some of those folks that hate guns, don't hate the guns as much as they hate the image of Bubba the redneck having guns. A gun owner that can say nuttin' else other than...."duh....they're just stoopid!". Arguments like that don't win cases in a court of law, nor do they win arguments in town halls and Board of Education meetings, and the negative image it portrays makes us all look bad. The image other folk envision when they think of gun owners is not always a pretty one. Why do some folks continue to push that negative image I don't know.


New member
Tentative agreement that they don't hate guns as much as the image of "Bubba the Redneck" having guns... but I know some otherwise clear-thinking people who tend to believe that merely having (access to) a gun makes one more likely to loose self-control and shoot someone. They don't have guns because they don't trust themselves with guns - trusting "the masses" with guns is too big a leap.

And - having been brought to the point of smiling and walking away from discussions that turned into arguments - I think the tendency to dismiss antis as "stupid" may be a result of frustration.

Exactly one person - in all the people with whom I've had this discussion about guns - looked up the links to wisquars http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/index.html and the FBI Unified Crime Reports https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/ucr and got back to me with appreciation for pointing out where to get facts/statistics supporting my views. Nobody else ever has - they don't want to know, they want to ridicule and denigrate.

Anyway, your original point was that calling people stupid is actually pretty stupid, and I still agree with that.


New member
And speaking of "Bubba the Redneck" every time there is a shooting somewhere in the U.S. that makes the news, the media goes out of its way to air video clips of comments from the most foolish pro-gun person they can find just to make us all look irresponsible and stupid.:mad:


The Correct answer is "C". There is no political agenda to the test. Just a statement of facts. I think the kid understands just fine, and I appreciate his humor. Most teachers would as well.

You must have more open minded teachers than the ones I've come across lately..... IME, all the ones that looked at teaching as an art have been pretty much forced into retirement, and the rest are just there for the check ..... more interested in keeping Admins happy than actually encouraging students to think ......


New member
Folks don't realize that some of those folks that hate guns, don't hate the guns as much as they hate the image of Bubba the redneck having guns. A gun owner that can say nuttin' else other than...."duh....they're just stoopid!". Arguments like that don't win cases in a court of law, nor do they win arguments in town halls and Board of Education meetings, and the negative image it portrays makes us all look bad. The image other folk envision when they think of gun owners is not always a pretty one. Why do some folks continue to push that negative image I don't know.

I don't waste a lot of time arguing with idiots, so I have no problem with someone calling the antis stupid. Comments like the one above, one of many in this string, try to rationalize the argument and put the onus of "higher dialogue" on those of us who are pro-2nd Amendment. Most of us are reasonable and intelligent but I don't condemn anyone who says, "screw it" and gets in the face of the antis, verbally or otherwise.

Stop trying to be thought and conduct police- that's what the antis do. Hold yourself to whatever standard you want but lay off the superiority complex.


New member
Those folks aren't stupid, they are intelligent folks that give reasonable, well thought out and in their eyes, legitimate reasons in their arguments. Many are elected to their office by other very intelligent people. Some are CEOs of major industry/business, and teachers and administrators are, if nothing else, college grads. Our response to these folks? They're stupid! No other argument, just 3rd grade name calling. Now who looks stupid? As a responsible gun owner, I resent those others that by using the "stupid tactic" make me look stupid and I definitely find no humor in it.

Nobody can "make you look stupid" without your consent. I find plenty of humor in your "moral high road."

Someone's "intelligence," qualifications or achievements has nothing to do with their ability or right to express an opinion. In this country, the 1st Amendment affords one that right. Simply because an anti can offer a "reasonable," well thought out, intelligent-sounding, articulate argument doesn't negate the fact that they base their "anti" argument on emotion. Just because they sound "smart" doesn't change the facts.

Pro-2nd Amendment types have just as much a right to our opinion, emotionally offered or not- the difference is we have the law and Bill of Rights on our side. So ours is a little more than just an opinion in comparison.

The idea that "smart" antis should be afforded any respect because of their station in life is bogus. Their opinion is just an opinion based on their bias against guns.


New member
I woulda given the student an "A".

BTW, I were it not so serious a subject, I think there's TREMENDOUS humor in the anti-gunners' positions. I think antics like drilling a hole in the bottom of a sinking boat in the hope that the water will leave are hilarious. I regard 99% of the proposals by the "pro gun-control" crowd as being just about that rational.


New member
Nobody can "make you look stupid" without your consent. I find plenty of humor in your "moral high road."

Those dudes wearing tactical clothing and openly carrying long guns in coffee shops while posing for pictures made all of us responsible gun-owners look stupid. I certainly did not give them consent....maybe you did. Or maybe you were one of them, I dunno, but that negative image has done responsible gun owners much harm and gave a very negative image of gun ownership. If you think having high morals is humorous, I also don't know what to say. You prefer those without any morals then?

Just because they sound "smart" doesn't change the facts.

No, but the presentation of facts is what will win the argument, not name calling and belittlement. For those on the outside, presenting any argument in a organized and intelligent manner will get more attention than name calling, and the way facts are presented many times determines the result.

I don't condemn anyone who says, "screw it" and gets in the face of the antis, verbally or otherwise

I too have no problem with confronting antis directly, what bothers me, and what adds to the negative image of gun owners is when uninformed folks get red in the face and start spitting in someone's face while calling them stupid without being able to provide any other comments, facts or info. Stupid is what stupid does.

Pro-2nd Amendment types have just as much a right to our opinion, emotionally offered or not- the difference is we have the law and Bill of Rights on our side. So ours is a little more than just an opinion in comparison.

The idea that "smart" antis should be afforded any respect because of their station in life is bogus. Their opinion is just an opinion based on their bias against guns.

Anti 2nd Amendment types have the same rights and laws. The definition of the 2nd Amendment and other rights is what the argument is all about. Many folks use the term "unalienable rights" when it comes to gun ownership. Anti's use the same argument. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three other examples of "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which our government was created to protect. They claim gun control is needed to protect those rights. The definition of the 2nd Amendment itself is argued to be ambiguous, thus it is continuously defined by the SCOTUS and state governments. None of these has ever been successfully defined by just screaming "stupid!". I accept the fact there are folks out there with a different mindset when it comes to firearms ownership and nothing will change their mind, for whatever reason. There are also many folks out there neutral to gun ownership. I see no reason to alienate those neutral folks with the presentation of negative image. Like the independent voters in the upcoming Presidential election, they are the ones that will determine the outcome of this battle.

I seriously doubt that your opinion too, is not based on any bias you have towards firearm ownership. Kinda what opinions are all about. Otherwise they are call facts. Opinions many times are formed by the presentation of facts, otherwise they are just "stupid" opinions.:D


New member
Glad you took your time formulating a response.

Those dudes wearing tactical clothing and openly carrying long guns in coffee shops while posing for pictures made all of us responsible gun-owners look stupid. I certainly did not give them consent....maybe you did.

It's quite comical that you think anyone cares if you give your consent on their behavior. Your longwinded response here is even funnier.


New member
Insulting the intelligence and motives of people with whom you disagree is not debate, and it does not change minds or win converts. If you want to change people's minds, make logical arguments in a calm way, and listen to the concerns of your opponents and address them.


New member
I think this is part of the new education where kids are thought to think for a themselves....kind of outside the box of traditional school.....so, yes, a write in like e would be awarded full credit.:D


New member
The correct answer is C. For all we know the following question was based on what 2nd Amendment supporters believe, if some kid ignored the correct answer (maybe; B) It is a God given right) to express an opinion on a multiple choice test they'd be wrong too. Critical thought involves understanding every perspective.