Will they eat oranges.......??


New member
Went back and looked at the oranges today............not one touched. And what is the most frustrating is that one of them rolled about in the dirt about 20 FEET away.......

Hog Buster

New member
markj you jogged my old memory.

When I was about 9 or 10 years old I was living in Arkansas, in the sticks. On one trip back from civilization my uncle and I rounded a bend on a dark gravel road and there were wild hogs everywhere. They were laying in the road kicking, trying to run and falling down, trying to stand up only to have their legs buckle and generally in complete disarray. What could be wrong with them?

They were drunk! They had found one of the local moonshiners mash pile and partaken thereof. It’s been over 60 years ago and I can still see those drunken swine staggering around on the road. One of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.........
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