Wonder what his final grade was? :)


New member
I'd have liked to see the teachers comments on this. :)

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New member
Since the title at the top of the page says "Practice test" I'll take a chance and say he didn't get graded.

Just sayin'...........


New member
Seems ironic on that question that all of the printed answers are usually reserved for NO gun control - public safety, liberty, equality, rights.......:rolleyes:


New member
The kid not only got a failing grade, but he was sent for a psychiatric evaluation and, probably, re-education.


New member
Don't you just love it when the educators turn into programmers?

"Gun control is about public safety." Therefore, guns are unsafe and gun owners are not to be allowed to have them without 'gun control'.

An honest question would have asked the student, "Those who favor or don't favor gun control base their arguments on what factors? Give a written answer in the space below. Factors such as liberty, equality, safety, and individual rights may be considered in your answer. Your answer should analyze why any factor is a consideration on a factual basis."

If not, then Question 20 should be, 'Explain why Question 19 is an example of indoctrination as opposed to free thought."


New member
Don't you just love it when the educators turn into programmers?

"Gun control is about public safety." Therefore, guns are unsafe and gun owners are not to be allowed to have them without 'gun control'.

The test question asks, "Those who favor gun control base their arguments on which of the following ideals?"

No where does the test or the educator claim anything, nor is there any indication they are trying to program anything......only the arguments from "those who favor gun control". Kinda like asking "what do folks that like to eat fish, like on their fish? Butter or tartar sauce?" No where does that question claim we all must eat fish with butter or tartar sauce. Reason most folks get answers wrong on test questions is that they don't read or comprehend the question. Your statement is a prime example.


New member
The Correct answer is "C". There is no political agenda to the test. Just a statement of facts. I think the kid understands just fine, and I appreciate his humor. Most teachers would as well.

If I were the teacher grading this I would give him an A for having the courage to write something in as his answer. I think anybody grading this would see the humor in his answer.


New member
You have totally missed the inherently leading point of the test question.

No I haven't. I just don't have your inherently suspicious nature of any gun control question.

We have one example of a test question taken out of context. We don't know if the previous or next question has to do with how those against gun control base their arguments. Odds are there is one. You are automatically assuming the test only presents one side of the story. To think that, you have also assumed that the students have already been previously taught that more gun control is necessary, and less gun control is evil, without any proof. Hard(actually impossible) to make that assumption based on only this one question, taken out of context.

While I think the student's answer is cute, I doubt very much if it was a student at all, more than likely, someone else with a agenda to push.