Will you use some of your tax refund on gun-related purchases?


Staff In Memoriam
Thanks to all of you who do not get a refund... It goes towards our 20 fold interest in the form of E.I.C. We pay in under $400 and get back $5k+...:eek: Hey... I ain't for it but I ain't gonna turn it down:D


New member
No refund here ........but I do have the disease.

I've been considering another 1911 from Wilson Combat ( Protecotor 5 inch / all stainless ) ....or another Sig X-Five ( in 9mm this time ..)....


New member
not gonna get enough to purchase a new gun, since mom and dad still claim me. that and i havent worked since september. ill spend my less than 100 dollars on some reloading components


New member
IF I get one, I'd love to spend it on guns, ammo and gold. Yes gold. But alas, the child needs braces, cars need work............


New member

+4 Patriot76. Funny how history repeats.

"Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'"
Bob Dylan


New member
What's a refund? I'm self-employed! :( Besides, I just bought a new gun (XD9 sub compact) and holster (Crossbreed Supertuck). :)


New member
Maybe a Heckler+Koch USP V1 45acp in Desert Tan or Olive Drab, or a Sig Sauer 1911 Revolution.
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New member
Seeing I trapshoot every Sunday, I'm going to put part of my refund towards buying a reloading rig. Want to start reloading 12 ga. shells.


New member
Sorry but....

If you're getting back enough money to buy some of the stuff in these posts you're not doing it right.

If I get back less than $10 I'll be tickled!! Means I kept my money instead of loaning it to the government for negative interest . (When you consider inflation)

Rich Miranda

New member
Sorry but....If you're getting back enough money to buy some of the stuff in these posts you're not doing it right.

If I get back less than $10 I'll be tickled!! Means I kept my money instead of loaning it to the government for negative interest . (When you consider inflation)

I wasn't going to address this directly since it is off the topic of firearms, but it keeps coming up...

I paid about $600 in taxes. My standard deduction was $11,400. My exemptions were $18,250. That's more than I made in the year which means I owe $0 in taxes. Then add in the EIC and child tax credits, which total over $8,000. I get all that back (well, technically, paid to me). There's a couple more credits in there too, and I also get my $600 back.

So, no free loan to the government.... just a poor man with a large family, who doesn't make much money. As I've said before, this has been a tough year and a half for me. My 2009 income is literally 30% of my 2007 income. That's a 70% loss. Even a decent refund doesn't make up for that.

Mods, I realize this is off topic. Feel free to delete it. I just wanted to address this specific issue.


New member
Refunds are good, but if you don't have a lot of deductions that change from year to year, and work as an employee with a steady income, adjust your withholding to where you will come out within a couple of hundred bucks either way. Then, on payday, take the difference between your paychecks and bank it. $50 bucks worth of interest buys something, right? And you can tap the money all year, not just once.

Better yet, put half the 'new money' into another bank for your old age, and leave it there to add up every paycheck.


New member
Not sure what we'll get back this year but I always hold on hope that my dear, sweet wife(she might be reading this over my shoulder:rolleyes:) will put a piece of it in my "gun fund".


New member
what refund? i'm still waitin on my stim-u-ass check:confused: all the big boys and inner circle folks got theirs:mad:

the rest of us are still waiting for the bus to show up:(


New member
Probably not. All depends! I am looking at a few target rifles. If I do anything I'll go in that direction. I dunno :) If something just jumps out at me.....


New member
actually,yea.Gonna use mine to get my 50BMG back.I had it stolen going on 2 years ago.Police recovered it dumped behind a building.Barrel rusted,stock split,scope distroyed.The DA here in Etowah County Alabama ain't worth a crap.I called several times and the last time was about a year ago when I got a sob story and a "you can't get blood out of a turnip" speech.Just found out one of the lil hood rats has a warrent out for him for passing bad checks.So,yea,I am spending $1800 of my money to get the Big Bertha rebuilt.